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"Still, it sure is a nostalgic atmosphere. I had heard that it had been about 300 years, but to think that even though it goes by in the blink of an eye when I'm alive, it feels so nostalgic when I'm dead"

A black parasol-holding golden-haired twin-tail woman, who suddenly appeared. Although she's muttering while walking by herself, she doesn't seem concerned about any of us. She's walking over in this space that's flooded with this much killing intent without any concern.

Although Lig and I were looking curiously at the woman who appeared, Arnold-san, Noel, Gilde, and Libra-sama immediately moved away from that woman.

"It's just that, even though I only came to taste the nostalgic atmosphere, who would've thought, the targets for that individual's revenge are here"

"Eh? Gafuu!?"

And then, the woman was in front of my eyes and strangling me before I know it. Lifting me with her slender right arm.

"Stella! You!"

Lig, who saw that I was grabbed and got agitated, swung his sword down over here, trying to save me, but the woman tossed her parasol into the skies, pointed her right hand at Lig, and flicked her middle finger.

'Pann!', along with the sound of a burst, Lig was blown away. I immediately tried to let out my voice, but I couldn't let out my voice because I'm being strangled.

Lig, who no longer moved an inch after being flicked and sent flying by the woman. I end up imagining the worst inside my head. Thinking, 'I have to quickly help him!', I struggle, trying to break free from the woman's arm, but I don't move an inch. How strong.

"Humph, that kid isn't dead. It's easy to squish him like your neck, but I can't get in the way of that individual's revenge after all"

The woman grabbed the parasol that fell lightly and released my neck. I drop on the ground and, at the same time, cough violently. Although my vision blurs from my tears, I quickly head to Lig's side.

When I rush over to Lig's side, Lig's face had been dyed red. It looks like Lig's forehead tore with the woman's single blow just now, and blood is pouring out endlessly from there.

Exactly as the woman had said, he's still alive and breathing, but he seems to have passed out. Furthermore, his complexion is horrible because of the blood flowing from his forehead.

I activate my magic to plug up his forehead's wound right away. Although the wound plugged up right away, his complexion remains horrible. It may be meaningless, but I put up a defence barrier to protect Lig. When I turn around and look at the woman, the woman was walking straight, to Gilge, Noel, and Libra-sama.

Although the three are extremely cautious, the woman walks casually like she's taking a stroll. Even though there are three people who are close to the top even on the continent.......

And then, the woman walks straight to Gilde. Noel and Libra-sama, they passed through the woman's sides and came to us. At that, the woman just took a glance and didn't do anything to us.

"Hmm, what's your name?"

"......Gi, Gilde・Satan......is my name"

To think that Gilde, whom we faced with all of us, and who seemingly possesses the same level of strength as Libra-sama, is on one knee. That too, seems to not be by force, but she's making him do so naturally.

"Hoo, this generation's Wrath huh? This is convenient. I have something I would like to count on you. I want you to hand this letter to this generation's Demon Lord. This letter has been made so that only the Demon Lord can open it, so anybody apart from the Demon Lord should not try to open it, alright? If they don't want to die"

The moment the woman said that, a pressure that crushes the surroundings descended on top of us. Unable to raise my face, I ended up puking as it is.

"Und, understood"

"Hmm, I'm counting on you. Now then, I guess I'll head back. I also want to go to the Demon Capital and so forth, but I also want to drink that individual's blood after all"

The woman said just that, and her body scattered into bats and flew off. At the same time, the pressure that was crushing us disappears.

......the inside of my mouth feels gross with the taste of gastric juice and whatnot. When I look around, Noel, Arnold-san and the others also seem to be in quite a bit of pain. Not as much as me, but it has taken quite a bit out of them.

"......who would've thought, there's somebody like that around. We've got to quickly go back. Hero-sama, everybody, grab my hand!"

After he was sure that the woman disappeared, Libra-sama hurriedly comes to our side. As I thought, that's off the charts even for the Holy Kingdom's strongest Twelve Devas.

Each one of us links our hands, and Arnold-san carries Lig on his back and touches Libra-sama. And then, we came back to the Holy Capital with Libra-sama's teleportation.

The place we teleported to was, the large conference room that we came just once before. Inside the room were the Twelve Devas, apart from Libra-sama, the Holy Chivalric Order's Captain, and the Magician Squad Captain, who look at us.

Everybody's eyes gather at us. I hurriedly wipe my mouth and clean the filth. It might be too late at this point, but it's better than leaving it as it is.

"Libra. Did something happen?"

"......Leo. At the place where I went to fetch the Hero and the Holy Maiden-sama, I encountered an outrageous monster"

"......a monster, you say? Does that mean you encountered the Demon Lord?"

"......I don't know what's that. It's just that, I could tell hatefully so that they're no ordinary person. I think it's cutting it close even for Leo"

At Libra's serious expression and words, everybody makes a difficult look.

"......hmm, the Demon Lord's threat along with a mysterious monster. And then, what we were sent. I wonder if they're related"

Leo says and gives the orders for the soldiers to bring somebody over. In the meantime, the other soldiers prepared seats for us. Lig also woke up around that time and is sitting beside me.

"Holy Maiden-sama, and then Lig. There's something I want to confirm with you guys. Look behind"

Lig and I, who turn around as Leo-sama said. What exactly is there? When I think and try turning around, Okaa-san and Otou-san, who shouldn't be here, were over there with vacant eyes.


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