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Corrupted One

Asch, he was certain of his victory. Already, the only ones remaining are, Samon and a single Aristo believer, and Samon's Magic Power has been used up by the Convergence Magic just now. No longer, does he find any factor that'll cause him to lose.

"Now then, no more huh? A gimmick to surprise me"

He spreads his arms widely and asks Samon. Truth be told, Asch, whose Magic Power hasn't recovered sufficiently and whose limbs are shaking from exhaustion, he is. However, he squeezes out the remainder of his strength and puts up a strong front.


Samon doesn't say anything. He's closing his eyes quietly.

"......what. There's already, nothing else you can do huh. How boring"

Asch finds it slightly suspicious even while he's joking as such. The Saint who lost his brethren just now is not sinking in despair, nor is he going crazy in anger, he's just quietly contemplating......he has a bad hunch.

"Asch-sama, what is the matter?"

"......apprehend the Archbishop"

Asch, who orders Mira. He, who normally torments, torments and torments his opponent until the end, but he couldn't get in the mood for it for some reason.

<<Oh Light, Bind Tightly, The Fool>>ーーChatra's Light(


The rope of light Mira released, undoubtedly apprehended Samon. Without even resisting, he simply stands at that spot with his eyes closed.

At that sight, Asch realises.

"Mira! Kill the Archbishop right away!"

He shouted loudly. In front of Cis and Lily, he shouted reflexively without beating around the bush. Just one thing......that Asch realises he overlooked. Immediately, he follows after and starts chanting his magic. However......if it's exactly as he predicted......

<<Oh Hellfire Of The Sheol, Become A Purgatory, That Reduces The Saint To Ashes>>ーーGreat Fire Of Purgatory



Mira immediately released a gargantuan magic at Samon as instructed. An enormous black flame quickly swallows the vicinity, envelops the enemy. That was, undoubtedly the strongest magic Mira can release.

Even though normally, he'd be staring at that flame that leaves nothing but a shadow, Asch didn't stop his chant. The ominous hunch gradually turns into certainty inside the Dark Magician. That is, a Magic that's influenced not by the Magician's capacity, but by the compensation.

At that moment, the black flame instantly burst open and Samon's figure appeared. That pitch-black skin. The sharp eyes that penetrate everything.


Even his voice, had already changed.

"Fufu......Contract Magic, is it......you made up your mind huh"

While joking as such, a runnel of sweat flows from Asch. The Contract Magic that he didn't predict. Furthermore, the Saint had achieved a transformation into a figure that's another one out of his expectation. Asch was familiar with that figure. It's the sinister figure born when he once, corrupted an Angel into a Demon.

"Mira! Bring Cis and run a――"

――he's fast!

Samon, he moves the distance between Asch in an instant and punches Asch over and over and over again with his fist.


Roaring like a beast, Samon mounts Asch and punches him continuously. No longer, is there any hint of a Saint, he has an overwhelming killing intent and is determined to render the Dark Magician dead.

Mira, without helping Asch, immediately head towards Cis and Lily. Her judgement is to buy time in any case. Looking at the figure Samon transformed into and feeling that it won't last long, she chooses to run around until then.

Before long, Samon stands up and directs his eyes to Cis.

"Wa......wait. Let's......play......a bit more......"

Ignoring Asch, who somehow tries to catch his attention, Samon charged in Cis' direction at a tremendous speed. Cerberus stands in the way of that, and spews flame, ice mist, and lightning cluster with its respective heads and respond to the other party's attack, but the enemy sends flying Cerebrus with a powerful kick without stopping despite eating that.


Cis shouts, but the Magic Beast continues to eat Samon's consecutive attack helplessly as it is. That power was overwhelming.

"Cis-sama......please bring Lily-sama and run away"

Mira stands before Samon and shows a fighting stance.

"But Mira-san is......"

"If you guys die, Asch-sama will be sad. I am a doll, so there is no problem"


"Cis-sama. Who is the person you are carrying on your back? Now, who is it that you have to protect?"

In response to Mira's question, Cis looks at Lily, who's on her back. Shortly after thinking about it, she bows to Mira and runs with all her strength.

Before long, seeing that Cerberus lost its consciousness, Samon slowly sends his eyes to Mira.


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