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Ten minutes later, when Asch opens the door to the special class' classroom once again, the students were all still seated.

"Oh......if I remember correctly, weren't you guys going to ditch my lessons and leave the classroom?"

The ill-natured Magician asks joyously from the bottom of his heart.


"How strange. Lily=Schwarz-kun. Why are you here, I wonder? Hey, won't you enlighten me?"

He rubs his head.

"Gu, gugigigigi......"

The beautiful top student clenches her teeth and endures it to an extraordinary extent. She has decided in her heart that as soon as the lesson ends, she'll immediately bury her head in the school regulations, and pull an all-nighter to come up with the perfect rebuttal.

"Asch-sensei. They are here upon reflecting on their earlier impudence. I would like you to handle them with a broad heart somehow"

Lioar put in a good word for them.

"Hoo......is that so. You guys regret your earlier mistake and want to take my lessons after thinking about it. Despite talking big grandiosely, you retract your previous remarks and bow down to me without any shame in this short span of ten minutes, Lily=Schwarz?"

Guri Guri.

Guri Guri.

The sadistic Magician who's absorbed in the rapture from the bottom of his heart. He could hear the sound of the beautiful top student's capillaries rupturing.

"Well, I'm a magnanimous gentleman. I shall forgive you with my heart that's broad like the ocean even without the apologies from you guys"

Finally, the ill-natured Magician removed his hand from Lily's head, turned his back towards her, opened the textbook that had been placed on the teacher's lectern, and started looking through it.

The moment Lioar stroked his chest, thinking, 'the lesson is finally starting'

the textbook,

fluttered in the sky,

near the classroom's ceiling.

The Dark Magician, he shrugged his shoulders exaggeratedly and muttered.

"This textbook, how many decades ago is it?"

"Hey what are you doing――――――――!?"

Lily shouted reflexively.

"Oh, is that a question?"

Asch, who awaits excitedly with an innocent smile.

"Que, question!? Yeah, if I have to say, then it's a question! What are you doing to the sacred textbook, you stupid teacher!"

"Hmm......the commemorative first question is horribly moronic and disappointing, but I guess it can't be helped if it's Lily=Schwarz-kun"

"Wha, wha wha wha......"

There are too many points for the beautiful top student to retort that her jaws dropped.

"I won't do such a disrespectful thing if it's a book that's worth reading either. However, this is an old textbook. It's a good thing that I noticed and pointed it out......judging from the looks of it, the students didn't seem to have noticed, you know. Be careful, Lioar"

"No......that's the newest edition textbook"

The old man made an awkward smile that's lost for words and answered.

"......eh, really?"

In response to the ill-natured Magician who makes an exaggerated gesture like he's saying that he can't believe it, the amiable old man nods apologetically.

"Fuu......well, it can't be helped if you say so huh. Let's proceed with this somehow. It's extremely regrettable though"

"Wait! You have not answered my question yet! Which part of this textbook is strange, please indicate it clearly and specifically"

"......well, it can't be helped huh. Since I too became a teacher, I guess I shall bequeath knowledge to the ignorant. In conclusion, it's pretty much entirely mistaken, but we'll go at it step by step. I shall show you just one of the points that I want to rectify the most today......look at page 63. The fifth line of the chapter『Construction of Magic Power』"


Lily sneered instinctively.

『Because Magic Power is bestowed by God, it is still unknown as of yet where the source of it is』

It's an introductory statement, but it's also a matter of fact. It's the subject that's taught in the first-year's first semester, and all the lessons afterwards are based on this premise.

"Even if I back off a hundred steps......no, even if I back off ten thousand steps and close my eyes for the former half, there is no way I can accept the latter half. It's utterly incorrect"

"In that case! Where are you saying the source of Magic Power is!?"


The Dark Magician, he points at the left side of his head.

"At the top and side of the left cerebral hemisphere, there exists a portion that governs Magic Power. This, we call it the Magic Power Field(Gate)"


"In the first place, why do there exist people who can use Magic and people who cannot use Magic, have you not wondered about that?"


Nobody answers『YES』.

People called nobles, who are the ruling tier on the continent, are able to use Magic without exception. However, among the commoners and slaves, who are the ruled tier, very few possess Magic Power. (Excluding fallen nobles that is though).

People who cannot use Magic are typically called 'Inept'.

"It makes me cry, knowing the level of your thirst for knowledge. It can't be helped, it'll become lengthy right from the start, but well, I guess it's fine since it's important. If you're bored, it's fine even if you sleep"

Saying that, Asch starts explaining, and writing on the whiteboard consecutively.

Law of Inheritance


the gene that does not possess Magic Power Field AA

the gene that possesses Magic Power Field aa

A (the gene that does not possess Magic Power Field) completely dominates a (the gene that possesses Magic Power Field).

If copulation is performed with AAxAA,

it'll definitely give birth to an AA (does not possess Magic Power Field) child,

but if copulation is performed with aaxaa,

it'll definitely give birth to an aa(possesses Magic Power Field) child.

However, because A completely dominates a,

the copulation of AAxaa,

will definitely give birth to an Aa(does not possess Magic Power Field) child.

However, in the case where copulation is performed with AaxAa,

the following three inheritance combination comes to mind.

AA, Aa (does not possess Magic Power Field) group

aa (possesses Magic Power Field) group

"It truly is logical, right? How does it feel? Why nobles are lesser in the ratio between nobles and commoners. Why, the chances of seeing an Inept with noble parents are overwhelmingly lower than Magicians of common descent"


Everybody, they're equally silent, but it's obviously different from the earlier silence. However, there was one person. There was a young girl who suddenly stands from her seat, and slams the table with trembling hands.

Lily=Schwarz it is.

"Something like that is impossible!"

"Hmm......let's hear it if you have a rebuttal?"

"In the first place, what is your evidence!? Just because we feel that way, that is no evidence that that is correct"

"200 thousand people"


"It is the number of experimentees needed for the data. Mira, afterwards, borrow her the book regarding the subject from my mansion"


The stewardess nods quietly.

"Well, it's an enormous validation data, but it's alright to read through it until you are satisfied......aah, let me inform you in advance, this is not the truth that I alone hold onto and know. It received the Continent Magic Association's consent 60 years ago, and I think there are many notable names amongst the fellow researchers. For example, like Lioar=Sergey"


At the ill-natured Magician's words, the eyes of Lily and the rest of the students all point in the Board Chairman's direction. However, Lioar is penetrating through the silence as he had been.

"Ne, nevertheless, I cannot accept it!"

Despite knowing that she's in a bad position, Lily clings on nevertheless.

"What's your evidence?"


"You said it, right? What's your evidence for that? Your feelings alone are not evidence, right?"


"Someone you're close to is an Inept with noble parents huh"

The Dark Magician, he opens those deep black eyes of his widely and ravages her weakened heart.


"You understand, don't you, Lily=Schwarz. That that does not make for any evidence. There are many others come to mind; the reason an Inept is born from noble parents. The parents of the child that you are carefully trying to protect are――"

"Shut up――――――――――――――!"

She shouted hysterically and pointed her emerald-shining eyes in Asch's direction.

"Please have a match with me! If I win, please retract your previous statement"

It's illogical. For example, she has something she has to protect even if it strayed from logic. With an unwavering attitude, she points in Asch's direction.

"Fuu......the type who uses brute force, upon knowing that their argument has been taken apart huh. How unscrupulous――"

"Ara, are you scared, Asch=Dahl sensei?"

"......sure. I shall get onboard your provocation. It's just that, it's not interesting"

"Are you going to run away with that?"

"Don't misunderstand. I simply said that the stakes are not enough for a duel......that's right! Let's bet on each other's resignation"


"If you win, I shall leave this school cleanly. However, if you lose, you'll leave this school. How about it?"


"What? Are you not confident"

"Su, sure. I'll take you on"

In response to those words, the Dark Magician laughed softly.


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