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Holy Maiden’s Party (2)

Two weeks later

A certain location in the Demon Country Estekia


"Guhahahaha! Is this all you've got, Heroes! You sure have the gall to go about declaring that you'll defeat our Demon Lord with this level of capability!"

The Demon Race slams his club that's almost twice my height on the ground while laughing loudly. The ground shakes greatly with just the impact of that, and we end up being sent flying.

Kuu, to think that there's this much of a difference in strength. The one who's blocking our way is a Demon Race's Oni¹ Race and a man who holds the title『Wrath(Satan)』of the Seven Deadly Sins, who are the strongest even amongst the Demon Race, called Gilde・Satan.

"Tsk, how annoying! Occupation Skill『Holy Light Slash』!"

Lig faces Gilde, who laughs loudly. Geez, that idiot! Arnold-san, who goes to help despite clicking his tongue at that action of Lig's, and Pita-san, whom we met up with just recently, draws the bow.


Lig slashes at Gilde. A single blow of Lig's would easily blow an ordinary monster away, but Gilde easily repels it. He tries to follow up on the attack, but Arnold-san caught the club that's swung down over there.


"Kuhaha, as expected of the Lightning. For you to catch it even if it's only something of this extent. But......too weak!"

The moment Gilde yelled, the pressure increased until it's incomparable to what it has been until now. And then Arnold-san ended up being crushed in an instant.

Pita-san's arrow, ends up being repelled by the Magic Power Gilde releases before it reaches Gilde. It's bad if it carries on like this!

"Saint Arrow!"

I shoot a holy arrow at Gilde. I cast Healing Magic on Lig and Arnold-san at the same time as that. Although the recovery is slow because the distance is slightly far, it should be better than nothing.

"Sorry, everybody. I kept you waiting. I'll take it from here. Occupation Skill『Holy Armour Equipment』!"

Just as I thought, a Magic Power that doesn't pale in comparison to Gilde's blows fiercely from Noel, who was preparing at the back. And then, a shiny armour that clads his body. Perhaps reacting to that, the Holy Sword he holds in his hand was also shining.

It's a one on one fight between Gilde and Noel from there. It's a fight that, let alone me, even Arnold-san is unable to interfere. Every single strike strips the ground and shakes the atmosphere.

"......darn it"

Looking at that scene, Lig was clenching his teeth frustratedly. ......Lig had always been conscious of Noel after all. I suppose he's probably frustrated.

"......to think that the Seven Demon Generals are to this extent. Apart from Noel-sama, we're no match"

Furthermore, exactly as Arnold-san said, the strength of the Seven Demon Generals was above what we'd thought. I don't know about the future, but we'll just get in Noel's way as we are currently.

......but, why did the Holy King-sama give us the mission of the Demon Lord's subjugation? If they're opponents that they'd fought for many years, then they should know their capabilities to a certain extent. Even though he should have known that we, apart from Noel, can't go toe to toe with them.......

"Kuhaha, as expected of the Hero. However, even so, it still won't reach me. I guess I shall squash you before you reach the Demon Lord-sama!"

And then, Gilde's pressure wells up even further. Don't tell me, there's still a level above this!? I endow Noel with Reinforcement Magic as much as I can. It's probably only really insignificant, but even so, it's better than nothing.

"Kuu, what pressure. It feels like I'm going to tremble from the depths of my body......but, I won't back down! I'll defeat you as the Hero!"

"Well said! In that case, try receiving one blow of mine!"

Noel, who readies his sword, and Gilde who's about to swing his club down at that. I can tell that both of their Magic Power well up and the air is creaking. And then, both of them swing their respective weapons at a similar timing.

The moment their weapons clash, the space creaked, and then the Magic Power dispersed.



Amidst everybody's bewilderment, there was a shadow that moves between the two of them.

"Myー, I'm glad that I made it in time. Hero-sama almost got killedー"

The one between the two of them was a golden-haired, fox-eyed youngster. If I'm not wrong, he was with the Holy King-sama......

"Kuhah! Who would've thought, one of the Twelve Devas came. Did you go out of your way to come and get killed? Oh Libra?"

"Haha, no way, rightー? It's tough for me personally to take you on while protecting themー. I want you to let us retreat like this today"

That's right. It's one of the Twelve Devas, who are the strongest in the Holy Kingdom, Libra-sama. Why is he here? Arnold-san is surprised as well after all.

"I've got a little business, with the Holy Maiden-sama and the others. I'm gonna have you let us head back for a tad bit"

"Do you think I'll allow it?"

"I hope you can let it slide somehow"

The two of them who glare at each other while saying. And then, I feel the Magic Power that wells up from the two of them. Wha, what kind of Magic Power is that? The two people were releasing Magic Power that's more than just now when Noel, the Hero, was fighting. All I could do was tremble at the side.

The two of them who'll explode with the slightest spark. As I'm watching, wondering how it'll turn out at this rate

"Hmm, back to my hometown for the first time in a long while and it has changed so much"

, a clear and beautiful voice can be heard. When everybody faces the direction of the voice, a golden-haired twin-tail woman in a black dress was standing over there holding up a black parasol.


¹: 鬼(Oni): A Japanese folklore yokai, similar to an Ogre.


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