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Louisa-nee-sama's Romance

The start of summer arrived in the Nemophila Kingdom.

In addition to having gotten in shape, Mimosa and others went through a month of etiquette course and were each deployed to their chosen workplace without any issues.

From what I hear, since the four of them haven't come of age, it seems they were given the position of everybody's younger sisters, and they're having them help out while playing. Which means all four of them are working hard and being of some help.

As for the children of the three House Laurel's wives, all three were boys. House Laurel had a massive celebration. Since I didn't want to get involved with the successor dispute, I just congratulated them and quickly took off.

Leaving that aside for now, Okaa-san is fidgeting.

"Tsukuyomi. I, have a place I want to go. Would you like to go as well?"

"A place Okaa-sama wants to go huh. I wonder what kind of a place it is. I will go, of course. Is it just the two of us?"

"No, let's bring Nina and company, Tsukikage, and my older sister's child, as well as Stellaria"

We set off in the afternoon of the day once a week when Tsukikage-nee-sama rests and when all three maids are on duty.

We all got on board the Royal Palace's small-sized ship, and I also got Kohaku on board the baggage room. We packed a carpet, a tea set, and confectionaries as well.

It's 20 minutes away from slowly flying with Stellaria's piloting. The lake is due north of the castle, but this is due west.

A broad hill appeared when we got out of the forest. Nemophila flowers bloomed on the entire surface of that hill. The Nemophila flowers have blue petals, and are white in the centre. That blue spread across the whole hill, making it look entirely blue. The verdure of the forest on both sides of that hill were like frames, making it like a painting.

"This is the scenery Okaa-sama wanted to see huh"

"Eeh. It is amazing, right?"

"Yes. Very......"

"It is really pretty huh!"

"It is my first time coming to such a beautiful place!"

"It is like a dream world"

"Right. It is like a dream world, isn't it"

A dream world huh......indeed. I have never seen a place with this many of the same flowers blooming beautifully like a carpet before. They might exist if it's a place like a botanical garden or a park that's managed though.

I levitated in midair, holding hands with 2 people at a time, and lowered them to the ground from the ship. We spread out the carpet we brought below a tree with fewer flowers, and all of us sat down and had some tea. Kohaku was running around happily for a bit, but he lay beside me pantingly before long.

"Is the country named Nemophila Kingdom because there are these Nemophila flowers?"

"It seems nobody knows whether the Nemophila flower or the country name came first"

"Aah, I see. Which means it's also possible that they tried to plant tons of Nemophila flowers because the country's name is Nemophila Kingdom huh"

"I hear they plant the flowers here every year, you know"

"Is that so; all around such a wide area! It's incredible huh. Nevertheless, how beautiful. I like the colour of this flower"

"This blue is being used at various places in this country"

"Aah, Stellaria-sama's knight outfit's blue is also this colour huh"

"Come to think of it, the dress Tsukuyomi gifted Stellaria previously was also such a magnificent colour huh"

"Eeh, that's right. I think I also took a liking to that dress because of that"

"My! Stellaria, did you hear that? Lucky you huh"

"Ye-, yes. Thank you"

"My! Onii-sama, gifted Sellaria-sama a dress? I, did not know about that"

"Eeh, Tsukikakge didn't see it after all"

"My! What a pity. That dress. I want to see it!"

"Yeah, there is Louisa's coming-of-age party in July. She can just wear it there"

"Eh? Am I participating in the dress? I will not be able to be Tsukuyomi-sama's escort that way"

"You can just tag along not as an escort, but as a chamberlain on that day"

"My! I am looking forward to that"

"Bu-, but, I believe, both my parents will likely participate in that party......"

"My! You don't want to show your parents?"

"N-, no, it is, uh. When I think about what they might say to me......"

"Stellaria. It will be fine. You can just stand beside me proudly. If they say anything rude, I will not keep quiet. Please don't worry"


"My! Onii-sama! Could it be that the two of you are already engaged?"

"W-, we are absolutely not!"

Stellaria is blushing crimson red and panicking.

"Is that so? But I could only interpret it that way from the words of Onii-sama just now though"

Louisa said mutteringly.

"Everybody got it with this as well, right? The noble's common sense doesn't work on Tsukuyomi"

"Ah! That's right! My apologies"

"Eーh? In that case, I cannot rebuke Stellaria's parents even if it turns into something like that?"

"Yeah. Tsukuyomi's position-wise, you could. But it will probably get misunderstood by the people around like now"

"I-, is that so......I will be careful"

We spent a relaxing time and had our fun chit-chatting after that.

After that, Louisa-nee-sama was busy in preparation for her coming-of-age party.

I guess the effect of Silenus-obaa-sama's genes started coming out for Louisa-nee-sama; her brassiere size grew naturally from A-cup to C-cup in the half year since.

It seems the person herself isn't satisfied even with that, so it's decided that she'll do something about it with the dress' design and the brassiere's lifting effect at my suggestion, and it's decided that I'll bring Onee-sama to Gloriosa Boutique.

Of course, since she couldn't say 「make me a dress that makes my breasts look bigger」 in front of everybody, before bringing Onee-sama over, I teleported to Gloriosa Boutique, informed Ariana of Onee-sama's hair, eye, and skin colour, her height and physique, and her brassiere's size, which I heard from Onee-sama's maid, and had her prepare a dress that matches Onee-sama's wish.

Ariana seemed to empathise with her around those parts and understood right away, so it was a great help.

I also informed Ariana beforehand of when we would come to the store and used Teleportation all the way to the store with the Royal Family's small-sized ship, bringing Onee-sama's maids along as well.

In front of the store, all the employees were bowing deeply and waiting. As you would expect of a store the northern big country's Princess patronises, it seems hospitality of the highest standard is a must.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. Your Highness. Welcome. I am this Gloriosa Boutique's store owner, Ariana Gloriosa"

"I am Nemophila Kingdom's Princess, Louisa Nemophila. Nice to meet you"

"Now then, over here please"

We are served the highest-grade tea in the reception room, and the explanation of the dress begins.

"This here is our store's newest summer creation"

"My! Magnificent!"

"Thank you. This here, it is a design that emphasises the breasts more gorgeously. Especially with the underwear created at Tsukuyomi-sama's suggestion, the breasts will look to be in an even more beautiful shape than usual. Furthermore, with this new skirt's accessories, we can portray Your Highness, the star of the show, more gorgeously"

"My! How magnificent! I would love to try it"

"Yes. Of course. We have it prepared over here. The attendants as well, please go together ahead"

"Onii-sama, excuse me"

"Onee-sama, please go ahead and take your time trying it out"

Ariana brought Louisa-nee-sama over after a while.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Now then, what do you think"

"Onii-sama. How is it?"

That dress was pink. But it's neither flashy nor childish. It's a pink with no seductiveness. And then that colour goes very well with Onee-sama's brunette hair and brown eyes.

And, after all is said and done, it's her breasts. It felt like it had the volume of an E-cup, even though it's actually a C-cup.

Her breasts' shape that is visible from the dress is depicted beautifully, and her waist is nicely constricted. There's a big and gorgeous ribbon attached to the waist part of the skirt.

"Onee-sama! It is wonderful. It has a mature vibe even though it is very cute, and it harmonises with Onee-sama's hair and eye colour. And above all else, your chest is beautiful"

"Really! Onii-sama!"

"Eeh, I am really surprised that it is so beautiful"

I ask the maid in a soft voice.

"Did I exaggerate it a little?"

"No, it is perfect. It is a great help!"

"Onii-sama, thank you, for introducing this wonderful boutique to me"

"Ariana. It looks like Onee-sama is satisfied as well. Thank you for the wonderful dress"

"My! It is my honour that you have taken a liking to it. Thank you"

Onee-sama returned to Nemophila in a good mood.

But this dress probably isn't going to get a guy wrapped around her finger......

Louisa-nee-sama's coming-of-age party is right around the corner.

I ran around, sticking my head where it didn't belong. First, Onee-sama's Okaa-san is Eldelweiss Kingdom's First Princess. That's why I'm thinking about having the King and the Queen, who are the Ojii-san and Obaa-san for Onee-sama, participate as well. For that, I'll go and discuss with Julia-kaa-sama, Edelweiss Kingdom's Second Princess.

I used Teleportation to the Moon Palace alone and discussed it with Otou-san and Julia-kaa-sama. Of course, I also verify with Louisa-nee-sama's aunt, Mari-kaa-sama.

Both Julia-kaa-sama and Mari-kaa-sama, on top of agreeing to it, offered to participate. The other Okaa-samas also gave their support, saying they'd come after looking after their children.

Over there, this time around, I flew to Edelweiss Kingdom with Julia-kaa-sama with Teleportation and sounded out the King and Queen about their participation. The King and Queen also readily adjusted their schedule.

It's decided that, on the very day, I will, of course, use Nemophila's small-sized ship, and first, I'll get Julia-kaa-sama and Mari-kaa-sama on board at the Moon Palace, fly to Eldelwiess Kingdom, get the King and the Queen on board, and fly to Nemophila Kingdom.

And then it's the very day of the party.

All the invited nobles of the Nemophila Kingdom had already arrived and entered the ballroom.

After confirming that, I went to fetch the Moon Palace's two, followed by fetching the King and the Queen of Edelweiss Kingdom. But I ended up fetching them quite early in the morning because of the time difference.

And since it was all with Teleportation, we returned to the Nemophila Kingdom in less than 10 minutes.

Nemophila Kingdom's King and Queen, Stuart-oji-san, Audrey-oba-san, and Okaa-san came out to greet us.

Immediately, we're led to the ballroom and introduced to everybody.

"Today's guests have arrived. Eldelweiss Kingdom's King Arthur Eldelweiss, Queen Evonne Gloxinia Eldelweiss, and from the Moonlight Country, Mari Nemophila-sama, Julia Eldelweiss-sama, Armeria Nemophila-sama, and Tsukuyom-sama"


Next, the Nemophila Royal Family's members go up on stage, and finally, Louisa-nee-sama is introduced.

"The newest member of the Nemophila Royal Family to come of age on this occasion. It is Louisa Nemophila-sama"

From the wing of the stage, Louisa-nee-sama makes her appearance. Donning the aforementioned dress, and wearing make-up as well.


"How beautiful......"

"My! So pretty"

Everybody in the venue held their breath at Onee-sama's beauty, and voices of admiration reverberated. Un. It's a great success.

After that, there was the King's greeting, and the standing buffet party started. The Royal Family's people are seated on the stage, and the invited guests get onto the stage one after another and communicate their congratulatory words to Onee-sama and family.

Since I'm on the invited guest's side, I'm not bound to the stage. Immediately, I switch to detective mode. First, I search for Louisa-nee-sama's maid, who's on the wing of the stage, find her right away, and speak to her in a soft voice.


"Ah! Tsukuyomi-sama. What is the matter?"

"The man Onee-sama has her eyes on, who the hell......no, who is it?"

"Ah. That would be, Robin Kruger-sama. The oldest son of a Marquis household"

"Is he somewhere visible from here?"

"Erm. Ah! He is over there. The individual who is about to get onto the stage next"

"Aah, that one with golden hair and green eyes?"

"Yes. Exactly"

"Got it. Thanks"

Hmm. That guy huh. Well, I guess he is a handsome guy. He looks wimpy though; that's Onee-sama's type huh. Let's try observing him for a bit. I decided to get onto the stage's wing, focus on that Robin or whatever his name was from the shadows, and read his heart.

As soon as Robin gets onto the stage, he's keeps on staring at Onee-sama.

『Aah, the Louisa-sama today is way prettier than usual......』

『What do I do. Will someone like me be able to speak to her?』

『The present I prepared. I wonder if she will like it?』

Hmーm. What. Robin likes Louisa-nee-sama as well, doesn't he. He sure is a bit lacking in confidence huh.

But it looks like he has prepared a present as well after all. I wonder if it'll go happily ever after if Onee-sama likes it.

Now then, here comes Robin's turn.

"Louisa-sama. Congratulations, for reaching adulthood today. This is a little token of mine. I would be delighted if you would accept it"

"Robin Kruger-sama. Thank you. May I take a look inside?"

"Yes. Go ahead!"

"My! What a magnificent necklace! I am very fond of it. Err, could you wear it for me now?"

"Really! Yes. Right away"

He's circling his hands around Onee-sama's neck and wearing the necklace. Robin's hands are shaking. How innocent.

"It is magnificent! Thank you for the wonderful necklace!"

"Aah! I am delighted that you are happy about it"

"My! Robin-sama......fufu!"

"E-, err! Louisa-sama. May I ask you for a dance afterwards?"

"Yes. Of course! With pleasure!"

Aah, how loving. This is where 15 years old takes you in this world huh.


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