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Mayria-sensei's Demon Lord Lecture (Non-Erotic)

"Full body cleanse"

While carrying Yuri, I wash her outfit and body with the 【Black Straitjacket】's function.

Water and soap bubbles poured out around her body.

......something like this is the outfit's function, but it may just be expanding on Yuri's own Water Magic.

"Lucy-chan......, it's okay already"

After dressing up, I call out to Lucy-chan who's under the bed.

In the monitoring video......she's covering her ears honestly huh.

I, immediately peeked under the bed, and waved at Lucy-chan.


I gesture 'come, come' with my hand.


The ferret-figured Lucy-chan hurries on out from under the bed and climbs up my body.


"Alright, alright"


I carried Lucy-chan and patted that head of hers.

"Then, since Yuri caught her breath as well, we'll have the strategic meeting for hereafter's sake"


Lucy-chan sticks one hand up energetically and takes a pose.

Fuu......how adorable.


Next day, after having a strategic meeting with Lucy-chan and Yuri.

Today is the day I undergo the Magic Acquisition Ceremony.

I'll report to the Princess regarding Skill No. 5 【Mirror Magic】 after the ceremony is over.

Anyhow, I can't use it if I don't undergo the ceremony, and I have no choice but to talk about it after receiving it after all.

I obtained a blueprint that draws House Youmisiria's mansion's layout and secrets through the skill.

It's troubling for me as well if there's a peeping room like the 『Flower Room』.

Furthermore, I share their detailed misdeeds......the *dirt* that will dishevel the nobles with Yuri.

Whether or not to convey these to the Princess' side......sure is iffy.

There's also the risk that the Princess faction is on board when it comes to the Demihuman guinea pig experiments.

Seeing that they were concealing it, it should be illegal and punishable even in this country.......

The bandit group was a target for subjugation, but be that as it may, they managed to live normally after all.

Well, there are probably such organisations even in Japan......so I guess it's not a subject that I can do anything about.

"'You'll be driven off your noble position if I expose it', won't that be tastier for us who want to threaten her?"

Yuri suggests. Her way of thinking be banditt.......

"The Princess-sama is special to Shino, right?"

"Nn? Rather than 'special', well. As far as it goes, we're in a lovers relationship after all"

"I see....... But, to that noble, you don't have such sentiments, right?"

"I mean, yeah"

I just met the Sorceress after all.

"The objective with number one priority is, Lucy-chan's rescue. However, if details regarding my power are exposed to the Princess......un. Well, my treatment aside, I wonder how it'll go for Yuri"

"You said that wearing this outfit, protects my current position......my life, right?"


"Then, I won't expose Shino's circumstances to the Princess. I'll try not to expose it, but as for the Sorceress, I want to make it so that she listens to Shino"


The method to return Lucy-chan to how she originally was. Defeat the Demon Lord and dispel the curse.

I ordered for a different resolution through the skill, but I couldn't do it.

【Character Introduction】 is also my skill.

Seeing that it has already given an answer, the answer probably won't change even with the 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】 which is a skill of the same calibre.

I could also study it in further detail, but as always, they'll be tests with a skill that conceives intricate risks. I probably can't do experiments that risk Lucy-chan's life, with just this unstable skill.

It'll be more effective to do it with Mayria's cooperation if I'm going to do tests.

If I try to dabble in it with just me alone, I'll probably just end up going on a wild-goose chase.

"In a space with just the Sorceress and us. In a state where we won't be interrupted. We'll then wear restraints on her as I did to Yuri and interrogate her. After making the preparations to make sure there's no danger to Lucy-chan, and our lives"

"......so, while showing her the evidence of the misdeeds this House has committed, we'll threaten and make her obey, right?"


"......Shino's power, didn't you say that you can't use them on Demihumans or something? It has restrictions, right?"


Is it alright to reveal it? If I get betrayed by Yuri, it'll affect me in the future though.

No, it's better to reveal it at this stage?

I still want to present to the Princess, the unlocking of the skills after all.

If I'm going to play up, 'I'm weak, I'm weak, I want more skills'.......

"In summary, you can just think of it as I can't hurt good people. With the skill, at best, though"

"Good people......"

"Which means it's impossible to do as I did with Yuri if the other party isn't an evildoer"

"Against that woman?"

"No restrictions in particular. I have no intention of killing her, and I can't because it feels like it'll be troubling in the future if I kill her......but if it's for human body experiments and the sorts, then I can use the skill plenty"

"Human body experiments huhh....... That means, it's also possible to turn her into an animal like this child?"


'Alright, alright', I pat Lucy-chan.

"Likely. Planting such a gene on Mayria and transforming her body, that much is within the scope of retribution. Also......I guess kidnapping her from this noble's house and bringing her off somewhere and whatnot. It's also okay to conduct experiments using Mayria's body"

"I don't know what's okay about that though....... Hmmm....... So, what does Shino want to do with that woman? You want to add her as a Sorcerer to your forces, but at the same time, you also want to make her absolutely servient to you so that it's convenient, right?"

"Yeah....... I want her to cooperate in returning Lucy-chan to how she originally was from the bottom of her heart....... There's my circumstance as well, and in conclusion, that's the only way. I'll be troubled otherwise, and when that happens, there's a high chance it'll also turn into something troublesome for Yuri. Though that's not guaranteed"

The Princess might guess everything, and give Yuri good treatment to win her over after all.

"The minor details are fine. The thing just now as well. In short, both this child called Lucy-chan and I, just have to stick by Shino's side and cooperate. If we do that......it means both Lucy-chan and I can take our revenge on that woman, and shame her, right?"


"Nn? Yuri is taking revenge as well?"

"Yeah? I mean, why won't I? Us bandits were in a position where we were pursued by the guild and had our lives targeted by people like Shino. In contrast, what about the people of the house here? Smiled amicably by the Princess, and even the Magic Stones are free. Even though the ones who were using us bandits as they like, are the people of this house? It's infuriating, isn't it"


It's true that if you look at it from Yuri's perspective, that's how it is huh.

The immoral politician is called 'Sir', and the crime syndicate used by them can't even walk in public, something like that.

"Yuri. I won't say anything for the situation this time around, but......if you try to hurt kind people, who are just noble or rich and didn't hurt anybody, I'll change your restraints into something stronger. In the first place, I don't have the intention of making you do that either. Do you bear that in mind?"

"You're a Hero-sama after all, Shino. I got it. It's not like I do it to anybody without caring who it is either"

It's not really because I'm the Hero, it's a management responsibility issue of me who's keeping an evildoer alive.

"Though the Princess is that as well. But the people of this house, they are even more infuriating than her in my eyes. .....that's why, Shino. In shaming nobles, I'll cooperate on all fronts as well. You too, right, Lucy"

"Kyu kyuー!"

Lucy-chan is, nodding her head.

"......can I assume that Lucy-chan is also on board taking revenge on Mayria and others?"


Hoo. She's up for it huh....... Even Tina-chan and Layla-chan, they had a stance of 'we won't forgive the things done to us' after all.

"Shino, do that"


"Enema. How about doing that right there and making her defecate herself in the middle of town? She seems to be a popular person in this town after all; her life will be over, you know, and after that. Fufu......"

Yuri is giving off a sadist vibe.

I guess as long as the brunt of it is pointing at Mayria......I'll treat it as reliable.

"Hmm....... In the middle of the town, huh. In the middle of the town......"

She's a local idol after all. A forced exhibitionist play by making her walk fully naked or something.......

While making it so that it doesn't get exposed easily, I make her hold something in, hmm.

I wonder if you can properly become an invisible person or something with 'unperceivable'.

Although she's actually naked, it comes off like she's wearing clothes to other people, or something is also the standard huhh.

However, I guess the interrogation comes first.


"The Magic Acquisition Ceremony, has six types in total. It is exactly as it circulates in the world when it comes to this"

"In reality, is it complicated?"

The ceremony itself, if I'm not wrong, feels pretty time-consuming.

The arrangement of modified Magic Stones on the magic circle.

Passing magic power through them......readying the venue......honestly, it's too complex for me.

"It is the same fundamentally. Though in order to do something more complicated, it is necessary to etch a more complicated formation......"

"Which means it'll first be a simplistic magic, huh"

"Yes. The simplest, easiest to comprehend how to operate, and handiest. A simplistic Elemental Attack Magic. A magic that creates and consolidates into a clump fire if it's fire, water if it's water, and shoots it. I will have you acquire that"

Fire Ball or Water Ball......something like that? It sure is a simple elemental magic attack huh.

"Is there not anything called 'Elementless'?"

"Ele-......which means the usage of turning unadulterated magic power into a clump huh. There is in theory. It's just that, you can even say that being able to affix Elements is magic's biggest advantage......"


"Yes. For example, do you know that when you confront a monster with the element of wood, the magic of fire is effective?"


"When it is Elementless, you lose out on those specified effectiveness. In which case, you can even say that it is better to increase your strength with Aura and hit them"

Meaning that magic has no advantage if you don't strike at the elemental weakness.

Even if there's a power-amplified Elementless Magic or whatnot, the meaning of doing that is......well, it feels like it'll turn into something like, 'because it's a pain to research and strike at the weakness element for every single little thing'.

"The talent aspect is huge when it comes to the control of magic. Meaning, people who are bad at it are bad at it no matter what. Because it's a field that's heavily dependant on your own senses・feel, it's something that can't be helped though"


Which means magic is a talent. Like the status, it's a part that's not visible to people after all.

I suppose it's the same as the field of pro sports huh.

Hard work is a given, but aptitude is an issue you can't turn your eyes away from.

"The ceremony, I think will take about half a day. During that time, you are unable to go outside the magic circle. It is possible to interrupt it, but in the case where it is interrupted, the ceremony will have to start from the beginning again. Please take care of your business beforehand"

"Half a day, then......it cannot be used in the Hero's magic acquisition's unveiling announcement to the masses huh"

"That will......probably depend on how it is directed. After all, you are the Hero. There is no need to show you acquiring magic through the same process as ordinary people. If you can release a massive flame or whatnot into the sky after you are enveloped by the magic circle that emits a showy light......everybody will think 『aah, it's the Hero-sama』"

Ain't that a scam.

But unfortunately, I probably can't release a massive flame.

The magic I acquire will be 【Mirror Magic】 after all.

......if I'm in a state where my attacking capabilities are sealed, then it's different?

After that......for half a day, the Magic Acquisition Ceremony was held slowly and carefully.

After reciting a lengthy-ish chant, Mayria, who performs the ceremony, sits in front of the magic circle and becomes my conversation partner. It seems she's continuously providing magic power to the magic circle.

I'm just here relaxing and sitting inside the magic circle.

"Mayria-san, have you heard about it from Alicia-sama?"

"About what may it be?"

"Whether you will......accompany me on my Demon Lord subjugation journey, that is"

"That matter huh. Last night, I was probed by Princess Alicia"

Hoo. Princess Alicia, she sure is quick to get down to it huh.

"It would make up the strength of a hundred people if Mayria-san, a brilliant Sorceress, came with us"

"......yeah. To be honest......"


By the way, there were observers as well at the very beginning of the ceremony, but everybody left the room in time. Lucy-chan is placed in the cage, and Yuri is......obediently, being on standby at the corner of the room we are in.

"I do not mind going on the Demon Lord subjugation journey"

"Is that so?"

"Eeh. That goes for the Demon Lord as well, but the closer we are to the Demon Country, we will probably end up confronting even stronger monsters. I will then get precious materials as well. And......"


"......I can get the reputation of a renown Sorceress, who contributed to the Demon Lord subjugation"


Mayria, she wants reputation?

"Maybe it is because I was raised under Otou-sama. ......I conducted myself in a way that I'll be liked by the town's people since I was young after all, in various ways......eeh. Like the things that Hero-san, is about to do from here on out. 'Become a popular person'......I worked actively for the sake of that objective"


She's a local idol after all.

"Hero-san may feel it in time as well though......it is not bad, you know? To be received fondly by tons of people"

At the outside of the magic circle, Mayria-sensei, who's sat on a chair, re-crosses her legs.

I can......not see it! Too bad!

"Is that so"

"Eeh. Brushing myself up beautifully, behaving in a way I'll be received fondly, and conducting myself amicably. To show myself, to people, in a good light. ......even just that alone is something that requires quite a bit of hard work though....... The things Otou-sama uses me to do, I suppose comes a bit after that. I wonder how do I put it for the Hero-san to understand?"

"......in my country, there are people in general whose occupation revolves around popularity, who sing and dance, communicating such things to the masses as well. It is different from 'reputation'......but it is an occupation with a lot of fans, and its trade is established on showing them a dream"

"Is that so?"

"Eeh. It is a trade called idols and talents"


Is she, interested? Hmmm......

"If I were to base it on my country, I guess Mayria-san is close to an idol. It may be limited to this region though"

"Yeah....... Eeh, I, want to change the part, where it is limited to this region, maybe?"


"If I accompany on the Hero-san's journey......if we defeat the Demon Lord, my name will probably also spread in the Kingdom. I have an interest in such things as well, and my research on sorcery will also make progress. The Demon Lord subjugation journey alongside the Hero-san, for me......yeah. You might even be able to say that it is the first step towards my dream. I understand that it has a risk as well, but......there is nothing but positives. In this country, there aren't many Sorcerers who are above me after all"


How veーry confident. However, what 'first step towards my dream'.

Let alone her dream, there is a girl whose even her right to live with her parents has been robbed, you know?

Are you qualified to have dreams?

"But, you know. I think Otou-sama will not give his approval"


"My house is......yeah. Prestigious......I guess let's describe it as such. Otou-sama, he wants me to inherit the head of the family as it is. He also doesn't want me to leave this land. ......he wants me to remain, a local idol? as Hero-san would say it. And then......because the Royal Family only has two Princesses......he wants me to marry a nobleman, and keep House Youmishiria firm"

The Sorceress cast her eyes down gloomily.

"Do you not want to succeed the house?"

"No. I, like the house, you know? I have no dissatisfaction with my family either. I do not think badly of living in this house. I intend to come back even if I go and defeat the Demon Lord"

"............it sure is nice to have a house to return to huh"

"Yeah. I have the intention to return......so it would be great if Otou-sama, permits me to go outside the territory. It is probably difficult huh......for Otou-sama"

And, Lucy-chan and I, we have even that right to return robbed from us though.

"Mayria-san. There is something I want to ask"

"Eeh, what is it?"

"『The Demon Lord uses Insta-kill Magic』 do you think this is a true story? No, in the first place, what exactly is a Demon Lord......?"

It seems Mayria is a Demon Lord counter-strategy researcher after all.

It feels like I can hear stories that are closer to the truth than the information I have heard thus far.

When I ask the Princess coalition, it feels like they'll hide stories that are inconvenient to the Hero no matter what.

The Kingdom, there's a part of them that's focusing too much on what happens after the defeat of the Demon Lord.

"Yeah....... First, how about you try to stop with the title of 『Demon Lord』?"


What does that mean?

"No, Hero-san won't get it even if I put it like this huh....... Since there is no reason to hide it from Hero-san who is the person involved either......yes. Until now......I have conducted various Demon Lord counter-strategy researches"

"I see"

I knew.

"In this era, with my abilities, research on the Demon Lord is the very field that's valued the most in the world"

"......you conduct the research with such calculations?"

"Half of it, yeah. The fact it's simply worth researching is also huge"


"From the documents regarding the Demon Lord I obtained from different places, and......all kinds of experiment results, it will be......my personal observation though. Will you hear me out, Hero-san"

"Eeh, please do tell me"

They're information necessary if I'm heading towards the Demon Lord subjugation.


"To start with, what first existed is probably a plant called 【Demon World Plant】"

"Its true identity?, seems to be a plant after all"

"Yes. The 【Demon World Plant】 is, a plant that grows with the magic power around as nourishment. It is treated merely as nutrients for the plant to grow"


Is it treated like a parasitic plant?

"A plant that squeezes out nutrients from others, other existences. Through this act of turning magic power into nutrition......a transformation appeared on the plant itself as well"


"Eeh, a transformation. The usage of magic power, magic is a more omnipotent power than the world thinks. That was used in something necessary for the plant, and it mutated. Of course, the 『subject's balance inside its body』  I also said to the Hero-san probably crumbled as well. Be it creatures or plants, the balance of Aura and magic power, is something that must not crumble. That, will either hurt that subject's body, or end up causing it to transform into a mutant"


My being itself will be in danger if my 『MP 0%:AP 0%:SP 100%』's ratio crumbles as well, right?

Even if it's possible to adjust the balance with the skill, there's no need for me to do that in a hurry.

It'd probably be a stupid idea not to start by making full use of 『SP 100%』, before I supplement the shortcomings to the extent that it's accompanied by danger after all.

Like an enemy that I can't do anything about unless with Aura.

Like a wall that I can't do anything about unless with Magic Power.

I've still yet to, run into such things.

If this is the Hero's basic set-up, then 『SP 100%』 is probably the very power that's important for the past Heroes as well.

In other words, the preparation to battle the Demon Lord=make Princess Alicia fall.

"The mutated plant evolved to 『absorb even more energy from others』. And, it had grown to defeat beings that try to hurt itself, and also absorb even more nutrition......energy from them"

Well, I get it. You can even call it an orthodox growth.

"The original Demon Lord......【Demon World Plant】, was 『merely a plant-type monster』 that ended up growing so strong that it's unstoppable; that's my opinion"

"I see"

It's a story that sounds probable.

"I suppose, the one who defeated that plant is probably not the Hero"

"Is that so?"

"Yes. In comparison to the Demon Lord's history, the Hero's history is.....quite shallow"

Hoh? Is that so?

"And then the 【Demon World Plant】, due to being a plant......left *seeds* in the world. Furthermore......it is not just one or two. In, possibly huge numbers. That huge number of seeds......were scattered in the range of the region where the 【Demon World Plant】 was"

"Scattered in huge numbers......"

It sure feels like bad news.

"The seed of a plant-type monster strong enough to leave a huge number. Some of them......survived. In a scope that humans can handle. A relationship of coexisting in the same world despite being hostile to the human species like the monsters now"

"But, a subject with that 『suck energy from others』 trait, ended up growing strongly once again. This is something that can be said for all the scattered seeds, but......eradicating such seeds......is quite difficult. Because it is simply laborious"


"And then, as time goes......a subject that became overly strong appeared once again. This, too, was defeated by somebody though......I suppose they had repeated something like this. And then, in time......a 【Demon World Plant】 which grew into a subject that casts a magic that appears to be 【Insta-kill Magic】 appeared"

"It is unblockable with ordinary armour. It ends up penetrating even magic defence, killing you. There is also the hypothesis that it is merely a magic attack of a different league, but......the truth is that a whole lot of competent people, they lost their lives, and further became the 【Demon World Plant】's nutrients. In turn, the 【Demon World Plant】 ended up growing stronger again, and became even more untouchable"

"I would think so......"

"But, the human race will be in danger if they leave it at large. They have to take counter-strategies. But to research the counter-strategies to 『a magic where you die just from standing in front of it』, what do you think you have to do?"

Hmm? I wonder what?

I'd probably want to do an endurance experiment or something, but then.......

"......there is no way but to make 『lives that are fine even if we let them die』 wear equipment for the sake of 【Insta-kill Magic】's counter-strategies, put up defence sorcery, and expose them in front of 【Insta-kill Magic】, right? No, having a 『suicide attack』 at the very least, even if the insta-kill counter-strategies are not flawless, was an operation they had no choice but to take"

............well, that's how it'd be.

I also tested it using Yuri and her father. 

"Lives that are fine even if we let them die. People who committed crimes, or......『those of a different country, race, and standing』, slaves, people of other countries......"


"The former Kingdom, Beast Country, and every other country. They desired 『lives that are fine even if we let them die』 for the sake of the counter-strategies against the 【Demon World Plant】 that became a threat. There were also many instances where it even turned into a war between fellow countries because of that. That was how much of a threat it was"

Oi, somehow.......

The conclusion of this topic is, you know.

In other words, the 【Hero】 that this world desired is......?

"For a long time, the counter-strategies against this threat of a plant had probably come and gone. Tons of such histories come out if you search them up. But, the country will get burned out if the history of the war drags on. Even if the threat is eliminated temporarily, it will come back again one day......such hopelessness, cast a shadow over the people's lives. That's why"

"......that's why?"

"Our predecessors, they came up with several counter-strategies. That is to give birth to a bane of the 【Demon World Plant】"


"Yes. A bane"

Is that the Hero?

"Fufu. You probably associated them together, but it is not the Hero, you know?"

"Ah, I was wrong huh"


Then, what's the bane?

"What does Hero-san think is the *bane* of the 【Insta-kill Magic】?"

"I mean......"

A technique to reflect the Insta-kill Magic?

Well, this is an association I got from my skill.

Somehow, I think that's not quite it.

The bane of a magic that makes you die is, to put simply......an immortal?

"An immortal existence......?"

"Fufu! Correct! Hero-san is smart huh"

"But, can you give birth, to such an existence?"

"Who knows. Maybe I should say it is 'different from what you imagine'......『if it is not even perfect』 then I think it is possible, you know? In other words, 『it's fine whatever the lifeform is if it doesn't die』. Because it is by no means a research to make a human being unaging and immortal. There is Healing Magic that heals missing flesh. If you make good use of that, that much is......"

"I-, I see....... Missing body parts and the likes are treatable with Healing Magic......?"

"Eeh, it is. It is also possible to grow a sliced-off arm and whatnot, you know"

There ain't no need for a doctorー. No, maybe sickness and the likes are tough for magic?

The number of people who can use magic is also limited. That probably goes for medical treatment as well.

"And in the 【Immortal Monstrosity】 that was birth as the bane of the 【Demon World Plant】, a way of life was inserted within. That is 『to eat the Demon World Plant』 and then 『to aim for a certain region of a certain country』"


"An immortal lifeform that eats the Demon World Plant......I am able to understand up until there. What is with the habit in the latter half?"

"......the number of 【Demon World Plant】 was a lot at the time. In that case, the number of 【Immortal Monstrosity】, the counter-strategy of that, was also a lot. ......if such monsters end up running rampant in large numbers in the region where the human species inhabit......it will be putting the cart before the horse, right?"

Hmm....... Indeed?

"And they were probably worried about the influence from making them eat the 【Demon World Plant】 as well. However, if they do not quickly put an end to the counter-strategy, the human species will be in peril again....... They didn't even waste any time. That's why......they decided to abandon 『a certain region』"

"Abandon......a certain region, is it?"

"Yes. That region's name is 【Demon Country】, and the huge amount of 【Immortal Monstrosity】 that was given birth is a magic lifeform that was given birth to finish eating up the 【Demon World Plant】 in the various locations, and then head to the 【Demon Country】. ......the 【Demon Country】, is those living creatures' scrapyard. And then the 【Immortal Monstrosity】 had been created in such a way that they do not eat anything other than the 【Demon World Plant】. Although they are called 【Immortal】, actually making them into an omnipotent *immortal* existence is too dangerous. Hence......『as long as there is no longer food, that immortality cannot be sustained』, such a convenient monster was given birth to"

"......if magic is omnipotent......that means......Mayria-san can create such a monster, by extension of the golem-ish thing Mayria-san created?"

"Yes. I can decisively say that it is possible. If it is a simple lifeform......I can create it even with my sorcery"

Mayria can create a magic lifeform, huh.

Although I'm going off-topic, can we forcefully create something like an erotic-use slime or a tentacle lifeform through Maryia's sorcery?

......I went way off-topic.

"Before long, this testing bore fruit, and the 【Demon World Lifeform】 was exterminated from the region human species inhabits. It probably required a long time though......"


Then, what about the Demon Lord? I kinda get it though.

"............but the 【Demon World Plant】 that lived in the 【Demon Country】 was not exterminated"

"As I thought"

"Fufu. You get it huh. That's right, the 【Immortal Monstrosity】 started coexisting with the 【Demon World Plant】 in order for themselves to live on. They possessed such intelligence......or rather, they ended up evolving as such in order to survive. However, I suppose by the time they arrive at the evolution of coexisting, the 【Demon World Plant】 and 【Immortal Monstrosity】, they were both, burned out. That's why......deliberately, I will put it like this. *They*, for the sake of surviving......went into hibernation"

"Hibernation huh"

"Yes. Little nutrients, few resources. In order to live on with that one way or another. The 【Immortal Monstrosity】 decided to go to sleep to prevent any further consumption, and then the 【Demon World Plant】 decided to wait in order to store up nutrients. ......but, it is not like everything went smoothly. A lot of *them* went extinct. Or......for the sake of keeping *someone* alive, they focused the nutrients into a singularity"

Focused into a singularity, in other words?

"In other words, a state close to cannibalism......they are magic lifeforms designed so that they can only eat 【Demon World Plant】 and that alone will not crumble, but if it is from the same species......it seems they are able to take in nutrients. This is, due to the magic lifeform itself being a lifeform......it is constantly accompanied by the risk of straying from the creator's intentions, so it is not unnatural though......"

Nn. Is it like the auto-complete portion, of the equipment I give birth to with my skill?

"The fellow 【Immortal Monstrosity】 started cannibalising, and an infinitely few subjects survived, and the 【Demon World Plant】 continued waiting for nutrients to store up. ......however"


"For example, even if the 【Demon World Plant】 store up nutrients, it will be a repeat of the same thing if all of that ends up eaten, right? That's right, a repeat. This goes for us as well, but as long as you're a lifeform, you have to keep on living. For the 【Immortal Monstrosity】 the 【Demon World Plant】 『had to continue existing』. In other words, the 【Demon World Plant 】, too, had to be *immortal*"


"Both the 【Demon World Plant】 and 【Immortal Monstrosity】, are existences with huge influence of mutation through the magic power. The conclusion they came up with for the sake of surviving is......*symbiosis*. The 【Demon World Plant】 came to become a *parasitic plant* and parasitize on the【Immortal Monstrosity】 before long. A moving immortal body, a being that withers even the lands, and then an existence that casts 【Insta-kill Magic】......"

"That is the Demon Lord?"

"Yes. I suppose that is the very existence you would call the *First Generation Demon Lord*"

First Generation Demon Lord.......

"The Heroes......when, did they come to be called upon?"

"Fufufu. That story, we will leave it to another time"


Why the hell.

"Hero-san, do you feel anything?"


"Yes. A transformation inside yourself. ......no, well, you might get it if you look at your status though"

Nn? Ah, the magic circle's light is dimming?

Which means.

"Is the ceremony over?"

"Eeh. I first performed the convenient-in-various-ways, safe, and easy-to-understand Water Magic's acquisition ceremony"

How do I use it? is what I want to say, but.......

In my case.......

"......【Mirror Magic】"


I, stood up, and held my hand out in front like Yuri and the Princess did.

The others skills as well, I knew how to use them through feeling somehow.

In that case, it shouldn't be that different.......

「──『Mirror Shield』」

I pour my strength in as such. Immediately after......in front of my hand, light gathered in the air, and formed a shape!


Since I roughly, know what kind of shape the clump of light will become, I grab its *handle*

"This is......!?"

Mayria got surprised, and looked at the object in my hand.

In my hand......I'm holding a silver and round shield, decorated on its rim.

It's decently weighted......but it's a weight that somewhat feels right.

The surface of the shield has a polished-beautifully kind of feeling, and it is beautiful as literally a mirror.

"Hero-san, what exactly is that shield.....!?"

"Apparently......I learned a new skill. However, in exchange, magic is......there is the need to make a report to Alicia-sama huh"

Well, it was yesterday that I noticed the new skill though.


"A skill......that locks the usage of attack-type magic, is it......"

"Yeah. In exchange, it seems the more acquisition ceremony I accumulate, the more this mirror shield is strengthened"

"The shield itself......might be a piece of useful equipment. But......"


"............it sure is, bland huh"


I mean, it's probably a huge problem Princess-wise.

That's what I thought as well though.

"Does it mean that just by repeating the acquisition ceremony, that shield gets strengthened?"

"It seems so......"

"What does, Mayria-sama thinks?"

The Princess consults Mayria. She trusts her, maybe.

"Yeah....... Hero-san, as expected, possesses a different disposition from us......I suppose that is how we should view it. It's just that, it means the ceremony itself won't be for nothing, and it'll give the Hero-san power"

"The skill name is something called 【Mirror Magic】; is this also a category of magic, Mayria-san"

"............yes. In this shield......I feel as though a magic power-ish power is residing within"

"Is it different from the curse's......miasma?"

"Yes, it is different from the miasma. This is a shield formed with magic. I believe it is treated similar to my golem"

Hoーo......? However, it's that.

If we're talking about a magic mirror, it's like the greek legend who reflected the petrification curse.......

"We'll take it step by step for the other Magic Acquisition Ceremony and whatnot......first, how about we try investigating the performance of that shield?"

Mayria is getting a bit excited.

Hmm....... Does she like trials? She sure is mad scientist-ish huhh.

And then......I, who went out to the courtyard, bring a crowd of audiences with me.....and confront Mayria.

I guess it's a magic mock battle. Things like these are important. Everything boils down to experience *points*

"Oi. You may be the Hero or whatever, but I'm not gonna let you off if you hurt Mayria"


"Otou-sama! Injuries are unavoidable in a mock battle with magic!"

"Muu......but, you know"

Is he a stupidly-doting parent? No, it's normal huh.

"Well then......here I go, Hero-san"

"Eeh, Mayria-san"

I ready not a sword, but a shield.

It's a good thing that the equipment I can use in broad daylight in front of Princess increased, but.....it's a shield summoning skill though.

Isn't it within the scope covered by 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】's equipment construction?

Though the user-friendliness does go up.......

Well, I guess I'll evaluate it after I finish undergoing the other acquisition ceremony.

Anyhow, it amplifies the performance of 【Absolute Counter】, so it is not useless.

In the first place, I have a feeling that I'm not using the Transportation Technique the proper way.

"Let's go with something easy to understand. ──Oh Earth Clump, Penetrate!"

A clump of rock manifests at the tip of the stave Mayria readied!

And then, that rock bullet flies towards me......!


It's quite powerful! But, I caught it completely with the shield......!

And then......I somehow feel power gathering in the shield!

However.....that's all. Eh......?

"Nothing happened......huh?"

"............judging from this feeling"

The reason for the inactivation......thinking about it from my skill explanation and situation.......

"Mayria-san. ......can you attack me with magic of water if possible?"

"......aah! That's how it is huh. In other words, the Hero-san 『isn't prepared to reflect Earth Magic』"


In other words, this Mirror Magic.

There's the possibility that the *resource* necessary in the use of magic is secured through 『others' magic attack』, but......what's put to use from start to finish is 『my magic』......!

All because I'm a no magic power 『MP 0%』 Earthling......!

In that case, I can also understand how the acquisition ceremony is necessary.

In other words, the mirror shield is a conversion device that turns other people's magic power, into the resource for my magic usage......!

"──Oh Water Current, Surge!"

Mayria, released a magic of water with power incomparable to Yuri over at me!?

As I thought, the Sorceress......! Her level is different huh!


I catch the Water Magic with seemingly increased power with the mirror shield......!


Kuh......the power, really increased! But, the mirror shield shines, and it catches that magic!

And then......magic of water was released from the mirror shield......!

O-, ooh......! I managed to use magic......that's exactly what it looks like!

......what a bizarre feeling!


Mayria agilely dodges it. Hmm......the power of the reflected side was weaker? No, the output felt the same though.......

"......the ceremony performed on the Hero-san was something extremely simplistic. ......that's why, with this reflecting......mirror magic, it turned and reflected in that form. ......maybe"

"It looks like it huh"

"In other words, we will conduct on the Hero-san, ceremonies of the same grade as me, for every element from here on out. If we do that, you will become capable of reflecting all the magic I use as well......I think"

"......is it quite a strong skill?"

"It is a strong skill if I am the opponent......however"


"......in the case of this set-up, I wonder if it will be able to reflect the Demon Lord's 【Insta-kill Magic】?"

Mayria, placed her pointer finger on her cheek, and tilted her head.


"I will be able to *catch* it at least, no......?"

"......yeah. If you just strengthen it to its maximum limit, that shield's magic defence power......the value I ought to call as that might go up. I am getting excited! To actually be a part of the Hero-san's strengthening!"

Muu? Mayria is affirmative, and assertive in my strengthening huh.

Her direction is different from the Princess who wants to restrict my power, but......well, I guess it's still not a problem.

"Fufu. Then we have to test *this* as well huh, Hero-san"


Mayria, smiles sweetly. It's a bit sadist-ish?

"──Elementless Magic"

Yes? Weren't you saying that it has no advantage or whatnot......?

"There is no advantage in casting magic without an element. Striking at the weakness through elements is the very advantage of magic after all. ......however, that 『is an argument bound to monsters with weakness elements』. When it comes to battles against people, you can say that Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, are all effective. You understand this even without explanation, right, Hero-san?"


I mean, if you omit equipment, they're probably gonna be weak to any kind of magic.

If it's based on the standard of ordinary humans though.......

"An Elementless Magic, is an attack through an unadulterated clump of magic power! And then that unadulterated magic power......is very hard to perceive visually. Perhaps because monsters are closer in disposition than humans, it is not guaranteed, but......for humans, Elementless Magic is a magic that is hard to see!"

In other words, a pretty much invisible.....magic attack huh!

Wind Fire Earth Water are easy to tell after all......!

Even for Wind Magic, when Mayria cast it at the monster previously, it came off like it carried a tinge of light.

"──oh my Magic Power. Blast the enemy!"

I ain't your enemy! No, I guess I am!

Uu!? I can only tell that something is pressuring me......!


Something hit the mirror shield! O-, ooh......this is Elementless Magic! It's like it's stronger than the Water Magic just now......! It also feels like air pressure is vigorously pressing onto me.

However......uu? I reflect something like I did just now!

Ooh? I can reflect Elementless Magic even at this current point in time!?

"Don't tell me, this too......!? So fast, kyah!?"

And then......after a few moments......Mayria was blown away! Uu!?



Geh....... Mayria, ended up collapsing from the reflected Elementless Magic.

Feudal Lord Twight, the Princess, and the Chivalric Order Captain rush over to her.

"......I guess it is a concussion. She probably let her guard down a bit too much. She probably didn't think that her treasured Elementless Magic......would get reflected by the Hero-sann"

"Kuh......Hero, you bastardd.....!"

No, is it my fault? It's my fault, but is it my fault? I guess it's my fault.

"I am sorry"

"Like hell it's a problem that will be resolved with an apologyy! How dare you do that to my daughter.....!"

"I am really sorry"

In any case, I'll apologise earnestly.

"Her injury is......"

"That seems to be alright. ......it probably just hit a bit of a bad spot. Hmm. Well, it is probably better to let her sleep in a room somewhere. Here, I will carry her, so Feudal Lord-sama............Hero-san, help me out"

"Muu!? Like I'll let that fellow touch her!"

"With your build, it's kinda. We are just transporting her in a way that we don't shake her"

"Got it"


The father is so annoyin'. ......when I think about the overly that acts that I am about to do to Mayria, I guess it's a relatively justified anger. I'll end up being burned by the 【Karmic Curse】 if I don't have the self-awareness¹ that I'm an evildoer.

In any case, I, together with the Chivalric Order Captain......carried the unconscious Mayria horizontally onto a bed inside the mansion.


¹: In the original text, the author wrote 自負を持つ(Jifu wo Motsu), which means to have pride/self-confidence. However, it didn't flow quite right to me, so I decided to change it to 自覚を持つ(Jikaku wo Motsu), which means to have self-awareness.


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