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Morning Sun

Lily didn't come out from her bed even when the morning sun presented itself, and the chirrups of the birds were audible. Ever since then, Lioar visited and conveyed to her the『withdrawal of the expulsion』, but she couldn't get her legs out from the bed no matter what.

Ton Ton Ton Ton

"Lily, are you awake?"

She jumps at that knocking sound and raises her voice softly, but her relief and self-loathe when she heard Cis' voice assault her simultaneously.

"Wha, what's the matter?"

"My cold, it seems to have healed, so I'll be going to school"

"Is......is that so. That's great"

"Erm, Lily. Yesterday, did something happen?"


Yesterday, she went back midway, and throughout the day, she was nursing Cis. She had of course truly been worried about her, but more so than that, she was afraid of being alone and thinking. Afraid of walking in the darkness deprived of illumination. Afraid of walking about carrying the emotional trauma she suffered like never before.

Nevertheless, she couldn't stay in a sick person's room for long either; she crawls into her bed semi-forcibly, closes her eyes despite knowing that she can't fall asleep, and sure enough, she reaches here without able to even get a wink of sleep.


"I'm slightly......under the weather. Today......I'll take a day off"

"......is that so, I got it"

Without saying anything else, she left. Despite feeling grateful for her consideration, the guilt towards her wells up incessantly. At her own self, who despite swearing to protect her, ended up running away.

After she was thoroughly criticised by Asch, she immediately rushed into the toilet and wept while smothering her voice. Of course, she was also angry at that worst teacher's way of speaking, but what she couldn't forgive above all else were her own words and behaviour.

House Schwarz, is a family lineage that produced many talented individuals like Leia=Schwarz, praised as the『Holy Sage』.  Because she was single her entire life, her younger sister, Sel, inherited and flourished the family.

Lily, the eighth head of the family, was raised while listening to the tales of Leia. The story of how she subjugated the goblin tribe's leader Ziggler. How she funded and built poorhouses with her own fortune not only here in Narsha Kingdom, but all around the continent. There are even tales where she summoned an Archangel and could correspond with God.

As Lily grew up, the people around came to say,『Isn't she the reincarnation of Leia』. It's because many vestiges of her that have been left behind were splitting images of Lily's appearances.

Her thin golden hair. Her dignified and gorgeous looks. Her features other than her emerald eyes like the deep sea were, identical to those of Leia drawn in paintings. Because there was strangely not a single person with those features that appeared 170 years since Leia's passing, those rumours spread as though they were truths.

And then, as though to prove that, Lily was producing excellent grades when it comes to Magic. The talent she had as a Magician in the first place was eye-opening, but more so than that, it was her hard work. That too was, needless to say, her dedication towards the desire to get closer to Leia.

She wants to be like the Holy Sage Leia; she thought she was running straight towards that with her heart and soul. If she continues running as she has from now on, she can one day be like her; that's what she believes.

In the midst of that, she was tripped by a strange Magician and stumbled. He said Lily was arrogant, insolent, and rude. She confronted her own selfishness and ugliness for the first time and lost her composure. She couldn't forgive that, that's how she is. She didn't want to see herself in this manner. She was seen through, humiliated, and brought to tears by the worst Magician like him.

She reflexively sighs her own wretchedness. Who does she actually think she is.

She reflected on herself, and when about two hours passed,

Ton Ton Ton Ton.

A knocking sound echoes again.

"Cis. Is something――"It is Mira"

"Wh, why......are you here?"

"I heard you took a day off today and got worried. Are you unable to come to lessons today anymore?"

"......after all that, what kind of face should I make to that fellow"

"There is no need to be too worried about that. I believe Asch-sama is several hundred million times more embarrassed than Lily-sama, but he is likely showing a composed face in front of me"


Lily, even so, couldn't move from the bed.


"......I often say when Asch-sama gets embarrassed;『You sure have the gall to shamelessly exist before me』. Immediately after, Asch-sama says this; 『There's no human that never gets embarrassed. Like how there's no human who has never make a mistake. However, what's important is to muster your courage and acknowledge that embarrassment. To rectify your mistakes, to have the courage for that, that's what's important』


"I meddled unnecessarily. My apologies"

When Mira bowed deeply and was about to return,

"Thank......you. Mira-san"

Lily said and stuck her legs out from the bed.

10 minutes later, Lily was in front of the Bognar Magic Academy's special class' classroom.

Her hand that opens the door was trembling. But......what's important is to muster your courage and acknowledge that embarrassment. To rectify your mistakes, to have the courage for that, that's what's important......while taking a deep breath, she ruminated the irritating worst Magician's words over and over again.

She can't change what she ended up doing. Since she cannot turn back time.


Lament on the mistakes, and do nothing? Remain defeated to that worst Magician? Something like that is unthinkable.


A metallic sound reverberated, and eyes gathered on Lily. Reflexively, her legs tremble. However, it's not like they won't move. She proceeded, taking her steps slowly, and sat in her seat.

"......you're late. Lily=Schwarz-kun"

Asch approaches her and mutters.

"I am sorry"

Lily lowered her head while biting her lips.

"Those who cannot be punctual will, when the time comes, lose a valuable opportunity. Minus 10 points"


"Furthermore, you sure have the gall to shamelessly show your face before me"


As Lily was looking downwards silently, Asch gently patted her soft and golden-shining hair.

"Great courage. Plus 20 points"

When she raises her face and peeps at his expression, Asch was smiling gently at Lily.

"Now, quickly get started, Lily-kun. I'm a fair gentleman. I'm not so considerate as to give you time to make up the time you lost for being late"

Lily, for a brief moment, was staring at Asch, who says and shows his back to her, without moving her pen.


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