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Slovenly Lifestyle With The Female Magician


The naked Mayria is comfortably depleted.

She's in a drained state on top of the bed.

The satisfaction of 'I depleted a blue-haired Otherworld beauty through the pleasure of sex' is amazing.

It'll end up like this if I devote the Hero's skill entirely to making a woman feel good huh.

When I also consider the Princess and Yuri's response, I wonder if it feels way better, even more so than I, a man, have thought? I've got no idea. It's the best if the clever Female Magician, ends up drowning in the pleasure of sex and becoming servient or something though.

It won't be that easy huh. Let's take it that her feelings are around something like 'it's precisely because it's a one-time-only relationship that I enjoyed the sex'. In the first place, unlike the Princess and Yuri, it's not like the initial value of Mayria's affection level towards me is low, so maybe that's why it's like this.



Mayria, moves and nestles up to my body.

Nn? Is Mayria the type that, after finishing sex, she wants to stick together?

I hugged Mayra's body back firmly.


Mayria is making an entranced expression.

She looks satisfied. At the very least, she isn't repulsed by the fact that she was made to climax over and over again.

I lend my arm to Mayria and give her an arm pillow.

Mayria lets whatever it is be done to her as well.

After placing her head on my arm, I hugged Mayria's shoulders and pulled her to me.


I make Mayria's posture one where she's hugging me.

It became a posture where her face......faces me, and it's easy to do it.


I carried on to kiss her and entwine her legs naturally.

I wrapped my hands around her naked waist and patted her head as well.

Her natural blue hair, really is great huhh. How do I put it, it feels like I finally came to another world. This is how it's gotta be.

"Shinta-san......it was extremely good......"


"Eeh, very......"

"It felt good?"

"......geez. If I say *those words*, my body will again.....end up becoming weird, right? I will not say them"

"It's fine, isn't it. If Mayria becomes weird, I'll properly do it until Mayria is satisfied again"

"Ah......chuu......nn....... You can't....... I already don't know, how many times I finished....... We are done for tonight"

While looking like she feels good, Mayria answers as such.

"For tonight? Then I can do it again if it's not tonight?"

"Tha-, that is......you know. ......Alicia-sama......she says, it is fine to have Shinta-san stay over, for about a week"

"In other words, I can do it for a week?"

"............u-, uh. Ye-, yes......"

A response with an endearing voice.

I ended up obtaining the consensus for a week of sex. Eh, it's okay?

It goes for Yuri as well, but somehow, how do I put it, their acceptance rate is higher than I expected. Skill correction? Hero correction? Is it really okay? Even though she's a noble daughter, her sense of chastity or whatnot.......

Ah, the 'Hero' is someone who can do position-wise? If the Princess wasn't like that, being the Hero's lover would sound relatively good. I don't really know the evaluation baseline in society after all, for the Hero.

It's kind of, 'what am I on about now after doing it', though.

"Nn, Shinta-san......"


In any case, I'll act in a way that increases the Female Magician's satisfaction level.

Let's stick our bodies close together, pat her head, and have her sleep comfortably.

We decided to rest naked, while I entwining firmly with Mayria, making sure that I don't let her go.



"Nn, morning"

After having a rest, I, who woke up before Mayria, waited for her to wake up while maintaining my posture. I was comfortably patting the body of her, who was not wearing any clothes, until she woke up.



"Fuu....... Shall we investigate it, whether or not it's Shinta-san's 【Leveling】's influence......"

"Investigate how?"

"......like this. Even just rubbing our skin together, ......is *good*. Haa......"

O-, ou. Is it okay to take it that this is the relationship you call 'lovers'?

Or is it really through the influence of 【Leveling】, that such an effect has been born?

When I consider the current situation where I'm being unexpectedly accepted, it is probable that it is the influence of the skill huh.

"We have to wake up already......"

"It's still fine"

"I have to send Alicia-sama off"

"If it's that, then there's no problem. I've properly......talked to Alicia-sama. Rather, it may be better not to go out now. It'll end up turning into something strange with the Feudal Lord-sama. It's better to leave it to Alicia-sama"

"......is that so? But,"

"I want to properly talk to Mayria, about the matters hereafter. As we are now"


I can't be letting her go yet after all.

"Mayria. Not just for a week, won't you travel with me from here on out as well? It's not like we'll leave the country right away. If I'm not wrong, it's the preparation period for about, 2 more months. It'll come after we've properly gotten ready"

"............uh. But, Otou-sama is"

"Do you just have to properly obtain the Feudal Lord-sama's permission?"

"......ye-, yes"

"I see. Let me just ask, he's not a father who'll get violent if you go against him, right? Though he seems really restrictive......"

Yuri's father, he was this type, wasn't he.

"He will not get violent. It's just that......he gets worried since I have no mother around, and there are the house's matters as well......"

Meaning, he has worries as a Feudal Lord, and for a daughter.

"If you accept the Princess' invitation, and go on the Demon Lord subjugation journey, won't your house's matters have assurance? I'd think that there'll be support from the Kingdom as well"

"......though that is true. ......what Otou-sama is worried about, is also my 'evaluation'......"


What is he worrying about?

"The very thing we are doing now......Otou-sama had considered it"


"......I am not talking about Shinta-san here, but the legends of the past Hero. Uh......the Hero is, recently......no, ever since the Hero Summoning's ritual was established, and the Holy Kingdom's doctrine was completed......it had been decided that the summoned Hero, is to be designated to be a man"

"The Hero a man? Why?"

"......because they are easier to control, and it has to do with the reputation issue in society, I suppose"


"A male Hero is......uh. I think there is the belief that if you provide him with a woman, then he will listen to you. And because they also have a good balance with the Holy Maiden-sama's clan......"

Holy Maiden's......clan?

"What do you mean the Holy Maiden's clan?"

"The Holy Maiden is, not, connected by blood generation after generation. ......though I do not know exactly since the details lie in the Holy Kingdom's technique. She is the *outcome* of the formation constructed throughout the entire country, so that she is born at the same period as the Demon Lord's resurrection, from one person amongst the women born in the Holy Kingdom"

Through the result of the formation, the Holy Maiden is born?

"I want to hear about it in detail......"

"It is simple. First, the Holy Kingdom possesses the power of *prophecies* in regard to the Demon Lord resurrection"

Prophecies!? There's such a technique!?

"The 【Holy Maiden Birth】 ritual, in contrast to the 【Hero Summoning】 the Holy Kingdom monopolises. The Demon Lord's resurrection itself, rather than an estimation from history......if it's the Holy Kingdom, then they have the technique and circumstances where they are able to merely estimate it, to a certain extent. And then, a formation has been constructed throughout the entire country so that the Holy Maiden is born in the country along with that. ......the Demon Lord's resurrection and the Holy Maiden's birth, happen at the same period. That's why the Holy Maiden being born, is a literal omen of the Demon Lord resurrection"


"The Holy Maiden is, born with silver hair and red eyes. ......it should be a different red from Yuri-san's eyes. The one and only beautiful *woman* with a rare power born in that era, in the Holy Kingdom, that is the Holy Maiden"

......is she an albino? The country has prepared it in such a manner, that that is born artificially?

"What a large-scale formation. The Hero Summoning ceremony itself seems to cost quite a bit of money as well, but isn't the burden bigger for the Holy Kingdom?"

"......it is their doctrine over there, so the Holy Maiden-sama's existence itself also establishes as a business, and the 【Holy Maiden Birth】 's ritual, it is something that has been constructed in the entire Holy Kingdom from a very long time ago, so the expenses shouldn't be that costly. The maintenance fee and whatnot as well......it is likely that, the maintenance resources are being secured through the very fact that people living in the Holy Kingdom"

Hmmm. I'm clueless when it comes to magic formations and stuff after all.

"Which means the Holy Maiden-sama herself is also capable of prophecies, however......I am afraid that those accurate predictions are impossible even for me. As expected, I do not think that it is an omnipotent power though......"

"......based on Mayria's theory, it's sucking resources from the other children born in the country? or, there's the possibility that the Holy Maiden-sama herself is a *manufactured hole* instead?"

"......I think it is the latter. In exchange for the birth of a woman with an intentional defect and beautiful appearance, and then who possesses a power, the children born in the Holy Kingdom are born healthy....... That is precisely why she is the *Holy Maiden*"

A woman born with a defect, for the sake of the health of the children born in the country.......

"............her lifespan feels short though"

"......I have never heard of, the Holy Maiden-sama living a long life"


Which means they're trying to make an ill-fated beauty destined to be unable to live a long life, into the Hero's bride?

Aren't they more messed up than the Kingdom?

"Erm, sorry. I want to return to Mayria's topic"

"......yes. Since the Holy Maiden-sama is, born as such an existence, it has been decided the Hero will be a man so as to be in contrast with that. It is an agreement between fellow countries. ......which means, though"


It's the same old Mayria-sensei, but how nice it is that she stays hugged tightly by me naked today.

"This world has taken the direction of, 'provide the Hero with a woman, and try to win him over'. You may be able to do something opposite even to a female Hero, but......if we are talking about the ease of acceptance, the former has a higher probability after all. And the ease of accepting the fact of 『heading into battle』 itself as well, the possibility of men accepting it is higher"

Well, uh-huh. That could very well be true huhh.

They might've called for a female as well with the past Hero Summoning, but......it's an abduction after all if I were to say it through Earth's perspective, this ritual.

Even if you provide them with an opposite sex with beautiful looks, they'll go, 『why do I have to set out on a journey in a dangerous and cruel country?』 or 『then, you can be the one to go, can't you』, and how do I put it, it feels like men can't say anything back.

A handsome man saying 'go and fight' to the female Hero, despite spouting gentle words and serving them, feels like it doesn't make sense.

On that point, if it's a man......well, it feels like they'll naively get pumped up just by being asked 'help me!' by a beauty.

If the treatment is good and the skills are cheat, you can even say that the Demon Lord subjugation itself is a reward.

'It's in a boy to aspire to be a Hero', they say.

"And, so. The generations of Heroes are men. And then they are welcomed by this world. They also have powers. By providing them with women, they try to have them listen to them as well. ......thereupon, you know. Maybe you can say that it is only natural......the Hero is often waited upon by many women. A harem, you know. There are many such stories left behind......hence, me setting off on a journey with Shinta-san, in other words, means, I will be seen as Shinta-san's woman as well by society......"

Ahー....... I see.

It's the Mayria who's a local idol. And then, that popularity is also useful in the preservation of the house.

In other words, her travelling alongside the Hero, is like a roundabout way of saying that the idol got herself a man.

It's a scandal.

However, if it's this attitude of Mayria's.

"But, you're going make the fact that you're my woman, a reality, right?"

I mean, I obtained the consensus for a week of sex after all.

"Th-, that is......true though. Uh"

Mayria who's embarrassed. ......as expected, it's that huh.

If this is her attitude while we're hugging each other like this after coming over and over again with sex......I guess I can take it as, she has completely accepted me. ......what do I do. I managed to drop the Female Magician through sex normally, you know? I had intended to grind her down like Yuri though....... Isn't she easy?

No, it's that huh.

If I interrogate her about Lucy-chan, she might go, 『It can't be helped if it's exposed! Our relationship ends here huh!』, and do a 180-degree turn.

Let's assume that, just in case.


"Yes, Shinta-san"

With a tone that feels like it's affixed with a heart mark at the end, Mayria responds.

"To be frank......I want Mayria to come together"

"Ye-, yes"

"Also, I want to research about the skill together. ......even as a woman, I want to embrace you from here on out as well"


"If I can just convince the Feudal Lord-sama, you will come with me?"

"..................yes. If Otou-sama agrees......"

"Society-wise as well, it's fine even if you're seen as my woman, right"


"Un. Thanks"


I hugged Mayria even tighter.

Uーn......I wonder if it's okay for it to be so easy.

Did the skill-infused sex feel that good?

It's erotic if that's the case though.

Something like an idol who follows the man because sex feels good.......

"So, I want to say this beforehand though"


"......because I'm an Otherworlder, I don't have the mindset of wanting to abide by this world's law no matter what. And......just because I'm a Hero, it doesn't mean I'm a righteous person. I'd like for you not to run ahead with that image"

"......? Eeh"


"Then, Mayria will stay naked today. Maybe I shall have you tag along with my skill's experiment"


"If Mayria is here with me, I can even spend the whole day today without leaving this room"

"What, do you mean by that?"

"Not just equipment, I can produce food with the skill too. Though I've also eaten them before. I sure would like you to have a look at such things as well. If it isn't poisonous even when it's eaten continuously, I can use it even in the Demon Country. I want to think about how much and how do I convey it to Princess Alicia together"

"......erm. Err, but all while we are naked......?"

"Even if Mayria puts on clothes, I can remove them instantly at any time. That's why I won't let you wear clothes today"

"Eh, eeh......? But it's embarrassing, so......uh"


I, hug the Female Magician even tighter.

"We will spend today like this without taking even a step out of the room. We'll discuss about the skill while hugging each other naked. ......don't you want to know beforehand about the skill that can render yourself fully naked at any time? If it's Mayria, you might come up with a countermeasure. I'll tell you the details of the skill comprehensively"

"E-, er-......m. But, Shinta-san, there are all kinds of problems that......"

"If it's the matters outside the room, I've left it to Alicia-sama and Yuri. The case with the Feudal Lord-sama as well. ......I think thinking about what I can do with this skill, would be the shortcut to persuading the Feudal Lord. ......I'll even use illegal means. I'm not a righteous Hero after all"

"............for the sake of being with me, is it?"

"Aah. And then, we'll discuss about the skill naked......and if Mayria gets into the mood again, we'll have sex. For the whole day today, let's spend it in such a slovenly manner"

"Tha-, that is, you know......erm"

The stuttery Female Magician Mayria.

......do I progress the conversation with the premise that she has already become my captive?

It does feel like, 'the hell I'm saying by myself', though.

"It's alright to resist, you know. With the magic Mayria is good at"

"Even if you say resist......Shinta-san, should reflect magic even without the shield, right?"


"Be-, besides, if I use magic, these handcuffs......like they did yesterday......will make my body burn up, right?"

"That's true too. And then if you fail at your magic and get turned on, let's do it again. That's why......if Mayria gets in the mood, if you resist, and if I feel like doing it, we'll have sex"

I put it out there bluntly. I don't mind even if I get hated if I think about what I'm to do after all.

"Shinta-san is......a pushy person huh......?"

"Yeah. But, Mayria. You, who light a fragrance that makes one's body burn up in this mansion and peep......don't hate it either, right"

In this environment, there's probably no way she can say, 'I don't like lewd stuff'.

"Tha-, that is......you know. Uh,"

"Well, even if Mayria denies it, I won't let you resist so I can embrace you over and over again though. Even your method of resisting, I'll seal them one by one"

"Th-, then......I cannot resist huh......"

"That's right. I'll have you drown in unescapable pleasure over and over again like yesterday. From here on until forever"

"Shi-, Shinta-san......"

She's not all that dissatisfied, and she doesn't try to let go of my body either.

"I-, it cannot be helped if I cannot resist huh......"

"Yeah. We'll be lovers from now on after all, and it just means you ended up dating a man like that"

"It-, it cannot be helped......"

Hmーm....... However, as expected, I think she can at least blow me away if she resists me seriously though.......


"Ohon. Shinta-san. Well then, uh. Please let me hear about it. About the real features of the skill"

"Got it"

I, while hugging the Female Magician, who's in the embarrassing appearance of wearing chain-removed handcuffs, a choker, and thigh ribbons nude, tightly from behind, talked about the skill's details.

It sure is an immoral lesson with a teacher-role intellectual woman.

"............【Otherworld Transportation Technique】, is it. And 【Absolute Counter】"

"Yeah. At the moment, this is roughly what I know about how the skills work"

I purposefully throw everything out there without hiding.

Because I have to get a grasp on how far I can go in regard to the Princess.

And then what I'm keeping under wraps in the relationship with Mayria is the information I obtained with 【Character Introduction】.

If she's this on board with the relationship with me, it's probably still too early to interrogate her.

"I see. Well then, wearing equipment on me directly......is also a part of it, but I have gone to Shinta-san's world once, right?"

"That's right"

If Mayria is cooperative, then even without transporting the Princess......no, I have to consider her misdeeds huh. It's an out if she simply has a sense of values of Otherworlder=Experiment Subject after all.

"Alicia-sama, intends to use and throw Shinta-san away, what do you mean by that?"

"......I'm able to monitor the Transportation Technique's target. Right now, I can see the vicinity of Alicia-sama and Yuri, the two of them, from afar"


As expected, even Mayria seems to be surprised.

"That's why I've also clearly seen Mayria watching at the view of the Flower Room, and masturbating"


The man she had sex with was a voyeur. It sure is the worst huh.

Being berated as filthy, as a pervert, will actually make it easier for me to do things in the coming future though.......

A person who's serviently accepting sex and indulging in pleasure, makes it difficult to put her through suffering.

"I-, it is not a power a man should be allowed to have by any means huh......"

"That I understand. But, thanks to this, I managed to find out Alicia-sama's thinking, and find out the skill's unlock conditions as well"

"......what do you mean?"

In any case, I talk about the Hero misfortune plan and the 【Key To The Princess Heart】.

"......I see. Doing something like that for the sake of restricting the Hero's skill......"

"Can Mayria unlock it? The remaining skills' lock"

"That......will probably be difficult. I already said it, but the summoner is a special existence to the summoned individual. It is difficult to intervene, and it will require Alicia-sama's cooperation even if I were to try to research it"

"Impossible then huh"

"......yeah. Also, if that is how it works, then it should not be a good idea to make Alicia-sama wary. If there is a 『temporarily』  footnote, then it might be possible for Alicia-sama to lock the skills even now"

That's what I was worried aboutt.

The possibility of skills that have already finished unlocking being locked.

"I'm experimenting using Yuri. On the Heart's Key, and the release conditions are,"

Submission, coexistence, and copulation.

"Did you understand anything from it......?"

"......what I understand from that information is, it is not the unlocking method that Princess Alicia had expected. Which means. In other words, it is an unlocking method that ended up being born through a loophole. Alicia-sama, did not wish for such a relationship with Shinta-sama at the point of time before the summoning? right?"

"No mistake in that"

"Yet how, did you get into the current relationship......"

"Nnー. I'll skip that. Because the explanation is too long"

"......well, sure"

"Does it feel like you know other locking methods?"

"No. However, positively accepting deeds she doesn't want done by the person she dislikes, the person she rejects, is probably the unlock condition's common ground. Likely......the unlock condition you obtained through testing using Yuri-san. There is no deeper meaning in that"

"......no deeper meaning?"

"In the case where 『what Alicia-sama doesn't want to admit』 and 『Alicia-sama and Shinta-san's relationship』, and 『what Alicia-sama ended up accepting as a result』 occur, the lock will probably come off. ......in the first place, the skills' lock itself requires the will to *reject* after all...... If the rejection in the manner of 『I will definitely not go into such a relationship with the Hero』 that Alicia-sama had expected just crumbles, a new lock should come off. It is like not an intricate condition, but anything is fine as long as it fits the bill"

"......erm, for example?"

"U-, uh....... It is hard to say it out though"

"I'd like you to let me hear it. ......or, is it better for me to ask Mayria's body?"

While saying that, I stroke the inner side of the Female Magician's thigh in a straight line.

"Ah......n-, not yet......"

Yet? Uーn....... She's really accepted me huh.

What is it? I'm Mayria's preference and am right up her alley, something like that?

I've got no idea.

"Ko-, kohon. S-, so what I am saying is. For example, ......having sex with Shinta-san, and then, accepting that and finishing. For Alicia-sama, that should probably be against her wishes. 'Finishing through the deed', will become the reality of 'she ended up accepting Shinta-san a decent bit' after all......"

Hmm. Even the experiment on Yuri has produced that result after all.

"Do I just have to, get Alicia-sama to accept it while teasing her?"

"That would be it. If I have to make another example......"

"Yes, Mayria-sensei"

"──dying alongside Hero Shinohara. ......accepting that. Probably. Alicia-sama, if her initial arrangement is 『I intend to bury the Hero after I finish using him』, then what she ought to reject the most should be 『carrying the resolve to share the same fate as the Hero』 . Judging from the situation, and the currently available condition, there is probably no mistake that this is the unlock condition. And then, that......should be locking Shinta-san's, strongest Hero skill"

............that, well.

Isn't it difficult?

In other words, it's probably the aforementioned Hero's strongest skill of a wide-area decimation type.

That should be the skill the Princess wants to seal above all things.

And then, there's no way the Princess is considering something like dying with me.

Huh? Isn't it a dead end?

"To fulfil this condition, it will probably be difficult in a short-term relationship. I think that is precisely why it is necessary to travel alongside and foster a bond"

I've got no confidence at allー! I wish she'd watch and learn from the Female Magician who became servient through punishment sex!

"Er-, err......Shinta-san"


"Is it not about time......we enter the bath at least......?"


"Ye-, yes. Uh......yesterday's portion is, leaking......"

Aah. I let it out a good bit inside......without holding back after all.


"Ye-, yes"

"Is there contraceptive medicine or something in the world on this side?"

"...........there is. I, uh. Do not have them though"

There is huh.

"Tell me the name of the medicine. As expected, it's scary to produce medicine with strange skill settings. I'll key in the existing information accurately and manufacture it through the skill. ......on top of that, I want to have Mayria to see if it's alright"


Alright. Next is, next is......that.

"About the bath"


"Let's do an experiment in place of the bath. ......what I've already done using Yuri is doing *cleansing* with Yuri's magic power and my skill"

"......you can do something like that?"

"That's right. That 【Black Straitjacket】 comes with an automatic cleansing feature. It's equipment that can be laundered at any time. It'll wash her body for me as well while it's at it"

"............what a convenient outfit huh"

"I wonder if that's also possible because the negative function of a 'restriction' is attaining an equilibrium with the convenient feature?"

"No....... If she already knows Water Magic, it is probably no more than substituting the act of composing high-level magic like me, with Shinta-san's skill. ......in other words, it is something possible even without relying on the equipment if you have properly learned magic"

"I see. Then Mayria can also do it?"

"......I can if I compose it. However, it is easy if I can have Shinta-san's skill supplement it......I guess that's what it means?"


As expected, Mayria-sense is quick to understand.

"Then, will you cooperate with that as well?"

"Eeh, understood"

Al-right! Then......shall we do it. Slime creation!

While cleaning up the filth......I've got to tease her too!

The Female Magician is, unexpectedly servient, so I can't bring myself to put her through a painful experience.

......but, just putting her through erotic experience is probably fine.

Rather, we became lovers after all. This, too, is one component of the play! Haahaahaa.......


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