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11 People Bandit Group


Gender: Female

Age: 11


『Rabbit Demihuman young girl. Captured by the bandit group when she was playing with her friend on the outskirts of town』



Gender: Female

Age: 12


『Fox Demihuman young girl. Captured by the bandit group when she was playing with her friend on the outskirts of town』



The Demihuman young girls are, nestling up to each other, horribly terrified.

There's the enslavement of Demihumans in the bandit group's profile, so the girls are now literally waiting to be sold as slaves.

"Hmm. You captured two whole slabs this time around huh"

"Ou. I was lucky enough to find them at an easy-to-capture place"

"I mean, more fun for Yuri-sama as well huh"

Dazley sucks up to the Head's daughter.

In his profile, it was noted that he's the daughter-targeter of the bandit group huh.

"Yeahh. Well, there are two slabs after all......one's fine, right, Papa"

I look at the female bandit who licks her lips with the two young girls in front of her across the monitoring function.

It's a woman with long straight black hair.

An ordinary human with neither pointed ears nor a tail huh.

For her outfit, she's wearing an attire that looks slightly dress-ish as well.

For her face, she's quite pretty, the beauty type.

She's probably older than me, but she doesn't give off the impression of a middle-aged woman.

I feel the youthfulness of roughly a high school senior or a university student.

And although her hair is black, the colour of her eyes is red. Uーn, that's an Otherworlder for you.

Her appearances are relatively appealing, but her insides have a bit of an iffy vibe.

"Aan? Oi, not again. You obviously can't, right, Yuri"

"Eeh? Don't say something like thatt. There are two slabs after all; it's fine even if I make one die, isn't it. Please?"

'Make one die', how disturbing again.

First of all, stop using 『slabs』 to count them.

"Hii, aah......"

"Hikku......uu, Tina-chan......"

The small kids are frightened and nestle up in tears, unable to do anything inside the prison.

It's a situation where it wouldn't be strange for them to be killed at any time.......

It's painful to look at. I can't do this. Let's save those girls.

Let's do whatever the current me can.

A development where 『the corpses of those kids lay lifelessly』 『the Hero was too late』 after defeating the bandit group is way too unpleasant.

◆【Otherworld Transportation Technique】


【Equipment Designation】

◇Effect designation completed equipment that I have already made him equip.

◇Numbness Effect Overgarment

1. Shirt with the exact same shape, tear, and dirt as the shirt he is presently wearing.

2. When the Hero verbalises 『Stun-gun』, it gives the wearer an electric shock.

3. The electric shock manifests a degree of electricity that renders the target unconscious but does not take their life.

4. Rank B

◇Magic Sealing Mouth Gag (Extremely Spicy)

1. Has an obstruction effect towards magic usage on the target. Impedes the target's use of magic.

2. Gives them a shock with the extreme spice when they lick the mouth gag.

3. Does not impede the target's breathing and has the effect of aiding them so that breathing difficulties do not occur.

4. Rank B

◇Handcuffs and Shackles

【Possession Designation】

◇Human Race Specific Sleeping Gas Manifesting Orb

1. A gas bomb that detonates when one returns to the Otherworld.

2. Has no lethality; is unable to kill anybody.

3. Exhibits its effectiveness only on the Human Race and manifests a sleeping gas which induces one into a deep slumber.

4. Aids breathing and has a soothing effect when it comes to Demihumans・Beastfolks; effects that are harmless to Demihumans・Beastfolks.

5. Has the effect where the manifested gas disperses when the Hero verbalises 『Gas, Disperse』.

6. Rank A

◇【Human Race Specific Sleeping Gas Manifesting Orb】with identical effects (Second)

......I finish up Dazley's settings beforehand and set the Dazley・Bomb. Up next is the preparation to break in.

Two are on lookout. Five drinking alcohol.

Dazley and Zirky.

And then the Head, Yurai, and his daughter, Yuri.

I've managed to confirm that it's a bandit group with a total of 11 people.

However, I'll be mindful of the point that there's no guarantee that these are all of the bandit group's members.

There might be dangerous traps, but the fact that I don't have the capability to see through them is also a problem.

First, it's whether I can even render the two lookouts powerless.

......if I can verify them with my eyes, I can select them as the Transportation Technique's target. I suppose the move I can make is decided.

I'll verify them with my eyes from a distance where they won't notice me and immediately make my escape after targeting them. I'll key in the settings and activate the skill from a distant location.

Let's remove the Sword Saint's target.

I'll spend all my resources on rescuing the kids for now.

"From around these parts......"

I got the two lookouts into my sight from afar.

I sure can't use 【Character Introduction】 . I guess it's no good if I can't see their faces.

I can see it across the monitoring function, so it's no problem.

I set the two lookouts as the targets.

The target came off of Zirky.

I, move away from that place right away before I get noticed and think about the Transportation Technique's designations.

I verified with 【Character Introduction】, and the two lookouts had misdeeds as well.

Looks like I don't have to worry too much about 【Karmic Curse】's demerit.

◆【Otherworld Transportation Technique】


【Equipment Designation】

◇Numbness Effect Overgarment 2

1. Shirt with the exact same shape, tear, and dirt as the shirt he is presently wearing.

2. When the Hero verbalises 『Stun-gun』, it gives the wearer an electric shock.

3. The electric shock manifests a degree of electricity that renders the target unconscious but does not take their life.

4. Rank B

4. Manifests an electric shock once as well when they return to the Otherworld.

5. Rank B

◇Camouflage Restraining Mantle

1. A mantle that covers the entire body.

2. Has a camouflaging effect of blending into the scenery.

3. In a form that obstructs the target's movements.

4. Rank C

◇Magic Sealing Mouth Gag (Extremely Spicy)



◇Handcuffs and Shackles

【Possession Designation】

◇Bandit Tricking Magic Sphere

1. A magic projection device that continuously projects the hologram image of Bandit Lend and Zynan who serve as lookouts

2. Activates upon returning to the Otherworld.

3. Rank B

◇Mist Manifesting Magic Orb

1. Has the effect of manifesting mist in the vicinity.

2. Activates upon returning to the Otherworld.

3. Rank C


【Equipment Designation】

◇Blindfold of Illusion

1. Has the effect of showing the wearer the hallucination of a monster attacking Bandit Lend.

2. Invokes confusion in the target's perception, makes them lose themselves, and incites an intense urge to abandon the lookout and start running immediately.

3. The wearer will want to start running in the direction away from the hideout.

4. Has the effect of showing a hallucination that reflects the vicinity's landscape and situation to a certain extent, but is unable to perceive the Hero.

5. Rank A

◇Perception Interference Mouth Gag and Headphone Set

1. Has the effect of blocking the target's mouth but makes the target mistakenly perceive that they are producing their voice.

2. Will not impede breathing.

3. Rank B

◇Camouflage and Restraint(Weak) Mantle

1. Has a camouflaging effect of blending into the scenery.

2. An equipment where the fabric coils around the body and has plenty of cords, hindering the wearer's movements.

3. However, it does not have defensive capabilities.

4. Rank C

◇Monster Repellent Bangle (Removable)

1. Has the effect of not letting monsters get close.

2. Has the effect of not encountering monsters.

3. Rank A

◇Numbness Effect Overgarment

【Possession Designation】

◇Bandit-Killer Sword

1. A sword that specialises in attacking bandits. A sword with the length・weight・shape that is easy for the Hero to use.

2. Possesses the effect of easily penetrating Magic Endurance, Fighting Spirit, and defensive equipment only in the case where the target is a bandit.

3. However, it is so dull it is unable to hurt anything other than bandits.

4. Rank S

◇Magic Flash Orb

1. A sphere that causes an explosion that manifests a blinding flash and deafening sound for about 5 seconds after activation.

2. For activation, it requires the Hero to verbalise 『Flash Orb』 in a state where he is in contact with it and releases it.

3. Rank B

Lookouts' settings, done.

I change the monitoring function to an angle facing the hideout's entrance and confirm that there's nobody besides the lookouts.

First, I activated the Transportation Technique on Lend.



Both of them were surprised by the magic circle that emerged suddenly.

Bandit Lend finishes his Transportation・Return in an instant.

"Ngu!? ......uu, gyababaa, "

The bandit returned in a wrapped-in-a-mantle figure.

A blindfold and a mouth gag were added to his face, and the chains were visible from the gap of the mantle.

Bandit Lend drops a beautiful crystal sphere-like object, gets numbed by the electric shock, and falls.

A mist started pouring out around him right away.

Furthermore, from the sphere that rolled on the ground......a hologram manifests.

It projects the figures of the bandits on that spot.


Electric shock works normally on Otherworlders as well huh. This sure is a great help.

"Oi!? What happened!?"

I activate the Transportation Technique on Zynan as well after a delay.

"Uwah, me too!?"

A magic circle manifests on Bandit Zynan.

He's equipped with a Blindfold・Mouth Gag・Headset・Mantle.

In his hands, he was holding the 【Bandit-Killer Sword】 and 【Magic Flash Orb】, but he ended up dropping the sphere on that spot. Let's retrieve it afterwards.

"Guuguu!? Gubuu!!"

Without moving, I continue to observe them with the monitoring function.


Bandit Zynan started running, moving away from the hideout.

Leaving behind both his lookout duties and his companion.

Bandit Lend shows no signs of getting up.

......alright. I'm gonna chase after Bandit Zynan.




I chase after the him, who's deranged and sprinting, and activate 【Numbness Effect Overgarment】 from a distant position!

Alright, I managed to activate it!

Numbed, the bandit becomes unable to move.

The voice recognition-type might've been auto-completed with『It's no good if the voice doesn't reach』.


I, carefully approach the fallen Bandit Zynan.

......it's scary, so one more time, just in case.



The large man twitches.

By the way, his misdeeds are, as usual, pillaging-type and sexual assault-type crimes.

They sure are birds of the same distasteful feather huh, this bandit group.

"uu, uu......"

I retrieved the 【Bandit-Killer Sword】 from the bandit who had cramped up and lost his consciousness.

Yay, I got an S Rank equipment(self-proclaimed)!

Let's make sure to not forget to retrieve the 【Monster Repellent Bangle】 as well.

For this type of equipment, the part where I don't know the effect is exhibited to what extent sure is scary.

It'd be horrific if the effect runs out right when I feel at ease because some time passed or something.

"Then, next we go"

It seems Bandit Zynan has also murdered people during the process of pillaging.

In that case, I'll test out this skill.

"──Skill No. 6 【Karmic Curse】"

Effect No. 4, activate!

Beside Zynan, a magic circle that emits dark purple light manifested.

From there......ooh. It's dead spirits.

Human's......souls! Real ghosts and vengeful spirits appear and attack the bandit......!


"Woah, how scary!"

Incomprehensible voices and untranslatable cries are audible!

This, it deals mental damage to me as well, right!

I know their target isn't me, but how scary! It feels like I'll have a nightmare of this.

I can no longer enter the bath alone, so Princess-sama, let's have a bath together!


Zynan, he's unable to perceive these terrifying dead spirits. It's because he's completely lost consciousness.

I re-activated 【Character Introduction】 on him.


Gender: Male

Age: 41


『Underling of Godey Bandit Group. Belongs to the bandit group; helped out with the murder of Merchants・Travellers・Adventurers and robbed their valuables. Willingly hunts Demihumans・Beastfolks』


『Murder of Merchants・Travellers・Adventurers』

『Violence・Sexual Assault of captured women』

『Assisted in the torture of Demihumans・Beastfolks』

The dead spirits that encircle him are unable to maintain the form back when they were alive.

But, I could tell that there's quite a number of them.

It just means that that's how many people he killed.

It's in the skill effect that it's also possible to purify these dead spirits' souls.

Killing their target before them with their grudges undispelled even though I call forth for them, is scary in its own way.

But it's probably necessary to test-slash 【Bandit-Killer Sword】. There's a battle awaiting me after this as well after all.

"First things first, I guess I'll try cutting his leg"

The dead spirits will probably allow it as well if it's that much.

I swung the 【Bandit-Killer Sword 】at Zynan's calf.



The cloth and flesh of one of his legs were sliced apart, and his blood flew.

The sword......sure doesn't have any resistance huh.

I wonder if this is the effect of 【Bandit-Killer Sword】.

Should I test it out by slicing him up more?

I guess it not being a sword that breaks easily alone is plenty for now.

"......this fellow, I guess I can just leave him be here"

I suppose there's no 『exceeding the karma』 the moment this many souls of the deceased draw to him.

My job is done if I cut his other leg as well beforehand and just make it so that he can't move.

I'll leave the rest to the deceased's souls-san. Feel free to do whatever you like with him.


'Slash!', I swing the 【Bandit-Killer Sword】 at his other leg.

Even when the blood splattered, and I was doused in the blood-backsplash, I was alright for some reason.

Ah, but he'll heal even if I cut his legs if there's Healing Magic huh.

After setting even more restraining tools on him......I activate Transportation Technique!


※ Unable to transport the target who is currently in use of 【Karmic Curse】.


I discover a new working of the skill!

"It sure feels like I'll discover all kinds of workings whenever they get unlocked"

This overly complicated skill set of mine. Is this my fault?

No, let's make it the Princess-sama's fault.

Damn you, Princess Alicia!


When I returned to the vicinity of the hideout's entrance, the mist was still enshrouding the place, and the hologram of the lookouts remained projected.

But the mist sure looks like it's about to disperse soon huh.

I direct my eyes to the monitoring function, and it looks like Dazley and others inside the hideout haven't noticed the abnormality outside.

It'd be an out if the other members come out to substitute the lookouts now.

I'm moving closer to the collapsed lookout Bandit Lend, not from the front but along a blindspot.

I retrieve the dropped 【Magic Flash Orb】.

With this, my equipment are 【Bandit-Killer Sword】 【Monster Repellent Bangle】 【Magic Flash Orb】......these three.

I'll aim to rescue the young girls with these and the usage of my skills.



First things first, I'll make Lend eat an additional dose of stun-gun as well and restrain his movements even further beforehand.

Ah, I just got zapped! Is it because I use something like an electric shock even though a mist is enshrouding the place?

I've really, really got to practise caution when handling electricity.

"Here we go"

I drag and transport Bandit Lend by his legs and move him far away from the location that's immediately visible from the entrance.

"The state of the inside is......

Dazley, he goes with Zirkey and is moving from the bandit group's Head's room.

They then head to the room with the five people drinking alcohol.

On top of behaving like scums while exchanging jokes and foul language over there, they were boasting about today's results(Henry and my stupidity).

From their perspective, it seems I either got scared and ran away, or I died and got eaten by the monsters.

If they caught sight of me in town, they intend to friendlily talk to me, going, 『we were worried, you know』, and make use of me to lure the Princess out or something.

Since they didn't recognise her as the Princess, Princess Alicia is being targeted for her looks.

That person......she's my lover! I won't let you lay your hands on her!

Ooh, this is sorta orthodox Hero-ish, you know?

......I sure am the same kind as these guys as well huh.

Let's have at it as the same kind, as scums, shall we.

I activate my skill at Lend.

"【Karmic Curse】"

A dark purple magic circle manifested, and the dead spirits attacked Lend.

"Though it's still activated for Zynan as well......"

It seems it's possible to use 【Karmic Curse】 simultaneously.



It's a skill where if I use it when they're unconscious, I can't quite grasp the extent of its effect.

I wonder if it'll really be of use in the fight with the Demon Lord.

In any case, do your best, deceased's souls.

Please bestow retribution to the sinner and rest in peace.

For now, I'll cut this fellow's legs as well beforehand.

Two lookouts settled. Nine more people.

"Next we go"

Now, near Dazley, seven bandit group members, including himself, have gathered up.

"I want to try and implicate the boss character-ish bandit group's Head if I'm going to do it, but......they aren't gonna gather up that conveniently huh"

It'd be an unpleasant development if, as I was waiting for the right timing here, the kids were being tortured in the boss room or something.

It's overly precarious when that 'Yuri' woman isn't joining this bandits' drinking banquet.

If it's purely two enemies and seven enemies, then it's probably a better idea to first crush the seven enemies beforehand.

"......before that, I'll confirm whether there are any good people around with 【Character Introduction】"

I move the monitoring function around and look at everybody's profile.

"Uh-huh. Nothing but baddies"

Hyahaー! With this, I'm not afraid of any curse or whatnot!

Rather, they're really a bandit group of the same feathers. Each and every single of them, their misdeeds overlap.

I wonder if they spent their adolescence committing crimes together.

White Wolf Chivalric Order, do your job.

......and so.

Dazley・Bomb activate.

I activate the 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】 which settings have already been completed.



"Oi, it's that just now, "

Zirky, the only one who had seen the magic circle before, reacts, but it's already too late.

Transportation・Return. The two sleeping gas manifesting orbs then blow up!

──bang! bang!

Woah, how loudd!


My ears hurt a little. I grimace and cover my ears.

I ended up taking unnecessary damage.

In any case, the abnormal status-type effects......seem to be effective.

They're dropping like flies.


I remove Bandit Lend and Zynan's targets and narrow it down to only Dazley.

I then re-enter the settings.

◆【Otherworld Transportation Technique】


【Equipment Designation】

◇Effect designation completed equipment that I have already made him equip.

【Possession Designation】

◇Magic Call-Out Machine

1. A device that manifests loud voices that call out to the Head Yurai and Yuri, in the voices of Godey Bandit Group's underlings like Dazley and Zirky.

2. Rank D

◇Magic Megaphone

1. A device that amplifies and echoes the sounds of that location.

2. Rank D

......with this, I activate it again!

『Headd! Come heree!』


『Yurai-sama, please comee!』


The item that was taken out, was an object made of somewhat round-ish jewel and metal.

I thought for sure it'd be like a radio cassette.

Invoking the theory that the auto-complete part, it constructs items with designs in line with this world.

Now's not the time for that. Onto the next settings.

◆【Otherworld Transportation Technique】


【Equipment Designation】

◇Effect designation completed equipment that I have already made him equip.

【Possession Designation】

◇Magic Smokescreen Manifesting Sphere

1. A sphere that spreads a unique smoke in the room.

2. It affects only the Human Race, excluding Demihumans・ Beastfolks・Hero, and has the effect of manifesting a magic sealing smoke which makes it difficult to use magic.

3. Rank B

◇Magic Figure

1. A figure that manifests a loud sound.

2. Has the effect of drawing Bandit Yurai and Bandit Yuri's attention.

3. Rank B

【Location Designation】Earth・In a house・A location that doesn't bother anybody・A location with no witness.

【Objective Designation】Spend 1 minute on Earth.

This time around, I'll set a delay from the time of activation beforehand.


The bandit group's voices echo.

On that spot are seven collapsed bandits.

The remaining enemies are, two more people.

If possible, I hope to engage in the boss battle after weakening the opponent.

As long as they don't drag those Demihuman kids along, I can do whatever I like from a distance though.

How are you going to come at me, bandit group's Head?

"You guys are noisy, you know! What are you making a fucking ruckus about since just now!"

Alright, he's here! I can win with this! Probably!


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