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Runwalker March

Larshil Fortress

"Chichiue. I am here"

"Lei huh. Headmaster as well, thank you"

I came to Nanor's border fortress, Larshil Fortress, to participate in the war. The ones who came together with me are Shishou, Aerith, Caro, and Tigris.

Alexia and the others are staying behind at the mansion in case another surprise attack comes. After that

"Shit! Let go! We're Heroes from another world, you know!"

it's the Heroes who became prisoners of war. The three delinquents are, struggling like they currently are and being subdued by the soldiers. The remaining girlish fellow has been crying the whole time.

"You people, sit!"

And then, they're forced to sit in front of Sieg.

"You, you bastards! Don't think you'll get off with doing such things to us!"

"In that case, shall I have you enlighten me on what will happen"

Sieg said to the Heroes threateningly, and the Heroes, who shouted earlier, ended up falling silent. Well, that's how it'll be if he lets out a killing intent of that calibre.

"I had sent a messenger to Regalia's side sometime yesterday. Your lives may be spared as well depending on their response"

The Heroes make a relieved expression at Sieg's words. Heh〜 he had done something like that huh. I wonder what he sent. As I'm thinking of that

"Sieg-sama. The messenger we sent to Regalia's side returned"

looks like the messenger returned right on time. Sieg says to let the messenger through right away. And then the messenger entered.

"I have returned, Sieg-sama"

"Aah, good work. And what's their response?"

'Goku', the sound of somebody gulping is audible.

"Yes. Regalia side's answer was『We don't know such fellows. Do whatever you like with them』"

The Heroes hang their heads and wail at those words of the messenger. Which means Regalia's side cut these fellows loose huh. It looks like Sieg had expected it though.

"As I thought, that's how they came at us huh. Gil. Prepare as planned. It's not exactly pleasant, but we'll do it in front of them"

"Understood. I will go and prepare"

Gil says and leaves the room. Behind him, the Heroes also leave the room, brought along by the other soldiers. Looks like they're not bawling anymore.

"Chichiue, what do you intend to do?"

"Nn? Their public execution as I promised"


"Shit! How can we save them!"


We, the Hero group, have currently gathered in one of the tents. The reason is, of course, to talk about saving Madarame and the others who are being held captive on Nanor's side.

Regalia's side, in response to yesterday's Nanor messenger, ended up deciding to cast away Madarame and the others. Even now they're preparing for battle.

General Gregorius wouldn't listen to us no matter how much we pled. I suppose it's true that they can't stop the war now that they've come so far.

Nevertheless, even if it's just a little, we wished they'd act like they're going to help. However, General Gregorius and the other Regalia Army's people immediately answered they don't know them; that they're strangers.

Therefore, we decided that we won't cooperate in the war anymore. The General and the others would have something to say about it if we said it directly, so we're preparing as well on the surface.

"I wonder if we can rescue them with the six of us......"


Kana-chan hugs Mari-chan, who mutters uneasily, tightly. Is there no good way; a way to save Madarame and others.

"Shall I lend a hand?"

A certain individual enters the tent and says as I'm pondering in such a manner.

"If I'm not wrong, you're Eins, was it?"

It was the individual who teleported Ijuuin and me into Nanor's sky yesterday, Eins-san. I can't tell his face since he's wearing the mantle's hood though.

"Just now, according to the scout's report, it seems they're making an execution stage in front of the fortress. Deliberately at a spot where it's easy to see so that it's visible to the Regalia Army as well"

The fact that Madarame and the others are being held captive has still not been conveyed to the Regalia Army's soldiers. It's because, for better or worse, Madarame and the others are famous. They're saying that because the soldiers' morale will fall as well if they hear that such Madarame and the others had been captured.

It seems General Gregorius was thinking of brushing it off as a sham no matter what the other side says to us, but he can't say that if they're executed before our eyes.

"And, what does it mean when you say you will lend a hand?

"Of course, I'll transport you to where the execution stage is through Teleportation"


Ijuuin bites on that conversation. It's true that that might be the only way  when it comes to being able to save them.

"Aah. It's just that I think there's a higher chance of you not being able to return alive"

Eins-san says. Apparently, there are about hundreds of soldiers respectively at the left, the right, and the back of the execution stage, and it seems the Sword Saint, who came up in yesterday's conversation as well, is amongst them. They're obviously inviting us.

"If you're fine with it nevertheless then I'll send you"

It seems Eins-san can send up to three people at once for that distance. We have no choice but to steel ourselves now that it already came down to this huh.


"Aah! Eins-san please do!"

It looks like Shidou and Ijuuin are up for it. The two of them look in my direction too. I nod as well, answering to that.

"Alright, it's decided. In that case, I guess I'll prepare"

Eins-san said and left the tent. Let's start preparing as well.

An hour after that.

"......Madarame and the others"

Madarame and the others have been brought to the execution stage set up at a spot visible from the Regalia Army. Madarame and the others are struggling as their final resistance, but they were subdued by the soldiers. Perhaps he has already given up, Shimizu, on the other hand, was looking down. And then when they finish binding everybody

"Can you hear, Regalia Army!"

That's the dashing middle-aged man. If he comes out front and starts talking here, that means he's probably somebody with quite an exceptional standing.

"They, who have currently been tied on the execution stage, are the Heroes you people placed your hopes in and summoned from another world! We will begin their public execution from now on!"

The Regalia Arm rustles at Nanor's side's words. The officer class people try to gain control of them, but it's not going well for anybody.

"Oi. About time to get ready"

Eins-san's voice sounds from behind as I'm looking at the Regalia Army's soldiers. Alright, I draw the sword on my waist and get ready to go at any time. Looks like Ijuuin and Shido are ready to go as well.

"We'll first start by executing this man on the very right side, Jin・ Madarame!"

With this, the Regalia Army's soldiers probably realised that the man they're about to execute is the summoned Hero. The reason is that the Hero's full name isn't known. It's because only the name has been conveyed to the Regalia Army's soldiers.

And then a mantle-wearing man carries an axe and climbs up the execution stage. We'll kill that fellow first.

"Here, I'm starting"

"Yes, please do!"

Ijuuin replies energetically and the scenery instantly changes. And then the axe-holding man is before our eyes. Ijuuin and I slash at the axe-holding man right away. 'We can do this!', we thought

"As expected, you came huh"

but the mantle man muttered. The axe that man was holding in his hand then disappeared, and a different weapon, a spear, appeared in his right hand. And then

"Celestial Cloak"

the moment the man muttered, the swords Ijuuin and I were holding were repelled. An impact then runs on my abdomen. Looks like I was kicked before I know it.

As I drew the Demon Sword and took my stance despite tumbling on the ground, a silver-haired youngster who wore a mantle that shines in white was standing there, before my eyes.


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