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Wheel Of Fortune

Rossum, a borough located at the centre of Jezemaksiria, the capital of Narsha Kingdom, is the Aristo devotees' Holy Grounds(mecca). Every day, thousands of believers visit on a pilgrimage and dedicate their prayers to God. Because the district is as spacious a town, just walking according to the regular route takes three hours, but there's no gap in that queue from the regulated 8 in the morning until 7 in the evening.

However, on this day, Archbishop Samon=Liezelno was dedicating his prayers in this still empty Saint・Lizabeth Church.

In contrast to the Holy Mother(Teresa) statue, that turns her back and carries a child, that the morning light that peeks out from the horizon is shining and making even more solemn, this old man that kneels before her, casts a gloomy shadow like that of a deceased. Not even the traditional white vestment can cover that feeble body ravished by illness.

"Haa......haa......Archbishop Samon! We found it"

While panting, Kelly=Lark, a chamberlain, broke the silence. It was a blackish-brown haired young man with a gallant look, and youthfulness was brimming from that body of his.

"......are you certain?"

"Be, before that, wear this!"

Kelly hurriedly held out a thick gown dyed in red.

"Thank you. I'll be using it"

"Please be more considerate to your own body!"

According to the verdict from a specialised Magic Physician, his remaining lifespan is half a year, and of course, that's provided he takes care of his health. Dedicating his prayers in a single layer of vestment early in the morning in midwinter is absurd. The youthful young man who reveres the Archbishop like no other makes a sullen expression.

"I was praying to God"

"Guu......for someone who serves God to do something like that"

The words the old man threw with a mischievous-looking smile, give this serious young man a bigger headache.

"It appears that it was worth the while. So?"

"The target is in Bognar Magic Academy"

"How did you know?"

"......uu, that is"

In response to Samon's question, Kelly stutters.

"Don't tell me......you sinned"

"N, no. It really is a coincidence. I just happen to be talking to an acquaintance, and it seems they heard a rumour that there is a student who possesses the characteristics that Archbishop speaks of. That's why......"

Kelly is making a complicated expression as before. Actually, for three years, not just him, many believers were on the search. However, the result was that not only was there not a trail, they couldn't even find an inkling of a lead. It seemingly stems from them having qualms about the facts verified through the small talk of their acquaintances.

"Fuu......a divine intervention is exactly what it is, isn't it"

"Ye, yes!"

Kelly, who strokes his chest in relief at Samon's words. The old man had known it very well, that it is actually something like that. No matter how much you pursue it, without God's benevolence, you won't reach it, you won't be bestowed with anything. That, it will be right there beside you when you least expect it.

"What kind of a person is that acquaintance?"


Kelly stumps on his answer while blushing.

"Is it perhaps a cherished lady?"

"Wha......I am a priest, you know!?"

In the commandment, the marriage of a priest is not accepted.

"Fufufu, it's a joke. As I thought, making fun of you is worth the while"


Samon turns 56 years old this year. As he ages, he feels his compassion towards young believers like them increase. There are also those who despise that as『getting old』, but he secretly feels proud that he doesn't even have an inkling of such feelings inside himself.

"Were you able to identify who it is specifically?"

"Ah, no......it was a rumour at best......however, I truly did hear it"

"I am not doubting you. Listen here, alright? Search cautiously. You don't have to worry about me"

"Please do not say......something like that"

"I'm fine......rather, it's to the extent that it's too long"

It appears that in his generation, he couldn't remove the distortion of this world. But, it's fine. Here, he can place his hope on the younger generation, and there is the foundation that supports it. Even if his body withers, the dream for paradise will not disappear.

"......excuse me"

Kelly bowed deeply and left the church. Before he knew it, the snow was caressing his cheek.

It was snowing on that day as well. He didn't harbour any sentiments over there; all he desired was to survive. He messed up, got seriously injured by the Magic Guards, and escaped into this Saint・Lizabeth Church. As he stopped the bleeding and crossed his arms trembling, trying to suppress the freezing cold, "Who is it?", a calm voice reverberated inside the hall, and he felt a chill that makes the hair on his body stands. The days of stealing, hurting, and threatening. The Magic he mustered his very last bit of strength and released, thinking that perhaps the end for that finally came, was erased by the owner of that voice all too easily. "......do you have any wish?", he was asked. "I have a younger sister. I'm worried for her after I die", he left those words behind and lost his consciousness.

The next day, what was in front of his eyes was an unfamiliar ceiling. His body is lying on a bed, and Kelly's younger sister was there beside him, firmly holding onto his hand.


Archbishop, I am feeling the world this much. Looking up at this white miracle before my eyes; thinking this world is this venerable. It was you who taught me. To me, you were a noble father and a compassionate mother.

The feeling that recurs in the young man's chest while moving towards his goal was, a pure white determination like that of the snow.


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