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After Story. Wedding Ceremony Arc: Match Start

"Oooh〜, what a tremendous number of peoplee〜"

I arrived at the exercise ground that'll be today's venue with Alexia and company, but I was overwhelmed by the tremendous number of people. What I'm looking at is the audience seats......not, but the exercise ground.

There's naturally quite a number of people in the audience seats as well, but they've come to try and take a look at the me who's marrying Alexia and company. However, people such as soldiers and mercenaries equipped with weapons somewhere on their bodies are standing in the venue in numbers that don't lose to that either.

I guess they number at probably about two thousand. I suppose it's precisely because this venue is for troops' exercise use that this number of people can fit. Do they know who hired them?

"Uwaa〜h! There are tons of people huhh〜, Mamaaa!"

"Fufu, yeah, Elene, there are tons of people huh"

Beside me, Elene, who held hands with Aerith, is surprised by how many people there are and is frolicking about. Allen ended up being surprised by how many people there are and burying his face in Alexia's chest.

"Lei-kun, I think it's impossible for you to lose, but be careful, alright?"

"Aah, everybody, rest easy and watch me"

"Papaa, do your bestt〜!"

"ーー! Ouu! Papa is gonna do his best for Elene!"

Kuu〜〜〜! Working hard for this one month was worth it! I started out as an Onii-san¹ she didn't know, but she got used to me bit by bit after I showed her the golem drama play, and now she even calls me Papa.

Allen is still not to the extent of Elene, but even so, he no longer gets frightened and hides like before.

I separate from everybody and make my way as it is all the way to the venue. The rulers of the respective countries have already arrived at the VIP seats. Meteor-san is, of course, there amongst them as well. Mirua is with Alexia and company, so she's probably fine.

When I go all the way to the venue, the challengers split to the left and right like they're parting. The nobles who were clamouring yesterday walked over from that parted gap with the fatass as their leader.

"Gufufu, you sure have the gall to come without running away against this number of people as your opponent huh. But, you can't win with this number of people, right. I'll spare just your life if you surrender now, you know? Now, what will you do?"

Bloody smirking and smirking, this fellow really is disgusting huh. I take out Galadolg from the Item Ring and make a circle roughly a meter in diameter around myself. Since the fatass and company are looking over suspiciously, while smirking

"Just doing it normally isn't interesting, so I'll give you guys a handicap. You guys win if you get me outside this circle, and I win if I render every participant you guys arranged unconscious, or surrender. How's this?"

I say, and the nobles around turn beet-red in anger, but the fatass alone stops the nobles around with a smirk. This fellow alone is awfully composed huh. What is it?

"Gufufu, sure. However, the fight will not end even if you leave that circle, even if the winner is decided, you know?"

The fatass says that and leaves the venue as well. Anyhow, he'll probably say 'kill him' or something. And then, the participants prepare their weapons and prepare to cast their magic at the same time as the fatass and company leave.

If there are those who get pissed hearing the winning condition I said just now, there are also those who look at me and turn pale. Paying no mind to something like that, Dargris stands there as the referee.

Dargris is the aide of General Meria, Runwalker Kingdom's General, and a father of three. Rene gave birth to the eldest son, and Alma gave birth to twin girls, was it. I catch sight of them playing with Elene and company occasionally.

"Well then, the match conditions are exactly as you heard just now. Both parties, make sure to not overdo it"

Dargris says that, but his eyes are directed at me. I ain't gonna overdo it. I'm serious, you know? There's no way I'll make things bloody with Allen and Elene watching, right.

"Well then......begin!"

Magic is fired altogether simultaneously as Dargris gives the signal to start. Ooh, it's not like they practised, and yet they sure are fired at the perfect timing as though they'd talked about it beforehand huh. The Magicians who fired them, are looking and laughing at the me who isn't trying to leave the circle though; now then, what should I do.

I can release my Magic Power as it is and blast them away, but they won't know how impressive it is with that. In any case, I guess I'll get rid of them with Galadolg in a way that I don't leave the circle.

I pour Magic Power into Galadolg and sweep away the magic that heads towards me one after another. Oh, it's gotten somewhat fun. Erasing them with the tip of the spear, sweeping them away with the butt.

From the participants' eyes, it probably just looks like magic is raining down. I can hear laughter mixed in after the magic. It's just that, what I can hear even clearer than that is

"Papaa〜, fightt〜!"

my beloved daughter's cheer. If I have my daughter's cheer, it doesn't feel like I'll lose even if I take on the Demon God one more time!

"I'm gonna show my cool side to Eleneー! Destruction Spear of Lightning Strike(Takemikazuchi)!"

I pour in my Magic Power and mow the electrified Galadolg horizontally. My vision instantly cleared up. In front of that is the sight of the fatass who's stuck laughing loudly. He's probably in a spot where my death can be seen the most clearly or something. Bloody being in the very front of the audience seats.

A barrier Caro created has been put up so that harm doesn't get to the audiences, but let's break through it and off that fellow, shall we. But, Caro will get angry if I do that, so let's not do that. You sure got off easy huh, fatass.

During that time, the vanguard bunch amongst the participants who were surprised at the fact that I wasn't hurt at all readied their weapons and closed in on me.

Amongst them are soldiers whom I've seen before here and there. Huh? That fellow, if I'm not wrong......that's right, the fellow called Grand. I've seen him talking to Aerith several times before. That fellow had also joined huh. I don't know if it's under somebody's orders, or if it's of his own free will though.

I blow the participants that close in on me away so that they don't get near the circle. To the extent that they go unconscious so that they don't get seriously injured. It's fine even if they get injured since I can heal them, but honestly, it's a pain to do it with this number of people.

Around the time I rendered about 100 people unconscious, they ended up disappearing from my vicinity. Grand also bloody fall back even further than before. What should I do. Maybe I should blow them away with magic or something.

As I was thinking about something like that, a masked man showed up from within the participants. And then the fatass' tension rises. Is he someone that fatass hired?

A head of black hair with a Pierrot-like mask. Holding Magic Sword-ish swords in both hands. Dual-wielding huh. And then a Magic Power I had felt before.

"......here I go"

It's been 3 years huh. I don't know why he's hired by that fellow, but let's give it a go, why don't we.

"Aah, bring it"


¹:お兄さん(Onii-san): In this context, an older young man


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