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Louisa-nee-sama's Romance


Louisa-nee-sama's Love

Love Bearing Fruit

I couldn't hide my astonishment at the romance of the 15-year-olds in this world.

Well, nevertheless, Louisa-nee-sama managed to find love within this noble circle, and furthermore, it looks like it'll bear fruit. There's probably nothing more blissful than something like this.

In any case, since it looks like there isn't any problem with where Nee-sama's love is going, I decided to return to where Okaa-san is. Stellaria should be with her as well. I levitated up to a height slightly above a person's head and searched for Okaa-san and Stellaria.

I then found the two of them right away. It's because the two of them are remarkably beautiful. They're both tall as well. They're likely over 170cm.

You can even say they're overly beautiful and dignified. I wonder if it's because of that. I also have the feeling people aren't really approaching them. I make my way in front of the two of them and speak to them while still levitating at eye level.

"Okaa-sama. Stellaria. Sorry to keep you waiting. I went to check on Louisa-nee-sama's crush"

"So, how was it?"

"It seems to be the eldest son of a Duke household called Robin Krueger. After observing him and reading his heart, he was actually smitten with Louisa-nee-sama"

"My! Didn't Louisa think that Robin isn't interested herself?"

"Yes. That's what I heard. But, apparently, they do like each other; they just lack confidence. I suppose it will probably be fine since he managed to hand over his present and ask for a dance just now?"

"But, Okaa-sama. Is it not very rare to marry out of love in this world?"

"Yeah. I think it is uncommon, especially among nobles. They have not decided to go all the way to marriage yet, but it is probably no problem if the other party is Duke Krueger's household. Louisa sure found happiness huh"

Everybody, seems to be talking about something while glancing over here from afar, but nobody approaches us. That was what I thought when a pair of middle-aged couple approached us. They were Stellaria's parents.

I could tell that Stellaria tensed up.

"If it isn't Armeria-sama. Tsukuyomi-sama. Thank you, for saving my wife's life the other day"

"Marcel-sama. How were you after that? Is there any pain or bleeding or whatnot?"

"Yes. I became completely better, so much so that my condition has become even better than before. Thank you very much"

"That's great"

"By the way, Stellaria. You are marvellous today. I mistook you for somebody else!"

"Thank you. Okaa-sama"

"Umu. Stellaria. I was surprised too, you know"

"Otou-sama. This is also all thanks to Tsukuyomi-sama"

"What? Tsukuyomi-sama? Could it be that, it already came to that?"

Oi oi, what are you saying I can even do with this body!

"Wha-! What are you saying! He simply gifted me this dress"

"My! Is that dress a gift from Tsukuyomi-sama!"

"Yes. Okaa-sama"

"It really is a wonderful dress huh. Stellaria. You are dazzling. You found happiness huh"

"Ye-, yes. I-, is that so......"

Stellaria faced downwards slightly and blushed red on her cheeks.

"Tsukuyomi-sama. I am counting my daughter on you for the rest of her life"

"I am counting on you too"

Stellaria's parents smiled happily and went off

"I got counted on somehow though. Okaa-sama"

"Yeah. You got counted on. Through and through"

"Hey, Armeria! Is that just now not Marquis Neumann? What's the matter? Ah! Are you Stellaria?"

"Onee-sama. That's right. It is Stellaria"

"Mari-sama. It has been a long time"

"My! Stellaria the Sword Saint has become so beautiful! What is the matter?"

"Mari-kaa-sama, do you know of Stellaria?"

"Fufu. There is no way a Princess does not know of her own country's Sword Saint. Stellaria was also in the same grade as Armeria after all. Her skill with the sword was incredible ever since she was a student"

"I am humbled. Mari-sama"

"So, why such a massive transformation?"

"Onee-sama. Stellaria's Okaa-sama, whom you saw just now, had an incurable disease, but Tsukuyomi treated it after being consulted by Stellaria. After that, Marquis Neumann offered up Stellaria to be Tsukuyomi's chamberlain as gratitude"

"My! Something like that happened! But, becoming a chamberlain has nothing to do with becoming beautiful, no?"

"Well, that would be the case normally, but it is Tsukuyomi we are talking about here. How do I put this, he goes overboard"

"Oh my. He went overboard and ended up laying his hands on her huh"

"Mari-kaa-sama! You are saying things that will give people the wrong idea again! I did not lay my hands on her"

"Why is she able to become this beautiful then?"

"No, Stellaria is a beautiful woman to begin with. She just did not have confidence in herself. That's why I thought I would gift her undergarments and a dress and get her to have self-confidence"

"My! That dress is a gift from Tsukuyomi-sama huh!"

"Yes. Mari-sama"

"Then, Stellaria became gorgeous because she adored Tsukuyomi-sama huh"

"Er-, erm......that is"

"It is fine, you know, Stellaria. I managed to give birth to a child despite being 35 years old thanks to Tsukuyomi-sama's guidance, you know. When Tsukuyomi-sama turns 15 years old, you are still 31 years old"

"Ye-, yes"

"Wa-, wait a minute......don't go off on your own......"

"Onee-sama, let's keep it at that"

"O-, oh my. Yeah. Well then, Stellaria. I wish you all the best"

Mari-kaa-sama said all she wanted to say and ended up going to where House Edelweiss gathered.

Stellaria is blushing and facing downwards. Geez! Saying unnecessary things......

It came time for the dance after that. Couples gathered in the centre one after another and danced.

As expected, I can't dance. Stellaria and Okaa-san both don't have a partner. As I was staring at people I didn't know dancing in that manner, Onee-sama was about to come down from the stage.

Robin was waiting below the stage, and after escorting Onee-sama down the stage, they carried on to walk out into the centre and started dancing. Both of them were smiling brightly and looking like they were in bliss.

"At what age do you start practising dancing in this world?"

"You learn in it school. From 10 years old"

"Aah, that is why they can dance that well huh"

"Tsukuyomi also has to practise it"

"I have never danced before in my previous life. I wonder if I will be able to do it?"

"Everybody can do it if they practise. Well, some are good at it, and some are bad at it though"

"As I thought huh. I don't really have the confidence"

"I will practise with you"

"But I guess it will probably be quite some time in the future until our heights balance"

"Ara, both Otou-sama and Gento-sama are tall after all, and it was said that when Otou-sama entered school, he was already taller than an adult woman, you know. In that case, I reckon Tsukuyomi will also be about the same as me if we give it another 5 years"

"Eh? At 10 years old? Aah, but it's true that there were quite a lot of tall elementary school students even in my previous world huh"

And then, Louisa-nee-sama's coming-of-age party, wrapped up with Onee-sama in bliss.

I sent Mari-kaa-sama, Julia-kaa-sama, and Eldelweiss Kingdom's King and Queen back with Teleporation and returned to Nemophila.

Louisa-nee-sama immediately brought her maids and showed up when I returned to the room.

"Onii-sama! It is all thanks to Onii-sama. Look. I received this necklace. And a dance too!"

She showed me the pendant that glistened on her chest proudly.

"Congratulations! Onee-sama"

"Eh! N-, no way. Congratulations, you say. The marriage proposal still hasn't come in, you know......"

Nee-sama is blushing crimson red on her face and placing both hands on her cheeks.

"Okaa-sama. In this situation, can the woman only wait for the proposal from the other party?"

"That is basically how it is. There are also instances where it ends up being decided by their fellow parents though"

"Then, can we not just have Oji-sama be the one to speak to Duke Krueger's household?"

"A royalty and a noble marrying out of love rarely happens in this world, no? We should probably push things forward if there are no issues with the noble ranks"

"That is, true"

"How about Onee-sama be the one to talk to your Okaa-sama or Otou-sama?"

"Eeh! I will be the one to talk about how I want to get married, is it!"

"Is it embarrassing?"

"It is embarrassing"

"Is that how it is. How about I be the one to talk about it then? That Robin is smitten with Nee-sama"

"Eh? What is that about. Onii-sama!"

"Ah! N-, no, don't worry about it. Please forget about it"

"Aーーh! Onii-samaa! You are hiding something huh! Please tell mーe!"

"Aah, I let it slip huh. It can't be helped. Today, before Robin greeted Onee-sama, I read his heart"

"My! Really?"

Onee-sama is holding onto her mouth in surprise.

"When I did, he was thinking 'the Louisa-sama today is way prettier than usual', or, 'I wonder if she'll like my gift', and he was also worried about something like, 'will somebody like me be able to speak to her'. In other words, he is already smitten with Onee-sama, but it seems he's slightly not confident in himself"

Onee-sama's face is steadily turning red.

"But, perhaps he got the confidence from the fact that Onee-sama liked the necklace, he managed to even ask you for a dance. That's why his feelings might gain momentum after today, and things might move forward"

"Onii-samーa!! I'm so happy!"

Doーn!, she ended up leaping at me. Like I said, it hurts when you hug me so tightly.

Onee-sama, who finally calmed down, retreated with her maids to her room. When she was going back, her maids all bowed deeply at me before leaving.

1 week after that. From Duke Krueger's household, an official letter asking for Louisa-nee-sama's hand arrived.

Happily ever after. Huh.

Autumn arrives in the Nemophila Kingdom. This world's calendar is entirely the same as Earth's. And it seems there's an autumn harvest festival in the first week of October.

In our room before lunch was me, Okaa-san, the 3 maids for today, and Stellaria as well.

"Okaa-sama, I heard from Alberia that there is a harvest festival, but what kind of a festival is it?"

"Every 2 years, the country and Feudal Lords fork out money and treat the commoners"

"Treat? With what?"

"Mainly food and alcohol, ingredients. They cook the food at the restaurants in the town and treat them for free"

"Hoo~ how magnanimous huh"

"Magnanimous. Is it?"

"Aah, it means generous. It's wonderful huh. Are there any other kinds of performance?"

"Everybody, eat and drink, sing and dance. It is incredibly festive, so there is no particular performance"

"I see. Then, is there anything for the Royal Family and nobles?"

"There is nothing in particular"

"Eh? There is nothing even though it is a harvest festival?"

"Eeh, the Royal Family and Feudal Lords are sponsoring side after all"

"Ahー, I see. That is boring huh. Then, how about we have a mixer or something?"

"Mixer? is it? What is that?"

"We will create a place that lets men and women encounter"

"Lets men and women encounter? is it"

"Eeh, for example. Where do unmarried marriageable-aged women like Tsukikage-nee-sama, Nina, Ria, Mira, and Stellaria encounter men normally? After graduating from school, there are few chances to encounter them outside the workplace, no?"

"Eeh, marriages are normally decided by the fellow parents' discussion or a proposal from the other party after all"

"To deal with that, we will hold a dance party and have unmarried women and for the men, those who are unmarried and those who are married and want multiple wives, to participate"

"You find somebody whom you are interested in and is interested in you in the middle of that. If there is someone you're interested in, you will speak to them, chat with them, and dance with them, and if it goes well, you can just develop it into a relationship"

"How is that different from a social circle? Until now, there have always been encounters in a social circle if you are a noble, you know"

"Yeah. But in a social circle, there are people like your parents, elderlies, military personnel; everybody, aside from those who are underage, participates, right?"

"Eeh, that's right"

"If that is the case, it will turn into searching for a partner under your parents' supervision. Their child won't have any freedom there, don't you think. Furthermore, there are people who have nothing to do with marriage and people who do not wish to get married as well. Excluding such hindrances, only the very people who wish to get married gather solely for the sake of searching for a marriage partner"

"I see huh"

"It's just that, if their child goes out to such a party, the parents will probably give instructions like to 'avoid that family' or something though"

"First, it's finding your partner by yourself, instead of having your marriage with somebody you don't know arbitrarily decided by your parents like it has been until now. That is the refreshing part"

"It's just that, there are ranks to nobles in this world after all. They may be interested in each other, but if their statuses are too far apart, there will probably also be instances where marriage is difficult, so it is probably necessary to divide them up by ranks right from the start"

"Yeah. It might be a good idea to divide them into high-ranking nobles and low-ranking nobles"

"Also, since you will probably not know the other party's rank and whether or not they're married when you are meeting for the first time, I think it will be a good idea to attach a colour-coded ribbon on their chest"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Is that a system that exists in the Otherworld?"

"Yes. Earth, at any rate, has a lot of humans after all. If we don't do this, you cannot quite encounter your soul mate. It is to increase the chances of meeting. Ria. What do you think?"

"Yes. I think it is an extremely good idea"

"Then, let's do it, shall we"

Because the ratio of men and women isn't the same in this world, I think we ought to increase the places for them to encounter even by a little.

That said, I've never once participated in such a party in my previous life though.


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