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Krist's smile was uncanny. It was all too beautiful, like somewhere, emotions were missing. It came off as ominous and sinister to no end. And then, what had been drawn on the ground, was a familiar magic circle.

"......what an appalling idiot. Even though I warned you that much to not lay your hands on Demon Summoning"

Furthermore, of all things......

"Asch, I suppose that'd be true for an immature Magician like you. However, I'm different. I'm not an imperfect human like you"

He tilts his head just slightly and makes an indifferent expression.

"Fuu, don't make me say it over and over again. Did you not lose in the duel against me?"

While cracking a joke, a single streak of sweat flows on Asch's forehead. If, that gets summoned, it'll be beyond what he himself can handle. He puts his brain in high gear and searches for a resolution to the situation.

Crack......Crack Crack Crack Crackkk

"......it's because......you fucking used a cowardly method, rightttttttttttt!"

It's as though his personality changed.

Krist, starts shouting like he went insane.

"Demon Summoning is cowardly? The method, you're currently trying to use huh"

"Kukuku......are you afraid to be on even grounds with me? This is, to counter you using the cowardly method"

"Then, use it"

Without even a slither of hesitation, Asch responded.


"Demon Summoning? You make me laugh. If you're going to use Demon Summoning, then I'll win you without using something like Demon Summoning. Against a coward, fair and square"

As though righteousness is on his side. Looking down on Krist as a coward in the same position as himself, and behaving like he's Krist. His enemy is a clump of ego. He predicted that he'll undoubtedly be influenced by his words.

Crack......Crack Crack Crack Crackkk

"......you bastard, enough is enough"

"Fuu, then what should I do? I said I won't use Demon Summoning since it's a cowardly method, and you're nevertheless dissatisfied huh. What exactly, do you want me to do? Are you telling me to tie my limbs up with a string and fight?"

Crack......Crack Crack Crack Crackkk

"......who the fuck said something like thatttttttttttttt!"

His pen is brutally snapped. Because he lost to Asch, Krist's reputation fell, and that strange habit of his was found to be abnormal. However, his attitude had maintained composed to an abnormal extent. That, made his abnormality stand out instead, and he was respected on the surface but alienated behind the scenes by the students. Now, the only one who speaks to him is, Liana, who's worried and speaks to him cheerfully.

"Then, what should I do? Won't you enlighten me, on your so-called fair and square?"

Say it.

The binding rule by none other than yourself. The restriction that you can by no means break, due to your own inflated ego.

"Did you not hear me......I've been saying it right from the startt, rightttttttttttt! Both of us just have to fight without using Demon Summoningggggggggg!"


The Dark Magic, laughed softly.

Krist implemented a restriction on himself. If it's a rule Asch, whom he deemed a coward, created, he'll easily break the rule if he gets close to defeat. He understood in the previous battle, that he's such a guy. It's precisely so, he made him express his understanding of two things by himself. The fact that Demon Summoning is cowardly. And then, the fact that fighting without Demon Summoning is fair and square. As long as he keeps by these restrictions, even if Asch wins, it won't come down to Demon Summoning.

This way of fighting, he got the hang of it naturally from the intense battles with Hazen=Heim on a daily basis.

A drunken Hazen had previously posed the question of『What is a 'Strongest Magician'?』. Asch, he thought for a bit and answered,『an individual who is the best at both Magic and Magic Power』, but Hazen blew that off and answered as such.

『The 'Strongest Magician', is a Magician who's able to fight every Magician and survive』.

Analysing the enemy, seeing through the opponent's characteristics and weakness, and surviving by any means necessary. A battle, is no entertainment. It's no more, than something for the sake of survival; so he had been taught by his mentor.

"What's wrong? Did you get scared?"

Krist makes a derisive smile.

"No way. Sure. I shall get on board your misguided fair and square or whatever"

Asch said that and started chanting.


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