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Demon God's Vessel

"Wait! Shit, you, go around here!"

"Got it!"

Haa, haa. Shit, those cops are persistent. Right as I was enjoying myself! While making numerous turns in the back alley, I run away from the cops. And when I dash out from the alley


there's a loud beep. I look over there in a panic and a car......


I was sent flying for several meters and tumble on the ground. I lost my consciousness as it is.


My name is Kurono Masao. A thirty years old freeter¹ you can find anywhere. My nickname when I was young was Maou. It's because it's easier to call than 'Masao'.

Since the past, I've been an ordinary human with nothing that I'm bad at but nothing that I'm good at either. I went through middle school and high school normally and went to university as well. I had as many friends as anyone else, and I also got a girlfriend for the first time in university.

However, I failed to get a job. I received nothing but rejection letters even when I went for interviews at tens of companies. It's to the extent that I get nauseous when I see the rejection letter around the time the number of companies I went for interviews reached three digits. 

I gave up finding employment after that. The number of friends around me decreased thereupon. It's because everybody found a job without fail and they'd created a new group over there. Of course, amongst them are also those who hang out with the fellows they knew in university.

However, it ends here for a fellow who failed like me. The girlfriend I got in university too, told me that she couldn't date a fellow who couldn't find employment even after graduating from university and broke up with me.

I just do the same old monotonous part-time job every day after that. The convenience store manager where I work looks at me, who failed to find employment, condescendingly and the senpai² who's younger than me looks down on me.

The minuscule enjoyment amidst such uninteresting every day is, violating the women who come to shop at the convenience store with my eyes. Those with large breasts. Those with long legs. Those with a large bottom. Staring at those women was my entertainment.

However, my appetite wasn't pacified with just that. It came to the point where just looking isn't enough. I recall today's recordings and jerk off after getting home, but the pent-up feelings just keep increasing day after day.

And then, that pent-up feelings exploded, and I went and did it. I assaulted a woman who's walking the streets at night. I don't remember what happened because I was too frantic.

I only remember that I assaulted a woman and brought her to the back alley. I don't remember how I returned all the way home afterwards, and on that day, my heart was pounding, and I couldn't fall asleep.

Without getting even a wink of sleep, on the way to my part-time job, when I pass by yesterday's street, there were police. I thought my heart was going to rupture, but it seems I wasn't exposed. I carried on to head to my part-time job nervously.

After that, I repeated it over and over again. I change locations and assault women. That excitement entertained me. It's because I've also gotten used to it as I pile up the number of times, and I have the leeway to enjoy it.

The women's crying faces. The sight of them shutting up in fear when I slap their faces. The final struggle when I release it inside of them. I was excited about everything.

However, that too was exposed without continuing for long. As I was assaulting a woman again today, two patrolling policemen showed up, and I was caught. It seems the number of patrols had increased because the rape cases increased recently.

I ran away immediately. I knew that I couldn't get away, but I have no choice but to run away. And then I was run over by a car......


"......where is this?"

When I wake up, the vicinity is an unfamiliar space. There are fires lit here and there in the pitch-black space, making it slightly visible. The walls are stones like that of a cave. When I move my body, I noticed something strange. My body isn't in pain. Even though I should have been run over by a car back then if I'm not wrong. As I think and move my body

"You are awake huh"

there's a voice. I jumped and looked in the direction of the voice, and a man with long silver hair who wears a monocle on his right eye was standing there. Furthermore, his skin colour is purple; is he not human?

"Welcome. The one who possesses the Demon God's Blessing. My name is Azel. Nice to meet you"

The man, Azel, says and bows with his right hand on his chest. I'm bewildered, not knowing what's going on, and Azel, who raised his head, explains to me.

It seems that this world is a different otherworld from what I deemed was the original world. Is it the thing that often happens in anime and such? I don't really watch anime, so I don't know about it in detail though.

Additionally, he tells me various things like there are Magic and different races in this world. The reason I teleported to this world is, that the wavelength of my Magic Power matched the Demon God. I don't really get it, but it'll do since I'm alive.

"Well then, please say 'Status'. You can see your abilities thereupon"


Kurono Masao 30 years old Male Level 1

Occupation: Other World Individual

Stamina: 750

Magic Power: 2000

Strength: 670

Agility: 400

Physical Resistance: 460

Magic Resistance: 790

Title: One Who Was Summoned From A Different World・Demon God's Blessing・Demon God's Vessel・Sex Maven・Word Spirit User

Skill: Other World Language Levelー・Dark Magic Level 5・Observation Eyes Level 3


something like that appeared. It's like a game. It seems I can understand the abilities when I try to focus on them.

Demon God's Blessing: Possesses the Demon God's Blessing. The one who possesses this blessing can resurrect even if they die. The ability value will become 1/10 upon resurrection. The value returns to how it was originally as time passes.

Demon God's Vessel: Makes it easier to take in the Demon God's power.

Sex Maven: Does not go limp no matter how many times one does it. (Dependant on stamina)

Word Spirit User: If one pours Magic Power into their words, the other party will obey regardless of their will. The amount of Magic Power consumed increases based on the level difference and the content of the command.

Other World Language: Understands the language of the otherworld

Dark Magic: Able to use Dark Attribute Magic.

Observation Eyes: Able to see the information on people and objects. If the level difference is too much, it will be displayed as, '?'. The amount of information that one can see increases when one levels up.

It's really like a game huh. Let's try to take a look at Azel with Observation Eyes to test it out. When I put strength into my eyes and look, oh!


Azel ? years old Male Level ?

Occupation: ?

Stamina: ?

Magic Power: ?

Strength: ?

Agility: ?

Physical Resistance: ?

Magic Resistance: ?

Title: ?

Skill: ?


......it was all brilliantly '?'. To think that I couldn't tell anything at all.

"Have you finished confirming? Well then, Master. Let us go"

It looks like the fact that I was looking was exposed. We leave this cave after that. While I ask Azel about various things, I got excited. I mean, he says that I'm the leader of the Demon Race, you know?

Furthermore, I can do it as much as I want with anybody. I thought it was all over when I got run over by the car, but kuku, luck finally turned in my favour!


"Did you manage to summon?"

"Eeh. He seemed like a dumb man, and he believed in everything. He was delighted when I told him that he could do as he likes with women after all"

"Is that so"

"Also, it looks like Dorothea is about to wake up. We are on the fourth person as well with this. We are finally at half"

"Demon God Baron-sama's resurrection is also......"


¹: An individual who's not employed full-time

²: A senior. In this context, a person who has worked there longer than he has


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