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White-Haired Young Girl

"Haaー, it was gorgeous huh〜"

Mei, who sees the carriage that had gone around the Royal Capital yesterday and mutters in fascination beside me. It was real beautiful. So much so that I also ended up unconsciously freezing.

"Haku thinks so too, right?"

"Nn......it was real beautiful"

When I nod my head, Mei goes 「right〜」 and smiles satisfiedly. I'm a bit jealous of Mei. Because she's able to express her own emotions honestly.

Due to the past experiments, I pretty much no longer exhibit any kind of human emotions. I'm always having an expressionless face. Although it's fine nevertheless normally, I wish I could smile at times like these at least.

"Ah〜, but, I'm looking forward to it as welll〜. Next week, Roy and I will......ehehe〜"

Mei thinks of next week's matters and grins. There's a wedding ceremony in Arcadia State next week. It seems Mei and Roy, whose hometown is Arcadia State, and a noble daughter called Miklua will also have a wedding ceremony together at that time.

"You're looking forward to it huh......Mei......"

"Un, I'm su-per looking forward to it! Ah, by the way, how about Haku?"


I turn to Mei and tilt my head. It's because I didn't understand what Mei was saying.

"I mean, Haku likes Onii-chan, right? Have you not thought of being together with everybody?"

I end up going into thought at Mei's words. I do indeed love Onii. This life is a life saved by Onii. If it's for Onii's sake, I can do anything.

However, when I think about whether or not I want to be the same as everybody else, I end up thinking 'is it okay'......'is it alright for such a blood-soaked me to be together with Onii'.

Besides, I think Onii hasn't thought about something like that either. If I'm going to force myself in now and ruin the relationship with everybody, the relationship with Onii, then I'd rather.......

"......ku! ......Ha......ku! Hakuu! What's the matter; why are you blanking out?"

"......sorry......I was thinking about something"

"Geez, don't scare me. I ended up getting frightened because you stopped moving all of a sudden, didn't I"


After that, Mei tidied up the dishes on the table, and she ended up heading to the Royal Palace. The other kids are playing outside, and Roy has also gone to the place of the Marquis he's been going since some time ago. It's just me now.

......I wonder what I should do. Ferris-nee has to do the preparations for the final wedding as well today, so for the commission......I guess I shall go and accept it alone. Ferris-nee probably also can't accept commissions after getting married, so I'm going to have to accept it by myself.

Now that I've decided as such, let's prepare. I equip my own protective gear and wear the whole-body crimson red shortsword Bloody Cross and the whole-body jet-black shortsword Soul Crow on my waist. My precious items.

I equip spare shortswords as well besides that, and my preparation is done. I leave the orphanage that Mei and others are operating. The kids wave their hands at me with a smile as well, but I wave my hand expressionlessly.

They're used to it now, but if I remember correctly, at the initial stage, they saw my face and cried. It's one of my painful memories.

I head to the Guild even as I'm thinking about such things. This path is the same path I always take, so the uncles and aunties I encounter say hi to me with a smile.

They're good people who treat, even such an expressionless me, kindly. I finally arrived at the Adventurer's Guild while bowing to those people. When I go inside, everybody is searching for all kinds of commissions.

I was pestered here previously as well, but ever since Onii's Shishou, the consultant, came, there were no longer such things. It's because if anybody does something like that, a hellish special training or something awaits them.

"My, Haku-chan, you're by yourself today, how rare......ah, I see. Ferris-sama has the wedding ceremony's preparations after all huh"

The one who spoke to me when I was about to search for a commission as well was, a receptionist of this Guild, Mia. The exclusive receptionist of Ferris-nee and me. It seems she came here because she's the Guild Master's acquaintance.

"Nn......that's why, I'm alone today"

"U〜n, although I know that Haku-chan is strong, even temporarily is fine, how about grouping with somebody? Although strong monsters don't really show up around these parts, nevertheless, it's not guaranteed. An Orc General showed up in the forest previously and gave us a shock after all"

Mia looks at me worryingly. Although I'm thankful for that suggestion, there's nobody who will want to group up with me, and I have no intention of grouping up anybody other than Ferris-nee either. When I shake my head, perhaps Mia gets it as well, she says, 'I thought so'.

I went on to go and look at the bulletin board pasted with commissions, and youngsters about the same age as me were there looking at the bulletin board.

A youngster wearing armour and holding a sword and a shield who's a head taller than the other kids, a youngster carrying a bow on his back, and a girl wearing a robe and holding a stave. They're probably newcomers since I've never seen them before.

I search for a request beside them. My current rank is B, so I'm searching for a commission amongst that, and the armoured youngster beside me

"Hey you, over there is the place with B Rank commissions. You can't accept it with your current rank, you know"

, says something like that to me. Making a face as though I myself have made a mistake. However, it's a pain to deal with him as well, so I carry on to rip off the commission.

The one I took is the collection of Borazon Crab's tomalley. The Borazon Crab is a crab about 3 meters in size, its shell is extremely hard, and it has claws so sharp that, let alone your arm, even your torso will end up getting snipped off if you get caught by it.

It's just that, it's not like this Boranzo Crab's entire body is hard, it has a part of mere several centimetres that's soft. It's an opponent you can defeat if you aim there. It's extremely difficult to aim there though.

Ferris-nee gave up halfway through and tried to destroy its shell through force after all. I defeated it in her stead though.

As I held the commission form and was about to head to the reception where Mia was

"Hey you, wait up. I've said that the commission form you'd taken is wrong, right"

the youngster grabbed my shoulder......even though I wanted to quickly accept the commission. I wish he'd stop getting in my way. As I was about to brush off the hand sitting on my shoulder while thinking that, over there

"Oh, Haku. It's rare for you to be by yourself, isn't it"

the consultant showed up. I'm honestly no good with this person. I myself have the guilt of coming to kill this person, and I was easily restrained at that time after all.

"Solo commission today?"

"Nn......Ferris-nee has preparations"

"I see. How about I go as well then? My body is stiff from staying coop up all the time as well, you know〜, and I coincidentally wanted to exercise"

The consultant says just that and pulls the commission out of my hand.

"Ermm, let's see here......Borazon Crab's tomalley, is it. Those unnecessarily hard crabs huh"

The consultant said just that and quickly brought the commission and went all the way to where Mia was. Even though I still haven't said anything, it's been decided that we'll go together.

"Now then, let's go, shall we, Haku. Aah, and you youngsters. This kid may look like this, but she's a B Rank Adventurer, so worry not"

The youngsters open their mouths gapingly at the consultant's words and look back and forth between the consultant and me over and over. It may be a misunderstanding, but he said it to me for my sake.


I'll say thank you as far as it goes. The consultant takes out a greatsword from her Item Ring and shoulders it while looking at such me.

"Let's go then, shall we, Haku. It looks like you have something on your mind, so I'll hear you out"

......uu, me brooding got exposed. I looked at the consultant, who left the guild cheerily, and Mia, who waved her hand at me, and ended up reluctantly following the consultant.


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