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After Story. Wedding Ceremony Arc: Mirua's Past

If I have to say what's the first memory I have, ever since I was born, it's the memory of spending time in damp darkness.

The Demon Race, had been divided between the radical faction that has the Demon King Gradiel as their head and can't forgive the existence of races outside of the Demon Race, the moderate faction that tries to live hand in hand with different races like our lineage, and the neutral faction that isn't affiliated with either.

Even though I say divided, the neutral faction is overwhelmingly many in numbers. The radical faction is next, and such as the moderate faction really only existed a handful in the entirety of the Demon Race.

I have heard from Onee-chan that the reason the moderate faction managed to hold on without vanishing nevertheless, is because our lineage possessed powerful abilities compared to the other Demon Races. To the extent that if you're to the extent of Onee-chan, you can even fight the Seven Demon Generals.

But, Onee-chan says that the number one power even amongst that, is possessed by me. I didn't think so though.

We, the moderate faction, had lived in the depths of mountains away from people and places that would normally be inhabitable so that we don't get found by the radical faction. Because otherwise, our lives will be targeted by the radical faction. On top of that, we moved places every few months as well, without remaining in a single place.

Inside dark and damp caves, beside poisonous swamps, near monster dens and whatnot, we lived at places nobody would normally go.

But it was several years ago, when the Seven Demon Generals started resurrecting, that that lifestyle changed as well. Ever since the Seven Demon Generals resurrected, the radical faction's Demon Race started searching and started hunting us moderate faction.

After that, it became a fugitive lifestyle worse than it had been thus far. Days without meals are a given; if we are found by the radical faction, the men will be killed, and the women will be raped.

The uncle who smiled at me kindly, the miss who taught me how to be womanly, the boy who said he'll protect me......everybody was killed by the radical faction.

That reality was more than enough to break my heart. And then, our family ended up being found by the radical faction as well at that time. In order to protect us, Otou-san confronted quite a number of radical factions, and I saw him killed tragically before my eyes.

Okaa-san, she became a decoy in order to let us escape and got caught, and in order to smoke us out, under the pretence of a public execution, she was raped by the Demon Race's men in front of everybody, and after we didn't show up nevertheless, she was placed inside a cage placed with goblins and orcs, and they made the monsters rape her.

I can't forget the sight of Onee-chan bearing with it despite clenching her teeth even as she was crying and bleeding because she was grasping her hands tightly at that time.

But, my heart couldn't take it anymore. I came to think, 'isn't it better to die if I'm going to go through something like this'.

I wonder if it was from around that time, that I came to hear a voice inside my heart. A voice that encouraged me, a voice that helped me, and that voice spoke to me numerous times. Making sure that I don't get depressed.

After that, I came to occasionally swap bodies with that voice in my heart, Miruka. Miruka seemed to be proficient at fighting, and she saved me numerous times. Hugely different from the me who can't do anything.

Even as we were running away from the radical faction, Onee-chan was consolidating the moderate faction one after another, and Miruka assisted that Onee-chan. In such a manner, she somehow gathered the numbers, and around the time it became difficult even for the radical faction to lay their hands on us, there was the Great War.

Taking the opportunity when all of the Seven Demon Generals were defeated in that Great War, and the majority of the radical faction also didn't come back from the Great War, Onee-chan consolidated the Demon Race. And then the new Demon Country was born.


"......however, of course, it's not like every member of the radical faction is gone. There were also people who targeted me because they couldn't win against Onee-chan amongst them. Although the neutral faction is currently obeying Onee-chan as well, they might change their attitude for all that we know"

We silently listen to Miruka-chan......no, this atmosphere is Mirua-chan huh. Although we heard her story, we couldn't make a sound.

And, I also understood at the same time why Meteor-san made me bring Mirua-chan along with me even if it was by force. I suppose she's probably trying to keep her away, until the country settles down.

Of course, I suppose there's also the scheme of making it so that they're not looked down on by other countries, and stabling the current Demon Queen's throne, by tying the knot with me. However, her desire to protect Mirua-chan being number one even amongst all that conveys to me.

"But, I want to help Onee-chan. I understand that it is for the sake of protecting me, but please return me to Onee-chan's side"

Mirua-chan hasn't the timid atmosphere when she first met me, and she looks over at me with determined eyes. It can't be helped. I look back at Mirua-chan......not, but in the direction of Chrona-chan.

"Chrona, I guess let's first hire her in the form of Chrona's pupil"

"Yeah, I think that is a good idea"

Chrona nods at my words. Ferris and Aerith are saying things like 'let's ask for a match when it's Miruka' after all. And then, Mirua-chan is unable to follow the conversation and makes a confused expression.

"Eh? Yo-, you won't send me back!?"

"No no, do you think I can send you back after hearing the story just now? Even if we leave out the marriage and whatnot, there's no way I can send a kid whose life is being targeted back as it is, right?"

"Bu-, but, Onee-chan is fighting by herself even now! I-, I will be by......"

I go close to the side of Mirua-chan who's, still, saying something like that, and tap Mirua-chan's head. Although Mirua-chan twitches, she looks over at me with upturned eyes in a timid manner.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure to help her. Married or not, we established a relationship with Meteor-san and Mirua-chan with this. Not even I am so low that I'll abandon an acquaintance. That's why, don't worry. I'll make sure to protect both Mirua-chan and Meteor-san; Light"

"Yes, Lei-sama"

"Head to the Demon Country from now and be Meteor-san's bodyguard. She'll come over here tomorrow, so it'll be until then for the time being"


After bowing with a soft smile, Light shines and disappears.

"Hey, Lei, don't mobilise the head butler as you like. I'm gonna get scolded by the maids, aren't I. He's, popular after all"

And then, I got scolded by Alexia. Come to think of it, Light is popular with the ladies huh. Well, it's just one day, so I hope they'll forgive me.

"Mirua-chan as well, you can rest here today for the time being. Let's talk to Meteor-san one more time tomorrow"


Alright, I guess things settled down for the time being. There's her matter as well, but I guess I'll first start off by putting an end to tomorrow's troublesome fellows.


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