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Release Of Skill No. 5 (Erotic: Monitoring Of The Princess' Masturbation Monitoring Masturbation)

"Both arms, release. Both hands・Restrain"


After releasing both Yuri's arms from her outfit, I restrain her again in the form of handcuffs.

"Like this, you'll be able to stretch your arms"


Instead of answering, 'you're welcome', I rubbed her slit.


"There, go on all fours like always"


Yuri got on all fours above the bed as she was told, and stuck her butt out.

The chastity belt, exposes the front part. In a T-shape style where she's covered with the belt up until her butt hole.

The piercing worn on her clitoris is also clearly visible.

In any case.

"Vibration, weak, start"


I, decided to make the vibrator inserted in Yuri's anus vibrate.

"Wha-, wha-, stop, thii-......!"

'Bachin!', I smack Yuri's butt right after!


Yuri somehow made a silly voice.

"He-, hey, even though my body is like this, even as it is......!"

"I mean, with just the fragrance, it's not gonna be able to stimulate the inside of your belly"

"Yo-, you......! Hah, ah, haa......!"

As I stimulate Yuri's butt, I take a penetrating posture.

I then thrust into Yuri who was already ripe for the picking.

"Nn, aaaaah!"

"Yuri, I'm sticking it in"

"Do-, don't say it......after sticking it in......!"


I, hang over Yuri while violating her in doggy-style, and release the breasts part of the outfit.

I fondle Yuri's breasts without holding back.

Ooh....... I can feel the vibration of the vibrator inserted inside her butt.

This is......amazing......!

"An, an, ah, an, aah......"

"Yuri really became servient huh. Being made to feel good by a younger man however he likes; how is it? Don't you feel embarrassed as someone older?"

"Kuu, kuuu, something like that......after all this time......ann, ah, ah, aah......! It feels good......!"

Yuri feels like she can't endure it anymore.

She'd been ripe for the picking right from the start after all. Rather, something like this, I'm also......not doing well.

It feels good. It looks like Yuri feels good too.

Yuri's training, sure has ended up progressing beyond expectations huh.

Even though it hasn't been that many days......I wonder why.......

Wait, is it the influence of 【Leveling】?

It's a circumstance where I'm simultaneously performing Yuri's training and raising my level after all.

It's a situation where the influence of that shows easily......she's steadily becoming incapable of fighting against, the act that feels good, or something like that.......

I'll carry on raising my level with Yuri, and when I embrace the Princess with the orthodox method......won't the Princess feel so good that she becomes addicted to the sex with me with just that?

Am I being too optimistic?

"Aah, aan, an, ann,"

"Yuri. I'm teasing your butt for you as well. ......isn't there something for you to say? Yuri would know, right?"

"Fuu, kuuu, fuuu......!"

It sure is great that although Yuri, her body seems to have fallen, her shamefulness remains huh.

In the first place, she's probably not used to the fact of being made to submit itself.

She was a sadist who bullied the weak under her scary father's protection until now after all.

"Ah, ah, ......fo-, for showing love......to-, to my......butt......nn! Tha-, thank......you ve-, very much......aan! I'm gonna come already......!"

"Alright, good job saying it, Yuri"

As expected, a sadist sure knows what she should say huh.

I go on the last spurt like I'm saying, 'here's your reward'.

"An, an, it's good, it feels good, Shino......Shinoo"

"Mouth, restrain"


At the same time as I plug up Yuri's mouth......I ejaculate in the deepest part of Yuri.

"Fumuu!! Fuufumuuuuuu!!"

Yuri also climaxes at the same time as the creampie. I'm enjoying the quivers of that part and her entire body to the fullest.

"Fumuu, fumuuu!"

Yuri, whose even screams on the occasion of her climax are sealed, twitches her body.

Yuri's climaxing body, sure is irresistible huh. It feels the best for me as well.

The training feels like it's going smoothly as well; let's do that.

Let's finish her up in a way that she'll feel good even when she's restrained by me like this.


I place the body of Yuri whose mouth is plugged up face down on the bed, hang over her, and take a breather.

After being satisfied, I dived into post-climax clarity mode and got curious about Princess Alicia's side.

Let's have a peek at how they're doing since I've attached surveillance to the Princess and Mayria.

Above Yuri's body, I, opened the monitoring function.


"Myy. Sophia-sama is really a marvellous person huh"

"Eeh, that's......right"

It seems the two of them are having tea and having a conversation enjoyably in the『Flower Room』 or something by themselves.

They're a royalty and a noble after all. They're a picture-perfect pair so unbelievably dignified, unbelievably beautifully-featured faces, and unbelievable garments.

The impression I, who has a grasp of Princess Alicia's 【Character Introduction】 and monologues, have and her public facade sure has a huge difference huh.

She's a royalty, so I guess she's trying to make her public facade perfect.

In that sense, she might be unexpectedly intimate with Captain Luid who she can seemingly open up to.


"Eeh, Alicia-sama. What is it?"

The Female Magician with beautiful blue hair that symbolises the Otherworld, smiles at her cheerily.

The spoken-to Princess Alicia......seems unwell.

No, in the eyes of me who caressed the Princess' body numerous times, that reaction......I know it.

I suppose so as well from Yuri's testimony.

Princess Alicia is blushing, sitting on the chair, and wriggling her lower body underneath the table.

It's the oestrous state huh, that. As I thought, this mansion......it's been set up to make women go into heat?

Like the drink she's currently drinking has been drugged with something or whatnot.

It's a 'no good, the Princess-sama is gonna end up being assaulted!' situation......but it's the Princess after all.

Furthermore, the other party is a woman. ......silently consenting is probably the way to go here, uh-huh.

Let's monitor with a bit of anticipation.

I can just deal with it with Yuri if I get horny watching.

......it's horrible, but it's too late for that now.

If I give Yuri, some kind of breather-ish reward as well occasionally, I might be able to win her over even better.

"Mayria-sama......uh. I am also exhausted from the journey, so I, think I would like to rest soon......"

"Oh my. How very regrettable. Even though I want to keep on talking to you"

"To-, tomorrow onwards......there are plenty......of chances for us to talk"

"Is that so? I do not really want to let go of a chance to talk to Princess-sama like this"

Mayria, sure is trying to delay the conversation evasively huh.

......it feels like she's fixedly observing, her trying to conceal her oestrous state.

Uーn. Female Magician Mayria. That kink......I get you.

It sure feels like she'll get along with the Princess as well in a different sense......

The feeling of having the Princess of a country, in the palm of your hand like that sure is irresistible huh.

What are we talking about?

"But, eeh. I understand your exhaustion from the long journey as well. Well then, Alicia-sama. If there is anything, please speak to the mansion's people right away. ......this Flower Room, is a guest-use room, so please make yourself at home comfortably. By the way, how about supper?"

"N-, no. There is no need......for it"

The Female Magician continues delaying.

But even if she delays the oestrous state, it ain't an atmosphere where she'll go 'let's get to it right away'......and indulge in the act.

Is it the kind of feeling where she wants to make Princess Alicia say it herself?

If it's me, because I have the one-sided monitoring function, I can have fun even after this though.

"Alicia-sama? Are you possibly......feeling unwell?"

"Ye-, yes......?"

"Me, I can tell since I have done various kinds of research. This is no good. The Feudal Lord may be Father, but be that as it may, I am also in a position where I have responsibility. If anything were to happen to the Princess......it would be a big problem. I will take responsibility and look after Alicia-sama tonight!"

This Female Magician, saying that with a straight face, myy.......

No, Princess Alicia also behaves pretty much similarly to me though.

"N-, no....... There is no need to go that far. Besides......uh. My body is not......no, it is unwell....... But regarding this condition......I am already aware of it myself. Hence I will not trouble you......"

"*This condition*?"

Mayria, tilts her head. It probably feels something like she's going 『Nn?』.

However, I see.

For Princess Alicia, she might treat even the oestrous aroma as just 『it's that acting up again huh』.

She's unexpectedly unwavering.

......huh? Does this mean, there's a chance the Princess will come to my place if I leave her be?

"Please do not worry about it, Mayria-sama....... Eeh, if I have any trouble......I will make sure to talk to you about it. Mayria-sama as well, please rest already for today. And then, I will be counting on you, for the Hero-sama's ceremony tomorrow. ......I would like to get along with Mayria-sama from here on out for a long time to come as well. Hence......there will be plenty......of chances for us to talk"

Princess Alicia sure is steady huh.

I suppose it's not the same as 'good at enduring' though.

In the conversation with a noble lady, she didn't let anything slip.

......when she's with me, is her guard lowered because she has the intention to shut me up at the very end?

"Understood. Well then, Alicia-sama. ......please take good care, of your body"

"Eeh, thanks, Mayria-sama"

, the conversation between the two huge shots finishes.

I, expand two monitoring windows, and monitor the two of them.

The Princess lets Mayria outside the room and breathes a sigh of relief.

She locked the room tightly from the inside as well.

Based on Yuri's condition changes, I have a feeling the Princess has also gone into a condition where her body can't bear with it......how will she go about it?

"......haa......it's the worst....... Even at a time like this......even though it hasn't even been 3 days......"

3 days, which means......since the last time, I had the 3P with Yuri and the Princess huh.

As I thought, in the Princess' mind, she treats her current condition as the same thing as always.

I'm the cause of it all, but it's a different case this time around. Is it better to feel bad for her?

After that, despite walking unsteadily, the Princess gets ready to sleep.

As for Mayria......nn?

Mayria somehow entered the room right beside the 『Flower Room』.

Even though I say 'beside', it seems to have quite a bit of distance though.......

"Fufufu......I wonder in what kind of manner, will the Princess lose herself"

Mayria is in front of......a mirror? N-, no!

Is that something like a one-way mirror? That action is kinda sorcery-ish!

And then, it projects the room next to hers where the Princess is in!

The 『Flower Room』, are you telling me it's actually a room that can be peeped! The chairs and whatnot, all kinds of things......have already been prepared! In other words, making a woman she made go into heat with the aphrodisiac aroma stay over, and peeping at the woman who thinks she isn't seen by anybody and gives in to her arousal is the Female Magician's kink!

Ain't the Female Magician Mayria......a voyeur! Like I'm the one to say! She has constructed the situation that I'm doing with my skill with her own strength, and doing the same thing as me......! Should I say we're on the same wavelength, or that we're the same species.......

And then, without even knowing that she's being peeped at by Mayria and me, the Princess who finished her preparation to sleep......is quietly removing her clothes and going down to her underwear.

In her underwear......she gets on top of the bed......not, and lays a towel she holds in her hand on top of the carpet.


She's on top of that, trying to bear with it.

Princess Alicia......wants to fight against the waves of desires for pleasure huh.

"It really......is the worst....... Until when......will such a condition continue......?"

I mean, probably until you completely unlock all of my skills. Uh-huh.

"All because of that Orc......!"

The one who called upon that Orc is you though.


As for Mayria, she's tilting her head while monitoring the state of the Princess.


Princess Alicia, who's breathing heavily, has, as I thought, the same 'already ripe for the picking' kind of feeling as Yuri.

"Fuu, fuu......"

Nn? The Princess is moving her hands around like she's operating something.

Is she doing something with her status?


Hyah!? Th-, this is......, th-, the butt......!? It's moving......!?』



The Female Magician and I, the two of us have question marks popping up on top of our heads at different locations.

Kuh......Orc....... He really......is the worst....... Doing something like this......he-, he's actually......putting it in the butt......? He's a pervert, as I thought, he's a pervert Orc......』

The Princess is in her underwear, lying on the ground above the large towel she laid out beside the bed, and then she's writhing her body......pressing on her butt with her own hand?

"Fumuu! Fumuuu!!"

, at that moment, Yuri started moaning underneath my body, so I removed her mouth gag.

"What's the matter, Yuri"

"He-, heyy....... Stop, the thing inside my butt......already......! It's still......moving!"

Yuri pleaded breathlessly.

Ah, I'd forgotten about it. For the time being, since I did it once, I stopped the vibration of the vibrator inserted in Yuri's butt as it is.

『Ah......it-, it stop-......-ped......haa......haa......

Nn? What? Currently, the state of Princess Alicia and us are completely......ah!

I see! Princess Alicia, through the bracelet's effect, is doing the Senses-Sharing of pleasure with Yuri!

Princess-wise, she knows what Yuri and I who are shacked up in the room will do after all.

Taking advantage of this silver lining......the Princess is stealing the pleasure Yuri is having, for the sake of her own masturbation!

In the settings of the 【Summoner's Bracelet】's Senses-Sharing, the transmission of pleasure from Yuri to the Princess one-sidedly is also possible after all.

"This is......"

Interesting. I raised my body and embraced Yuri.


I, strongly......fondle Yuri's breasts.


"Ann. Are we still doing it, Shino......?"

Princess Alicia on the other side of the monitor has a reaction as well! As I thought, their senses are currently connected!

"Yuri, we're still continuing"


I, greedily devour Yuri's lips. My eyes are......on the figure of Princess Alicia who isn't here.

Nn...... They're......kissing huh......』

Princess Alicia, she started licking her own fingers in the room, in a way that she's matching our side.

I, crawl my fingers on Yuri's lower abdomen. With gentle hand movements like I always do to the Princess.


Ah......ov-, over there......noo......』

The pleasure Yuri receives torments the Princess as well.

The Princess in heat, started rubbing her fingers on her own crotch......in a way that she's matching my movements.

『My my, how lewd. To lose yourself in such a manner for a Princess......fufufu

And then, Mayria, who peeps at the state of the Princess who starts masturbating in another room, too.....removes, half her clothes. And then stretching her legs but not to the extent that it's vulgar......the Female Magician started masturbating as well.

"............somehow, it turned into something amazing"


Princess Alicia, Female Bandit Yuri, Female Magician Mayria.

Three beautiful young girls, are inside this mansion, indulging in their carnal desires in different locations.

And then, only I have a grasp of all of that.

Yuri is being embraced by me, caressed as I like, and feeling good.

The Princess is, stealing the sensation of that, and masturbating with the pleasure of being toyed with by me.

While peeping at such silly behaviour, Mayria is comforting herself as well.

Without knowing that all of their silly behaviours, are being watched by me.

"Yuri. ......I'm gonna do it again"

"Nn, haa......haa......do as......Shino likes......"

"Aah, I'll do as I like"

It's the perfect chance to let the Princess, taste the pleasure of actual sex, without hurting her body.

Ah......ah......kuh......as I thought, only your lust, is amazing huh......Hero-sama......?』

, unlike when I'm doing it to her usually, the Princess is masturbating with provocative words with her genuine attitude.

『Oh my....... Princess-sama, to think that you're doing it while thinking of the Hero-san......how adorable』

Haa, ah, ah, putting your fingers in......so deeply......!?』


'Bikun!', the Princess and Yuri jerk their body in pleasure.

Ah, nn......haa......


Nn, nn......

As I'm watching the silly behaviours of the three beautiful young girls, I'm also getting unbearably aroused.

I place Yuri's body, in a posture that's easy for me to do it......and thrust in again mercilessly.


Hah, aaah, ah!? I-, i-, it's coming in......? Ah, ah, the sensation......only......!? I-, it doesn't hurt......』

Ooh...... It's pseudo, but Princess Alicia is accepting my object and tasting the sensation as well.

Now that it's come to this, let's have her feel good all the way to the end.

Don't worry, because it's the second time today......I'm capable of movements that pay attention to the woman-side's arousal as well.

Ah, ah, ah......! Something like this! Something like this......fuuu! Fuu, fuu, kuh, doing something like this......to me......the Princess of a country......I am reall-, really taken aback, you know, Hero-sama......? Nn, nn fuu......!

The Princess, she's feeling me indirectly through Senses-Sharing.

On top of that, inside the Princess' head, she's also fantasising about having sex......no, being raped? by me and masturbating.

Nn, nーn, hah, haa......you can't do itt......in-, inside......this.......ah, ah......it feels good......』

The Princess is rapidly getting intense.

Fuu, nn......aah, Princess-sama, you really are adorable....... I wonder what kind of things you are fantasising about the Hero-san doing to you......? Fufu, fufufu......

It looks like Mayria is also pretty turned on.

Both the Princess and Mayria are conveying the fact that their faces are flushing red, and their bodies are getting excited and feeling good plenty.

Ah, inside.....it's......amazing....... Such......such......uu, ah, ann......you can't, don't, grind around inside....... It feels good......ah, you can't....... Something like this, ah, ah, ah!

The Princess is gradually, losing herself by leaving her body in the hands of me who isn't there.

Her fingers are being moved intensely at the same time, comforting herself.

The part where her skin was visible was drenched in sweat, and her entire body was twitching to its heart's content.

The Princess opens her mouth which contains lots of drool widely, and lets out her moans.

Aah, ah, aaann, aaah, I can't take it, anymore, ah, aaah! Noo, I'm-, I'm comingg, I'm comingg......!』

And then, at the same time as my ejaculation......Princess Alicia finishes as well in another room.

"Ah, aaan......!"

Yuri also, climaxes.

"Nn, nnn......!"

Mayria is quivering her body as well.

What an unbelievably......unforgettable nightt......!


──【Key To The Princess' Heart】 is temporarily unlocked.

──Skill No. 5【Mirror Magic】 unlocked.


Skill No. 5......got unlocked!?

Through the Princess' Hero-material masturbation!?

Haa......haa....... Fuu......fuu....... As-, as I thought......it is strange......』

The Princess, while throwing her body down face-up......she stares at the ceiling, and mumbles to herself.

Perhaps she went into post-climax clarity mode, her behaviour comes off like she's pondering about something.

『The pleasure of......being done by the Hero......is not normal....... Does it have anything to do with the price of the summoning......? Haa....... Maybe I should, try consulting Mayria-sama......』

Hmm? I don't really get it, but that person you're consulting, she's a pervert who's watching the Princess masturbate, and masturbating, you know.

Rather, she says that the pleasure of being done by me is not normal.......

I wonder what she's comparing it with.

Does it mean that compared to the masturbation that she had done? during the week I wasn't around, it felt the best?

I think that's the influence of the 【Leveling】 though.......

Based on the information I was given by the Princess, does it establish the observation along the lines of 『she will feel exceptionally good when she does the act with the Hero』 ?

Which means in her own way......Princess Alicia accepted me.

And then, ......Skill No. 5's release!

The skill that was skipped over to No. 6, 【Karmic Curse】......!

Let's check out my status right away.

Skill No. 5【Mirror Magic】

・A skill that acquires・strengthens the Reflection Magic 【Mirror Magic】, in exchange for locking the usage of all Attack Type Magic.

・Bestows the effect of 【All Magic Reflection】 that makes 【Absolute Counter】 capable of reflecting every 『Magic That Harms The Hero』

・It is also possible to choose which magic to not reflect.

・The level of the magic one is able to use raises by fulfilling the conditions.

◇Mirror Magic Lv 1 『Mirror Shield』: A magic that summons a Magic Shield with the Magic Reflection Effect.

※Condition: Undergo the ceremony to acquire magic. The number・types of 『Magic Shield』 one is able to summon increases through the number of ceremonies to acquire the respective elements.

◇Mirror Magic Lv 2 『Mirror Barrier』: A magic that creates a barrier that reflects magic

※Condition: Undergo the 【Hero Recognition Ceremony】 from the Holy Maiden.

◇Mirror Magic Lv 3 『Mirror Magic Eye』:A magic the reflects visually perceived magic

※Do ■■ and ■■

"Mirror Magic......"

Another, complicated one.......


Don't lock the Attack Magic from the Hero who makes a living from fighting!

And then, Level 3's conditions have corrupted text! This, it's the Princess' fault, right!

Rather, it's a Counter-type skill again though!?

And then the strengthening of the reflection function of magic types. As I thought,【Absolute Counter】 too, has room for strengthening.

This skill is also Insta-kill Magic meta, huh......

Have I, perhaps......been summoned from the category of a 『Hero of Countering』 or something?


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