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Same Experience

A married couple that shouts at Regul and a married couple that looks fearfully at us, who suddenly appeared. Although there are two groups of married couples, both groups are not unrelated to me.

The married couple that's shouting at Regul is, the parents of the man who thrust a knife into me with a smile, Lig. They're shouting noisily.

In contrast, the married couple who's keeping silent, be it out of fear or uneasiness, is Stella's parents. Aah, it sure is nostalgic. I'm really glad that I got to meet them!

As I'm making a smile inside the robe from the overwhelming happiness

"Regul! Quickly evacuate us! Who do you think it's thanks to that you're able to be in a preeminent position within the Guild! It's because Lig and Stella donated to the Guild for your sake, right!"

, Lig's mother shouts angrily. I didn't understand how Regul is in the position of an investigator, which is above the receptionist even within the Guild, but that's how it is huh.

As the parents that produced the Paladin and Holy Maiden, Lig and Stella's parents probably received money from the Holy Kingdom. Furthermore, perhaps because this town became a dungeon, it seems the two of them have donated to the creation of the Guild.

But, well, such things are no longer relevant now. No matter how much they donated, how much they contributed to the Guild, it's no longer relevant.

I summon zombies around the four of them. The four of them who were instantly encompassed by zombies freeze up while screaming. I head towards the front of those four people.

"I didn't really pay attention to it in the past, but you sure are quite hysterical huh, Lig's Oba-san¹. Oji-san² didn't feel like this in the past either; did you change after acquiring tons of money?"

As I say to them while chuckling, the married couple's faces flush, and they yell angrily at me. But, it doesn't look like they realised who I am. It feels like they're just yelling angrily because they're pissed off.

Mylene is about to cast her Magic at any moment upon seeing those two, but I'm having her hold back for my sake.

"Well, well, don't be so angry, Oji-san, Oba-san. It's the long-awaited reunion after all"

When I remove my hood while saying, it seems they didn't know who it was initially, but their expression changes in due time.

"Wh, why, are, are you alive? You, you should be dead"

"How cruel of you to say that I'm dead. Even though I went to the trouble to come back because I wanted to meet everybody. Look, I brought lots of souvenirs back with me as well, you know?"

I say and simultaneously thump the ground, 'tan tan', with my right leg. Immediately after, skeletons showed up additionally behind the zombies. Furthermore, they're no ordinary skeletons; they're skeletons that possess a unique ability.

Lig's parents glare at me despite being frightened of the undeads that slowly approach. I don't know what's on Stella's parents' mind, but they're making a relieved expression for some reason upon seeing my face. I don't get it.

"......well, whatever. In any case, let us out of here. If you do it now, we'll put in a word with the townfolks so that you can return. That's why, do something about these monsters"

I don't know what he's thinking to come up with such an answer, but Lig's father says something like that mockingly. I couldn't hold it back anymore and ended up laughing loudly. The zombies started advancing towards Lig's parents, who look at that me disgruntledly. 

"Me returning? What a strange thing you're saying. Do you think I'll return to this shitty town after having those kinds of things done to me? ......don't be ridiculous, alright? It's gonna make me want to pinch and kill you reflexively, isn't it?"

I ended up releasing my killing intent at the two of them who said something that's overly ridiculous. Because of that, the four of them......no, the five of them, including Regul, their legs gave out, and they ended up dropping onto the ground right on the spot. But, for them to still have their consciousness, it seems I still have my rationality as well.

"Are, are you going to kill, us too? Didn't we look after you in the past?"

And then, the one who said something strange to me again was Stella's mother. ......I see, the relieved expression they were making just now is because they had thought that they would be spared huh. What an unbelievable delusion.

"It's a given, isn't it. That's the only reason I returned to this town, you know?"

"Don, don't tell me, you're bearing a grudge over that matter!? Tha, that's inevitable, you know? If we didn't do that, we'd all have been killed! It's a given for you to be sacrificed for the village's sake, isn't it!"

"In that case, if I tell you that I'll kill you for the sake of sparing this town, will you be convinced? Will you be convinced even if somebody precious to you is killed before your eyes? How is it?"

"......tha, that's"

"My bad, but it won't reverberate with me even if you shout any more than this, you know? Killing you people is a matter that's written in stone after all"

"No, no way!? Ste, Stella will be sad if you kill us, you know? Ha, Hardt liked Stella, right? Are you fine with that?"

"......and? I don't care about a woman who thrust a knife into me after all this time though?"

It's what I'm thinking from the bottom of my heart, so I say to them, and Stella's parents' faces were dyed in despair. Mylene had taken damage from those words of mine as well for some reason. Aah! Mylene is different, you know!? Mylene stabbed me with a knife because Mylene was controlled by that shitty Goddess.

"Well, I don't intend to talk any more than this. But, I won't kill you yet. I have to send you to those two after all"

I snap my fingers at the same time as that. Immediately after, the zombies who were standing until just now starts walking. Looking at the zombies that approach slowly

"Even, even though you said you wouldn't kill us!?"

, Lig's mother shouts. Of course I won't kill you, you know? I'll just, have you go through the same experience as me though. Several zombies close in and bite Lig's mother.

Lig's mother struggles, but it was futile as she's overwhelmed by the numbers and bitten by the zombies here and there. However, thanks to the fact that I instructed them not to bite the neck and face that'll end up fatal, the places they bit were the arms, legs, flanks, and so forth.

While they're respectively bitten, and their cries reverberate within the room, the skeletons standing by at the back point the staff they hold in their hands and cast their Magic. Immediately after, the wounds bitten by the zombies healed up.

These skeletons are Skeleton Mages that can wield Healing-type Magic. These too, are something that Mylene and I created together.

The two groups of married couples who are confused that the pain suddenly disappeared and that the zombies stopped biting, while crying.

"Until you guys arrive at where your children are, I'll have you go through the same experience as I did back then. Scream and cry all you want, have fun tasting the unending suffering"

I assign a watch Dullahan to make sure that they don't kill themselves and leave the room. Regul, who just follows behind me with a frightened expression. I've assigned a Devil's Shadow(Doppelganger) to him, so he can't disobey me. I've told him that it'd kill him if he disobeys me.

Screams coming from their suffering were reverberating inside the room. And then, that day, all that could be heard in the town were various screams.


¹: Lig's Mother

²: Lig's Father


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