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After Story. Runwalker Kingdom Exploration

"My〜, it sure was fun just noww〜"

I recall Elene's joyous smile just now and end up grinning unconsciously. My〜, that smile was adorable. She was frolicking happily whenever I moved the golem.

I got ahead of myself at the end and ended up being scolded by Aerith and the others, but nevertheless, Elene was happy, so it's all good.

The complexion of the soldiers around was horrible though. Grand ended up bitterly returning to his job halfway through as well.

As I was walking while recalling the face of Elene smiling joyously just now

"Now then, please cast your Magic exactly as I taught!"

""Yes, Marin-sensei!""

I apparently arrived at the training grounds. Marin was teaching the Magicians Magic over there. Mari is also teaching together with her as her assistant. I guess I'll watch for a bit.

For the Magicians, it's somewhere around 6 men and 4 women. Well, women joining the army itself is rare, so if you think about it that way, I suppose the ratio of women in this country is high. I think the cause of that is because the authorities of this country are women.

There's a woman for the Prime Minister, and there's a woman for the General as well after all. Marin, the Magician Squad Captain, as well. I can even say I've not heard of any male authority.

The ten Magicians that have lined up side by side at Marin's command, cast their Magic altogether. The elements of the Magic cast are over the place, but everything was flying towards the targets before the Magicians' eyes......or so I thought, but

"Ah! Watch outt!"

The Magic cast by one person amongst them flew over in my direction for some reason. Even though it won't fly over here under normal circumstances, why? I thought, but well, let's leave that for later.

When I glance at the surroundings, Marin facepalms and makes a taken-aback expression, Mari panics for a moment but breaths a sigh of relief when she knows it's me. Oi, it won't hurt to be a little more worried about me, right?

The Magicians, of course, were shouting at me to watch out and such, and the very person who cast the Magic was shouting in tears. I feel a bit bad for her, so I guess I'll quickly settle it.

I swing my right hand and erase the Flame Ball that flies over at me. The force of it is so-so. But why did it explode like that? It looks like it's an everyday thing judging from Marin's vibe though. As I was thinking about that

"Ar- ar- ar-, are, are you alwightt!? Ah!"

The Magician ran over to me flusteredly. The young girl, whose age is obviously roughly in the single digit, ran over to me. How old is this kid exactly? She's currently blushing at the fact that she bit her tongue though.

"Are you okay, Lei-kun?"

"Are you alright, Lei-san?"

As I was looking at such a young girl, the Magician Squad Captain-dono and Assistant finally came over.

"Eeh, I am alright, Magician Squad Captain-dono and Assistant-dono"

"Uu......I thought it'd be fine if it's Lei-kun. That's why forgive me"

"Ye-, yeah. We thought it would be better than if we were to intervenee"

In response to my attitude, the two of them suddenly started fidgeting. Perhaps it was the first time they saw such a sight of them, the Magicians who came over afterwards and the young girl are opening their eyes widely.

I look and laugh at such two of them, and perhaps they understand that I'm teasing them, they puff up their cheeks.

"Ge-, geez! Lei-san!"

"......well, whatever. So, what's the matter, Lei-kun?"

"Nn? I didn't have anything to do in particular, so I was going around having a look, wondering if there was anything I could do. By the way, I was entertaining the extremely adorable Elene until just now!"

I give a thumbs-up and say with a smile. Looking at such me, Marin smiles awkwardly, going, 'What a foolishly doting parent〜', and Mari is rubbing her belly, going, 'if I have a child as well......'.

Looking at such two of them, the Magicians display surprised expressions again. The men amongst them are glaring at me though.

"So what's the matter with this kid? Is she not feeling well or something?"

I fluff the head of the young girl who cast her Magic towards somewhere ridiculous just now. The young girl lets out a voice as well, going, 'auu, auu', at the same time as that......it's becoming somewhat fun.

"......leave it at that, Lei-kun. Mimi is going to end up shrinking even more"

Oops, I ended up fluffing her too much unconsciously since her reaction was all too fun. When I stop, the young girl called Mimi hurriedly moves away from me and hides behind Mari.

"That girl is called Mimintia・Arderson, a female dwarf. Although her appearances are clearly that of a child, if I'm not wrong, her age should be 21"

"Eh? 21 years old?"

When I ask Mimi, Mimi timidly comes out from behind Mari and nods snappily. I don't quite get it, but it seems that the appearances of female dwarves don't really change. The characteristics of male dwarves are fundamentally thick hair and short height, but it's said that female dwarves are only short......it sure is a race that's godsend to the kind of people who are into that.

"I went and did something awful. Lei......is my name. Nice to meet you, Mimi-san"

That's a close one. I was almost about to tell her my full name. I then, respectfully, pat Mimi-san's head. Mimi-san looks like she feels good being pat, but perhaps she remembered that she's being pat by a younger guy, she moves away from my hand and hides behind Mari in a panic.

And then, I'm smacked by killing intent from the Magicians around. Apparently, Marin-san and Mari, along with Mimi-san are popular amongst the male Magicians.

Looking at the Magicians who bare their animosity towards me, Marin makes a horribly insidious grin like she thought of something and turns to me.

"Speaking of which, Lei-kun, you were saying you have nothing to do, right?"

"Nn? Aah, I'm right in the middle of searching if there's anything"

"In that case, Lei-kun, I'd like you to have a mock battle with these kids. Lei-kun alone against all the Magicians here"

Marin, who made a horribly insidious smile, says something like that to me. Of course, immediately after she says it like that, the Magicians make angry expressions and glare at me.

Especially the men who were glaring at me before Marin said something like that, their anger reached its peak, and they're making ghastly looks.

As I'm being slightly put off by those men, Marin comes all the way to my side

"I want Lei-kun to take them, who have gotten slightly conceit, down a peg"

, she says to me. When I look at Marin, wondering what she's on about

"These kids are kids that joined the squad this year, and they've joined wanting to become like you. There are a lot of such people, and since they're kids that passed the examination at the odds of one every several dozen, their pride is a bit high"

, Marin says something like that to me while looking at the Magicians out the corner of her eyes. One every several dozen sure is amazing. There are about 50 people just here alone. If those odds are one every several dozen, I suppose it means that several thousand came to take the test. But, well

"I got it. It's my adorable wife's request after all. I'll accept it"

When I mimic Marin and softly whisper by her ear, Marin's face turns red in one go. Now then, I guess I'll do my best.


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