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Alicia And Hereafter

It's about time to finish up the carriage's modification as well.

Finishing up Lucy-chan's room(canopy room) was the most laborious.

Well, since I handled the most troublesome part of measuring and cutting up the wood pieces with the skill, it was something like a self-assembly furniture kit though.

As for the space inside the carriage, it's a 'you can't hear the sounds inside from outside, but you can hear the sounds outside(including Lucy's room)'......kind of one-way soundproofing.

【Magic Soundproof Treatment】: Has the effect of making it so that the sounds inside the carriage are not audible outside when the dividers・doors on both sides are closed

......I'm starting to get the feeling that everything will work out somehow if you just attach 『magic』 to it.

It feels like it'll drive Mayria insane eventually.

What's the soundproofing for?

I wonder what it's for.

In any case, I managed to give the bare minimum consideration to Lucy-chan.

Should I also open a hole on top of the canopy and make it so Lucy can stick her head out?

......her head will be targeted by monsters huh.

After that,

【Demon Lord's Gene: Jamming】:Disperses the reaction・presence of Lucy(Demon Lord's Gene) to the entirety of the carriage and its vicinity when Lucy is in the carriage.

It's iffy whether it has an effect or not. The Hero's power, when it comes to anything related to the Demon Lord's gene, becomes iffy after all.


"What, Shino?"

"It's my relationship with Princess Alicia"


'I'm not interested', you say?

From Yuri's perspective, I wonder how she feels.

Is she just resigning herself to the situation because she has no right to refuse? Well, whatever.

In any case, I had a relationship which didn't go all the way to doing it with her for about 3 consecutive days so that it doesn't become unnatural.

I want to make it so that Princess Alicia seduces me on her own.

She may be acting, but making her come after me on her own is a component in opening her heart.

As for Alicia, it's not that she hasn't opened her heart at all.

The fact that she's permitting us to have a physical relationship one way or another is big. The problem is, what comes after though.

A woman who opens up her heart with penetration and climax, but closes her heart when she snaps back from the aftertaste.

I guess I may as well drown her in pleasure, Alicia.

After setting off, we're gonna have endless sex inside the carriage.

"Will we depart tomorrow?"

"The carriage's preparation is finished, so it's up to Princess Alicia"


Lucy-chan is leaning back in her seat arrogantly.

It's like she's saying, 『the journey for me to become the strongest Demon Lord is finally beginning huh!』.

"Here, apple"


I hand Lucy-chan an apple, and she starts munching and eating it.

......isn't she becoming an animal all the way down to her heart? I guess I'll have her show me her diary once in a while.


"Alicia-sama, how are things around the castle?"

"As of now, there is no report that any monster appeared, Mayria-sama"

That alert, I wonder what was it?

"It's just that"


"......at the Adventurers Guild, Sword Saint Gromond is losing his temper, and the regular work is stalling"

......what are you doing, Sword Saint-sama.

"If the Hero didn't appear, he would have a future where he is Alicia-sama's partner and is promised a place in the Royal Family around this time after all......"


Hmm. It's my fault, but it's Alicia's discretion when it comes to this after all......


"Hero-sama, is something the matter?"

"No, I was wondering if Alicia-sama might get kidnapped"


It's the cliché, isn't it, an abducted Princess-sama.

The Hero, sets off on a journey to rescue the princess.

"......it is not impossible huh"

"Ma-, Mayria-sama?"

Is it not impossible!

"Gromond-sama, we do not know how much he wishes to be a part of the Royal Family, but....... If it is to destroy the trust that the citizens and the King have in Shinta-san as a fiancé and to set things in stone with Alicia-sama and make her listen to him....... Supposing his attachment towards Royal Family is that strong, there will be no other method"

"No, in that case, it will all be for nothing if we end up knowing that the culprit is the Sword Saint, no?"

"He can probably just use the Chivalric Order and whatnot, the pawns. ......he may have bandit group underlings as well, you know?"

Oi, don't go saying overly convincing things, Mayria.

Mayria's father and the Sword Saint were friends, weren't they. She's guessing that, as friends, he might've done similar things.

It's a world with solid regional self-governance, and banishing criminals outside the territory works, so the Sword Saint would have such underlings as well?


Well, it's no more than a speculation after all, and we know he's losing his temper as well, so it'll work out somehow.

It's just me being wary of a cliché development after all.

"I understand your worry. But, the journey from tomorrow onwards is accompanied by danger. ......we have to do something about a problem like that by ourselves one way or another as well"

Alicia says with incredible determination.

"That is true huh"



"Then, Alicia-sama. It is alright to assume that the departure is tomorrow, right?"

"Eeh, Mayria-sama"

I guess it's a kickoff party. And I was told to go and bring Yuri out from the carriage as well.

"Well then, Hero-sama, everybody. To the Demon Lord subjugation from tomorrow onwards. For the sake of our kingdom and, more importantly, for the sake of the world. We will depart!"


"Understood, Princess Alicia"

'Ohー!', Lucy-chan raises her hand.

Lucy-can is somehow the one who's the most motivated.




In Alicia's private room, I sit on the edge of the bed and place Alicia's head on my lap.

I, stroked her beautiful golden hair like I was combing it.

......when we're like this, we're an ordinary pair of lovers.

I very much want to gobble her up, but I won't invite her on my own.

Although we went sex-free for 3 days, since I did it with Yuri and Mayria as well during that time, I can bear with it today. Probably.


"Are you worried? Alicia"

"I......am. Nevertheless, my determination to set off on the journey does not waver. I had also been raised for the sake of that after all"

"Is that so"

Pat Pat. Should I make it so that I can activate the Lust Tattoo in a soft voice?

"Alicia, may I talk about Japan?"


I, talked about Japan to Alicia.

A man talks about himself when it's time to hit on someone.

In other words, now.

It's a bit difficult if you tell me to talk about what's good about Japan.

The other party is a Princess who has a sense of duty to subjugate the Demon Lord, is used to the Royal Family's lifestyle, and is wary of Otherworlders.

Earth, is probably not a world she would particularly yearn for. I won't say it's completely without its appeal though.


"It is a world without monsters, Alicia-sama"


Isn't this the selling point? ......I guess it won't have any appeal for the Royal Family where having a knight with them is normal. They have to feel the threat of monsters in their everyday life. Mumumu.......

"......if, you end up going to Japan again......please search for my family, Alicia"

"............eeh, Hero-sama"

I, take out an envelope I'd hidden in my breast pocket.

"Alicia, here"

"That is?"

"It is a letter"

"A letter?"

"Yes. It is a letter from me to my family. ......honestly, I think it will be difficult to convince and explain it to them if I don't go personally though"

Even if they're able to believe the truth, she's the kidnapper after all, Alicia.

"However, living in the Otherworld with nobody to rely on is probably worrying. ......my wish, affects Alicia's curse, right?"

"Eeh, yeah"

"In that case, if you meet my family......even if the same thing occurs in the future, I believe you will not get thrown into the wilderness"


"There are no monsters over there, but you might encounter wild animals and get injured. An of-age woman with no relatives, and furthermore, you cannot prove your identity over there, you will be imprisoned or taken advantage of"

"......I see. It is a town life huh"

"Eeh, I am a commoner"

In the world over here, I acquired the occupation and title of Hero and Knight, but all of them are things that depend on Princess Alicia.

Uーn. As I thought, the Princess isn't inviting me on her own. As long as I don't do some tricks with the skill, that's how it'll be huh.

"......since it is the day before the departure, shall I comfort Alicia"

"............I am alright since I did it by myself"

What did you say? I missed out on the Princess' masturbation! I may not be able to monitor her constantly, but nevertheless, what a waste!

Furthermore, currently, the Princess has a body that can only do it thinking about me......what a waste!


"No, I see huh"

Even though I'd have rushed over and comforted you if you just told me.

The Princess should've experienced it personally as well, that rather than doing it alone, it feels better having it done by me, thanks to the skills.

Shitー. I guess I may as well set it to a body that cannot come unless it's touched by me.

No, her heart's issue-wise, that'll be putting the cart before the horse huh.

"Hero-sama, seemed like you were busy with accompanying Yuri-san and Mayria-sama after all"


Well, it's true that I'd been embracing Yuri and Mayria in the few days where I refrained from having sex with the Princess though.

She found out huh.

Well, it's inside the castle after all.

Which means, Mayria's masochistic fetish is exposed as well, and the Princess' trust is......?

"Even inside the carriage, it seemed you were having intense fun huh? To think that you were doing it, inside the carriage the Hero uses, in preparation for the journey"

Nn? She's talking about me doing it with Yuri?

I didn't have any rough-ish play with Yuri though, this time around.

Rather, I embraced her in a pure-love manner.

Yuri, she'd always been restricted while we did it until now, but since I know that she empathises with me in her heart, I deliberately go for a pure-love manner here.

It seems she felt embarrassed instead at the sex which doesn't just satisfy her carnal desires, but satisfies her mentally.

It had a lovey-dovey vibe, I treated her like a princess, and I managed to pull a lovable behaviour like that of an ordinary girl out of her.

Somehow, I have a feeling that my distance from Yuri reduced even further after that. Well, it comes with her shamelessness at the same time though.

......that aside, the carriage has been fitted with soundproofing. It's a set-up where the information inside won't leak outside.

At first glance, she's reproaching my sex with Yuri in a jealous manner, but......she's pretending that she knows the sex with Yuri, and not Mayria, who's in the Royal Castle, was intense.

In other words, it's that huh?

She stole Yuri's sensation with 【Summoner's Bracelet】, and enjoyed a pseudo-sex with me masturbation using that?

I guess it's something like I embraced not just Yuri, but Alicia as well that night.

It's becoming even more of a waste.

"I want to cherish my relationship with all 3 of you after all"

"Yeah. I am not reproaching you for that"

Uーn. It might be good to have her be jealous over here at least though.

"It's just that"


"......in the journey from here on out, I would like to ask Hero-sama to constantly be by my side"


I think, well, that's how it'll be, though.

"Does that mean, constantly at night as well?"


Hoo? That might also include the management of the Hero in a sense, but does it mean that from here on out, she only acknowledges me doing it with only her, or a 3p or 4p?

Is she getting attached or whatnot?

Or is she going about it in a bodyguarding sense.

I gave her a sneak peek at the possibility of her own abduction after all.

There's no problem in the eyes of society even if I, her fiancé, her knight, be with the Princess even in her bedroom.

It's like something everybody knows after all.

"Understood. From here on out, I will always be by Alicia's side"

"......eeh, thanks, Hero-sama"

I can't read the Princess' plans, but I guess I'll take it as it made progress.......

It may not go to the extent of having sex, but Alicia invites me into her bed and sleeps using my arm as a pillow.

......so, what is with her heart not opening up with this?

Is there a limit to the orthodox approach, or is the relationship until this point the state where 8 skills unlock.

......is it no good that I didn't fulfil Alicia's fetish?

Her desire that I revealed with the skill is masochistic.

However, I'm the only one who knows of that desire, and the person herself probably neither knows nor does she acknowledge it.


In other words, I ought to, perform acts that make Alicia know that she's a masochist?

It's the pure-love route with Yuri instead, so the humiliation route is actually the right one?

I'll not just romance Princess Alicia to survive, defeat the Demon Lord, and return to Japan; I'll make her know her own fetish, develop it, and train her.

That's the Demon Lord subjugation journey.

......as always, the hell is that.

However, as an approach, judging from the half-baked unlocking of Skill No. 9......it's feasible?

"Good night, Alicia"

"Good night, Hero-sama"

As far as the Hero and Princess' romance goes, it went smoothly. From here on out......I'm gonna aim to unlock the skill by fulfilling her personal fetish!


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