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"......Asch, you worked real hard huh"

"Fuu......it's a piece of cake for me"

"Fufufu......I see"

"Rejoice......I created a special medicine for the God Guided Disease. With this, your sickness will be cured"

"......I see, that makes me happy. Then, after it's cured, I can go and have a picnic huh"

"Let alone a picnic. Even the summit of the 5000 meters tall Mount Saezelーー"

"As always, you sure don't understand a maiden's heart huhー. I want a picnic"

"Uu......got it"

"I wanna go on my birthday. With Otou-san......with Jill......"

"......humph, you three can just go and have your fun"

"Fufu......of course, Asch too"

"......well, if you insist, it's not like I can't go with you"

"Then, please come"


"But......you really worked hard huh, Asch"

"Again, changing the topic randomly"

"Come......over here......"

"The-, there sure are times you don't hear people out huh"

"Just come......"




"Quick, quick......"


"......you thought it'd be on the lips?"

"N-, n-. not really!?"

"Fufu......it's a charm. The lips will be......next time, alright"

"We-, well......I'm busy, so uh......"


"Wha-, what. You're changing topics all over the place"

"It's my birthday present to you"

"'Present', you say......just a letter?"


"N-, no......it makes me happy. Can I open it?"

"You can't. No matter what, you can't"

"What's with that"

"Because it's embarrassing......read it, when I'm not around"

"......it sure is a present with lots of requests huh. It can't be helped"

"Fuu......I'm getting just a little tired. Can I sleep for a bit?"


"Asch......I have a request"

"......what is it?"

"Until I fall asleep......can I have you......hug me tightly?"




"Have you already, fallen asleep?"

"Uun......not yet"

"I see......"

"I can't sleep when you rush me"

"Sor-, sorry"


"Have you already, fallen asleep?"

"...... I'm asleep"


"Fufufu.......but, just, a bit more......"

"I see......"


"Have you already, fallen asleep?"


"You've already, fallen asleep huh"

"Liana has......already......"

"died huh?"

"I wonder why......"

"Even though I wanted to......"

"......be with you forever"

"Good night"


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