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Studying For Tests ②

The third day of the test week. The four of us are studying today as we did previously. Nothing has particularly changed, but if I have to say, Renya......

"Hey, Committee Chairperson. How do you do this?"

"This you convert the complex number to trigonometric form......"

he started doing the workbook. Until yesterday, he had been redoing the fundamentals using the textbooks and notes, but it seems he finally reached the level where he can solve questions.

If I were to say why I am putting it like this, it is because Nishikida-san is looking after Renya almost entirely for us. Yae and I initially said that we would do it as well, but we decided to entrust it to her since the person herself said she would do it. 

"Hey, Kazu-kun. What is the spot that the solid, liquid, and gas, all three coexist called again"

"Triple point. The point of intersection of the vaporisation curve, sublimation curve, fusion curve"

"That's right. Thanks"

Hence, the two of us are quietly re-solving the workbook. The places that we have forgotten sure become clear since we have solved it once as revision for the lessons.

, nevertheless, it has already been over an hour and a half since we first started studying huh. We sure managed to concentrate for quite a bit. Renya is doing it obediently today as well.

"Let's take a short break, shall we. I will go and make some tea"

"I'll prepare the cups and stuff then"

"Alright, it's a break!"

"You sure worked hard, Renya-kun"

Renya threw his hands up and plopped his face down on the table as it is when I announce the break. I will not stop him since he worked hard, but the workbook and stuff are being crushed underneath him. Does it not hurt even though there is a thick chart as well, I wonder.

"How is Oohashi-kun?"

"Uーn, I guess it looks like he can avoid failing as far as it goes? Depending on the motivation of the person himself, he might be able to go as far as to get around the average points"

"I'm not asking for that much, so I'll pass!!"

Yae and Nishikida-san, who are giggling at the sight of Renya shouting, 'not a chance'. He says something like that, but since it's Renya, I think he will do it if Nishikida-san tells him to.

"Black tea. There are cake as well, so go ahead and have them together"

"Thank you, Kazunari!"

"Oohata-kun, thanks"


"Not at all"

I distribute the black tea to everybody and take a seat, and everybody goes into relax mode. An idle chat on how today's physical education was rough, how the classic literature's teacher's joke was uninteresting, and so forth unfolds.

"Ahー can't summer break come quickerr"

"It was Golden Week just a short while back, so it's still way off into the future"

"Besides, we are exam candidates. Studying comes first"

"Can you stop showing me the reality!?"

Renya is looking forward to the summer break, but I wonder if we can have fun this year. Exactly as Yae said, we are exam candidates after all. More importantly

"Don't the two of you go to cram school or prep school? Yae and I are living alone, or rather, living together, so we cannot go when we take into consideration the money and such though"

"I guess I'm fine. There's no difference between studying at a cram school and studying at home after all. I just have to ask the teachers in school about the things I don't know"

Nishikida-san with a top student answer. Well, it's true that she doesn't seem like she'll need a cram school or whatnot. I wonder how is it for Renya, who I think, on the contrary, a cram school is indispensable.

"I'm not going either. I experienced a video lesson previously, but I fell asleep in three minutes!"

"I don't know how to feel about that"

"It's inevitable, isn't it. It was boring after all"

Renya with the response of a problem child. It's true that video lessons have the worst compatibility with Renya. Though it might be different if they at least do it individually......

"Let's occasionally have study meets during summer break as well then, shall we. We can also do the university entrance exam's mock exam together after all"

"That sounds great. As I thought, it is more fun to do it with everybody"

"I'm not gonna have a competition, alright. I mean, I'll definitely lose after all!!"

"That's not something to be proud of"

Renya laughs off Yae's retort and goes, 'I'm looking forward to it', and gets hyped up by himself. Nishikida-san, who looks at that with a smile, and Yae, who's taken aback. Nevertheless, they are looking forward to it, so it seems it is a good idea to gather during the summer break.

"Besides, there is a ball sports day before the summer break. Renya is looking forward to it, right? I am not though"

"You're right! Our last ball sports day......we'll win it for sure!"

"Before that is the midterm test. If you like, there is also the end-of-term examination before summer break"

"Don't say that!!"

Yae, who drags Renya, who's thinking about the ball game meet, back to reality. It was like I am watching a manzai¹, and it was quite amusing.


¹: Japanese-style comedy, similar to the likes of double act comedy or stand-up comedy.


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