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Great War Of The Demon God: Demon God Initiate

Nanor Kingdom

Lei Perspective


"What a close one, oi! Doing that inside such a cramp room!"

I'm hugging Alexia tightly and flying inside the room. Below us, black flames are spreading, leaving no place to stand. The cause of it is the Demon Race standing there like nothing is unusual in particular, even amidst those black flames, Demon King Gradiel.

Right after the Doppelganger that Baron summoned grabbed the greatsword that appeared suddenly, a black mist-like something started enveloping it, changed its form, and bloody became the Demon King Gradiel.

Immediately after, he suddenly starts swinging the sword without caring who it is, and black flames come attacking whenever he swings. When I dodged it, he released it at Alexia, who was taking on Azel, as well, and in the end, it even flew towards Azel. Friends and foes alike.

Baron and Azel have also currently evacuated to somewhere safe, and Gradiel alone is bloody rampaging at the very centre of the room. However, it sure is hot huh.

"Alexia, are you alright?"

"Eeh. Perhaps it's because I contracted with Maririn, it appears that she's lowering the temperature around my body for me"

Inside my arms, Alexia mutters.

"Tch! Cloak!"

He releases black flames, towards Alexia and me who'd evacuated to the wall. I block with Celestial Cloak, but at this rate, I'll end up getting exhausted before I fight Baron. Just as I was thinking about that

"Gradiel, stop"

, for some reason, Baron stopped Gradiel. Of course, Gradiel stops his actions as well. He doesn't move even a single muscle after that. It sure is as though he's a robot huh. Though it doesn't exist in this world.

The black flames that were burning fiercely in the room also disappear simultaneously as Gradiel stops. That fellow, he erased his Magic as well simultaneously as he stopped huh.

"What exactly is the matter?"

Azel looks at Baron with a baffled-looking face as well. Baron shuts his eyes and behaves like he's thinking for a bit, and he opens his eyes again

"All the Demon Generals who have gone outside were done in"

, and says......which means!



You've gone and done it huh, everybody! The fact that they defeated the Demon Generals means that the battle outside ended. All that's left is the battle in this Shrine Where Demons Lay. That was what I'd thought, but

"Whatever. The arrangement doesn't change"

Baron says without changing his expression in particular. And then into Azel who was beside him



went Baron's arm. That bastard. Doing that to his own subordinate.......

"Gufuu......Ba-, ron......sama......the rest......will......count......on......yo-......"


Azel muttered something and ended up collapsing as it is. Baron carries on to hold his hand over the collapsed Azel's corpse. Immediately after, a black mist-like something pours out from Baron's hand and envelops Azel.

And then, that black mist was gradually becoming smaller, and Azel's figure also ended up vanishing in proportion to that.


Baron extends his hand at standing-still Gradiel next. As for Gradiel, who was standing there unmovingly, the part that was the Doppelganger disappeared, and only the greatsword remained.

"What exactly are you doing?"

"Humph. This is also within the plan"

"What did you say?"

"If the Seven Demon Generals remove my seals, this world will end with that. And even if it's impossible, I, who took back my power that I'd bestowed to the Demon Generals, will remove the seals. I killed Azel for the sake of that"

The moment Baron said that, the Shrine Where Demons Lay started shaking. Wha-, what is it!?



I hug Alexia tightly, making sure she doesn't separate from me. What exactly is going on!? The earthquake subsequently becomes bigger, shaking so much that even standing has become tough. The ground then begins to crack.

What came out after it cracked was a single coffin. Its appearance is a completely ordinary coffin, but it's been tied up quite tightly with chains, and on top of that, it has even been sealed with a Magic Circle. And then, Baron moves towards that...... don't tell me

"Like I'll let youu!"

I launch an attack with Galadolg to stop Baron, but a large number of Doppelgangers appear, encircling the coffin. How annoyin'!

"Hikarin! Lightning God's Lightning(Keraunos)!"

""Aye-aye Sir, nano!""

I activate the strongest Magic that I can use, Lightning God's Lightning. I release the disk-shaped lightning flying at my back and obliterate the Doppelgangers that block the way in front of me with their arms and legs spread open.


I swing Galadolg, which form changed from a spear into a glaive through Lightning God's Lightning, down at Baron. However, Baron blocks Galadolg with Gradiel he holds in his left hand.

"Blow everything away, Demon King's Sword Of Black Flame"

And then, he activates the Magic Gradiel had used. This fellow!

"It's a Magic I bestowed to Gradiel when I created him in the first place. There's nothing strange even if I can use it!"

And then, Galadolg gets repelled, and I ended up being separated from Baron as well.

Above Baron's head was the black mist made from the Azel just now, along with five black mists that flew over to Baron's side from outside. Are those perhaps......all of those mists are entering Baron's body.

"Fuhahahaa! It's my power for the first time in a long while. It's something I'd bestowed for the sake of removing my seals, but it's also a given to have them return it since it's not needed anymore now that I resurrected!"

And then, he pours quite a bit of Magic Power into Gradiel. I released my lightning during that time as well, but it got repelled by Gradiel.

"Stay there and watch, Astell's apostle. Watch my resurrection, that is!"

Baron says that and stabs Gradiel into the seal's Magic Circle. The Magic Circle put up a resistance, but unable to suppress Baron who took back all the power he'd bestowed to the Seven Demon Generals, the Magic Circle cracked, and then, shattered.

Gradiel carries on to slice the chains apart, and the coffin that was wrapped up with the chains and wasn't visible becomes exposed.

Immediately after, a black lump came out from Baron......Kaidou Takumi's body and went into the coffin, like it was sucked in.

In that instant, Magic Power starts leaking from the coffin. A sense of pressure that crushes this space. Is it seriously so different just from the receptacle changing.

The coffin starts rattling, and in the next instant, an arm breaks through the coffin. Magic Power releases from that arm, and the coffin explodes. I stand in a way that I'm shielding Alexia, but I can tell even from here. That that fellow is on a whole different level.

It's truly, a sense of intimidation that's about the same as the time I confronted Goddess Astell and the Dragon God. Alexia can't even stand anymore as well.

"Fuhaha, fuhahahahahahaa! 1 thousand years, it's my body for the first time in 1 thousand years! Sealed by Goddess Astell, it took 600 years until my consciousness returned, 100 years to find the Seven Demon Generals, and although they started the war, they were defeated. From there, another 300 years. It was long. It was long, you know! It's still not a perfect resurrection, but now when neither can Goddess Astell move......it's already over"

The moment Baron looked at me, I was blown away.


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