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Birthday Party

The birthday party held at Hazen's mansion was extravagant, like a Royal Family's dinner party. On the numerous round tables arranged in the hall huge enough to hold a concert, there are line-ups of extravagant dishes that have never been seen before, and one after another, the reputable Magicians of various countries show up to give their congratulations over and over again.

"My name is Heldrik=Saruhan. I specialise in the historical studies of Light Magic" "My name is Giriolamo=Lamour. I am serving as the Court Magician of Delsari Kingdom" "My name is Valsireed=Rekless "I'm Bedasi=Rulwan andーー" "I'm Debelーー"

"Er-, erm, ah......thank you......"

When it comes to the Liana in question. All she has is awkwardness towards the pretty much unacquainted them.

"A-, amazing huh"

In a corner, Jill mutters while stuffing her cheeks with chicken.

"Hazen-sensei is such a doting parent that you can add a 'super' in front of it after all"

Asch makes a disinterested expression and sighs. The ones who have been invited, and all pretty young. No matter how you look at it, they're Liana's fiancé candidates. He, judges Hazen's action, as what they call the parental love of wanting to marry his daughter off under the best possible condition. However, the ill-natured worst Magician has no way of knowing, in reality, the daughter-loving papa's dearest wish of wanting to somehow rescue his daughter, whose feelings are leaning towards the ill-natured worst Magician.

"Leaving that aside, did you make sure to bring the present?"

"......I did, albeit against my wishes"

Asch, reluctantly, takes out a small box that's wrapped beautifully. It's brilliantly covered entirely in pink, and he ends up sighing naturally.

"Good boy. All that's left is to hand it over huh"

"Whatever, but it's a present from the two of us, alright"

"Eh......is it?"


"Yo-, you went and tricked me"

"What a horrible way to put it. I mean, the money is forked by you as well, and as you can see, I have a different one"

Saying that, she takes out a present from her bag. This here, too, has a beautiful pink packing, but it had a feeling that it's slightly lower grade than Asch's.

"Kuh......well, whatever. There won't be any problem if I just explain about that"

"Fuu, how naive, Asch=Dahl-kun. You, a once-in-a-century liar, and m・e・, an honest person all the time. At the end of the day, I wonder who is she going to believe"

"......nuu, gununununu"

Frustrated. And then, the present box that, with the justification of it being their shared present, even has a letter contained within already. It's already, covered with the pink packing, and it's impossible for him to even take it out.

"Still......I wonder if she will have the time to meet us"

Jill looks at Liana, who's surrounded by the male Magicians, and mutters uneasily.

"Well, if you give it another hour, everybody will be gone"

Liana is a kind and filial daughter. Understanding that it's parental love, she'll deal with it courteously as far as it goes. However, in the end, she'll plead with Hazen, saying it's her birthday, and the father will reluctantly make them empty out. That, had been the custom in recent years.


"What's the matter?"

"......I've got a bad feeling"

"Hmm......is it jealously perhaps? You don't have to worry, she's not a girl who'll be courted that easily"

"It's not something pointless like that"

The Dark Magician mutters and starts putting his brains to work.

Asch=Dahl, is not a theoretical person. He tries to be, but he's actually a purely instinctive person. He doesn't construct a theory bit by bit and finally derives an answer, he gets an answer first, and he doesn't immediately come up with why he thought of that.

"......I'm, going out for a bit"

"A-, Asch! Wait a minーー"

Before hearing those words, he starts running. To the place that hunch of his pointed. Relying on the instincts that even he himself can't explain. However, it'd saved himself at a high rate. Even the dangers to his life by his sadistic mentor, Hazen; he managed to avoid it numerous times with it.

Asch's body,



at Lessenar Magic Academy's courtyard.


"You came huh. I'm glad"

Making a refreshing smile,

before his eyes,

was Krist.


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