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The Hanged Man

The Bognar Magic Academy's campus is, an incredibly vast plot of land. Not only are there grasslands and plains, there is also a large forest, a lake, a desert, and so forth. Amongst that, at the centre of the grasslands that extend vastly, the extracurricular lessons began.

"By the way, can you people, cast Magic Arrow(Magic Emblem)?"

The Dark Magician, he asks all the students.

"Of course. Here, just like this"

One student raises their hand and starts chanting.

<<Display, The Existence Of Water, To The Enemy>>ーーIce Arrow (Ice・Emblem)

The magic the student formed the seal and cast, turns into a blade of ice and penetrates a faraway tree.

"Hmm......as I thought, looks like you are capable of the basics huh"

Magic Arrow(Magic Emblem) is, the casting of specific Elemental Magic; one can say that it's the foundation of all Offensive Magic.

"Well then, let's begin, shall we"

He said and made Mira hold up a piece of paper that had『Elemental Conversion』written on it.

"This is the content of the lesson this time. Come now, have a go at it"

"Err......this, we still have not learned it though"

One student timidly raises their hand.

"It's exactly because you didn't learn it"

Asch smiles delightedly.

Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Metal. In magic, there are five elements, and they are typically called Elemental Magic. By borrowing the respective nature's power, one can draw out that element's power; Elemental Conversion is unmistakably a High-Grade Magic that changes the attribute of the magic released, from Earth to Wood, and the likes.

Normally, it is a magic that an Intermediate Magician who graduated from a Magic Academy and trained for about five years is finally able to learn. It is not at a level in which a Magic Academy's『Apprentice』can use in a couple of hours.

"I won't question what means or method you use. I won't question the details either as long as the elements change. For example, be it from Fire to Wind, from Wood to Earth, it's fine if you manage to do Elemental Conversion. Even if it's from Holy to Dark......that is"

Asch made a fearless grin, and everybody present shuddered.

"Se......Sensei! That is, a taboo. Please take back what you said"

Lily casts a straight glance at Asch as always.

"An inquisitive mind has no taboo. Lily-kun. Minus 5 points"


Lily groans unconvincedly, but she did not refute any further.

The act of making an Angel, that's typically a sacred symbol, fall to darkness is called『Corruption』; it is the process of an Angel converting to a Demon. It is unmistakably a renege act against God, and is no more than a taboo for humans to commit that act intentionally.

However, she probably has no idea. The fact that that act was made a taboo, because there was somebody who committed it.

"Are there any other questions or opinions? Well, I am looking forward to your flexible answers. Have a go at it freely"

Saying that, Asch sat in the chair Mira prepared, and sniffed the café au lait, that was poured, in a good mood.

Before Asch starts drinking his café au lait,

"Erm! Where do I show it to you?"

Lily stares at the ill-natured Magician glaringly from afar.

"Here is fine"

"Well then......here I go!"

Lily chants and draws the seal.

<<Oh Ice Blade, Pierce The Enemy, And Morph Into A Flame>>ーーRebellion Of The Water Formation(Aqua・Lebaritan)

A few seconds later, simultaneously as the Ice Arrow(Ice Emblem) hit the table positioned by Asch's side, an explosive burst of flame soars upwards. The table, which flew high up into the sky, turned into cinders and disappeared along with the wind in an instant.

"......magnificent. To perform a Water, Fire Elemental Conversion at this age. However, it is a complete mystery whether it is necessary to turn this table into ashes cruelly"

"Aーra, my apologies. It is because I wanted Sensei to see my magic up close"

Lily bows triumphantly.

"......well, sure. Full points without any complains"

"Asch-sama. Your hand that is holding the cup is shaking"

The capable stewardess, she wipes his hand that was soaked from the spilt café au lait.

"Asch-sensei, I would like to see your Elemental Conversion Magic. Isn't that right, everybody"

Lily, she asked the people around with a smile from ear to ear, and was enveloped by handclaps implying,『we had been waiting』.

"......Mira, what do you think of this response?"

"I suppose it is about 20% anticipation and 80% awaiting your failure"

"Fuu......looks like a prodigy is hard to be understood no matter the era"

Asch placed the café au lait he was about to drink on the ground and stood up.

"Shall we show them then, Mira"


Mira moves to the spot where Lily cast her magic earlier and starts the chant for her magic.

<<Oh Ice Blade, Dance In The Gale, And Morph Into A Storm>> ーーAtrocity Of The Three Spirits(Trident・Varos)

Instantly, a miniscule gale broke forth, and with numerous sharp hails and lightning mixed within, it penetrated and destroyed the chair Asch had sat in.

"Tri......Triple Elemental Conversion......"

It is a Super High-Grade Magic that can be said that even on the continent, there are not even 100 people who can perform it. The super-capable stewardess ends up executing it all so easily, like it is nothing at all.

"How was it? Are you pleased with it"

Asch sits down at that spot and crosses his legs.

"......it's amazing! Yeah, it's amazing! But, why was Mira-san the one who cast the magic!?"

Lily shouts at Asch like she's about to snap at him.

"She is my greatest masterpiece. What the doll that I created cast is, the same as what I cast, right? Well, it is a complete mystery whether there is a reason for Mira blast the chair beside me into pieces though"

Asch says and starts drinking the cup of coffee that was on the ground.

"I thought that by doing the same thing as her, it would be a good comparison. Come now, Asch-sama. I have prepared a substitute chair over here. Please, have a seat"

"No, it's fine. I'll enjoy the sensation of the earth for the first time in a long time a little bit more"

"......even though you can just honestly say that your legs gave out"

Mira indifferently brings the chair to Asch's side.

"You......what are you saying? Isn't it rude to call Mira-san a doll!"

Lily's tone becomes aggressive.

"I see, maybe I didn't explain to you......no, to everybody. She is a doll with a consciousness, one I instilled a soul into a doll and created. She has no human emotions though"


Silence dominated the surroundings.

"Fuu......now, you finally understand the value of a prodigy huh"

"It looks like everybody is completely taken aback by your insanity"

While answering indifferently, Mira lends her shoulder to the mad Magician, whose leg gave out, and sits him in the substitute chair.

"No way......"

While making a paled expression, Lily stares at Mira with a frightened look.

"......now then, the show is over. Everybody, resume the lesson. Whether or not she is a doll, is something that does not concern your lives"

Asch says and claps his hands.

Despite being frightened, the students scattered around and started working on the Elemental Conversion as they were instructed.

"Lily-sama......your complexion does not look well. Are you alright?"

"Mira-san, I......uh......sorry"

Lily bows at Mira in distraught.

"What need is there to apologise. You, harboured alien feelings towards her. Uncanny......disgusting......scary......those are natural emotions"

Asch stares at Lily while resting his chin on his hand. That twisted expression(face)......he can't get enough of it. A loli¹ pervert Magician who gets excited when he thinks that he can see more of this expression from here on out, he is.

"That's not it! I――"

"Just admit it. You are no Holy Maiden. The feelings you harbour towards something alien cannot stop. Accepting those feelings, that's what's actually important"


Lily stands up without saying anything, turns her back to Asch, and starts walking.

"......will she be alright?"

Mira mutters while staring at Lily.

"Who knows. She has an adamant character after all. It's probably because she hasn't been taught anything but『Holy』things, that the impact is huge. It's probably agonising to see your own『Darkness』after all. For all that we know, she might even withdra――"

"Now then, everybody! Let's do Elemental Conversion. Leave someone like that who won't teach us anything be"

In a loud voice, Lily starts coaching the students passionately.

"......how boring. Even though I thought she would be suffering and feeling more down......Mira, what?"

"No......I was thinking, you are making quite a happy-looking face"

Mira answered while staring at Asch.

"Ooh, speaking of happy, I wonder where Cis=Klose is? It's not the time to be bothering about a girl who seems like she'll develop a pair of pitiful breasts in the future"

"......the evasion is so bad that it is unbearable to watch"

Mira muttered and poured another serving of coffee.


¹: Lolicon/ Lolita Complex


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