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We sure managed to lure them out exactly as Sieg planned.

Before my eyes is a jet-black sword, hey, isn't that the Demon Sword. Why can he use it? I don't know what's going on, but the man who held the Demon Sword, the man who wore a suit of armour that gives off The・Hero vibe, and the man who wore gauntlets on both hands are in their stances.

......I've seen the Hero-like man and the gauntlet-wearing man somewhere before. I wonder where I've seen them before?

......ah! It's the junior Hunk-kun that I saw in my dream today! I didn't think that the junior of the same high school would be summoned. Well, he has a Hero-like face after all.

"......this fellow is the youngster about the same age as us that Galgante was saying huh"

"Get out of the way! I'm going over now, everybody!"

"Yo, you idiot! Bloody running ahead!"

Hero-kun picks up his sword and slashes at me. Is this fellow an idiot. In the vicinity are about a thousand soldiers, and Shishou, who should've already taught him a painful lesson yesterday, and yet he's charging over.

"My bad, but I can't hold back just because you're a high school student"

"Don't mess with me! Holding back is......eh?"

Hero-kun, he makes a puzzled look in the midst of slashing at me. How carefree you are to lose focus in the middle of a fight.

I repel the sword that he slashes at me with the spear and thrust his abdomen with the butt of the spear. Hero-kun narrowly twists his body and dodges it, but I swing the spear as it is and send him flying.

To start off, the first person. When I aimed at Hero-kun and thrust the spear out, a sword repelled it from the side. It's Demon Sword-kun who has gone dual-wielding before I know it. He stands, shielding Hero-kun.

"Are you alright, Ijuuin!"

"Geboh, aah, somehow"

"Don't dash off by yourself. We can't defeat that fellow if we don't join forces"

"Aah, looks like it"

Hero-kun says and stands up. Martial Artist-kun was beside the two of them as well before I know it ......somehow, isn't it like I'm the villain. The other soldiers aren't moving either; both Regalia as well as Nanor. They've gone into an observation state, haven't they.

"Here I go! Photon Blast Weapon Endowment!"

"Volcano Drive Weapon Endowment"

"Gale Blast, Flame Blast Weapon Endowment"

Hero-kun and company endow Magic to their respective weapons and come at me seriously. I also cast Weapon Endowment on my spear with Chaos Vortex. I'm worried whether or not it'll hold since it's not Rolgar though


First, Hero-kun slashes at me. I defend against Hero-kun's sword with my cloak. And when I sweep his legs with the spear, Hero-kun jumps and dodges. I suppose you can't dodge if you're in mid-air. I aim at Hero-kun and extend my cloak.

I wrap and capture Hero-kun with my cloak, and carry on to slam him into the ground. Because I slammed him back first, air escapes Hero-kun's lungs, and he groans in pain.

But you don't have the leisure to be groaning, you know. I thrust the spear at Hero-kun who's lying on the ground. Hero-kun rolls and dodges in a panic, but I immediately go to Hero's side and kick him up. While vomiting blood, Hero-kun goes flying.

As I'm about to follow up on my attack, Martial Artist-kun intervenes. I thrust with the spear consecutively, but he skilfully averts them with his gauntlets. Over there


Demon Sword-kun slashes at me. He has endowed different Magic onto the regular sword and Demon Sword respectively. He slashes at me with the sword he clads in wind, and the Demon Sword he clads in flame. ......this fellow, isn't his movements better than Hero-kun.

I defend against his slash at me with the sword in his right hand with the cloak and thrust with the spear. He blocks the spear with his Demon Sword in his left hand and passes over me by jumping above me. Hero-kun, who was down until just now, comes at me again over there. Joining him is Martial Artist-kun as well.

The three of them surround and attack me. The one I have to be the most careful with is the dual-wielding Demon Sword-kun huh. It's working out somehow because the cloak reacts to Magic Power and defends for me, but it might be tough if I didn't have this.

"All troops, charge!"

Regalia Army started moving as I was going back and forth with the Heroes in such a manner. I guess they already disregard the fellows that are held captive.

"Are you guys fine with that?"


Hero-kun reacts to my question. Perhaps Demon Sword-kun understands what I want to say, he's keeping silent. Martial Artist-kun is also the same.

"The end result for you Hero group at this rate is being used and exhausted like tools. Are you alright with staying on Regalia's side as it is? If you come over to our side, well, we won't kill you"

"Don't screw around! Like we'll believe something like that!"

Well, that makes sense. I wouldn't believe either if I was on the Heroes' side. However, I can kill them without reservation with this.

"I got it. Then die. Lightning Heavenly Garment Activate. Composite Magic, Celestial Lightning Heavenly Outfit"

Guu! It's quite tough to activate Level 9 Magic simultaneously. My Magic Power is draining at an astounding rate. However, to blow the entire Regalia Army away, I have to use the greatest technique I can.

"Blow away, Lightning Flash(Grom Ray)"

Light spheres so many to the extent that they're tedious even to count appear in the sky above me. I modified the technique Levine-san and Eclat had used in my style.

"Well, first......"

I pour all of it down at the Hero group, and the Regalia Army in front. It's a force so powerful that it shakes the land. It's a thunderous roar so loud that even the soldiers' screams aren't audible.

I too couldn't remain standing and went on my knees when I poured all the light spheres that I activated down. Since a considerable amount of Magic Power was taken away.

When the dust cloud that blows violently clears, the Regalia Army had stopped entirely. Blood-soaked people have fallen over at the front. There are probably few who are alive.

The Hero group......they're all alive, but none of them is safe and sound. Hero-kun has his left leg blown off; Martial Artist-kun has his right arm blown off; Demon Sword-kun lost both arms. I guess the only other injuries they have are pretty much the penetration on their body.

I suppose they'll die from blood loss even if I leave them be like this, but I guess I'll to finish them off like this. I stand up somehow and walk towards Demon Sword-kun, who's the nearest.

"I have nothing against you, but it's for Nanor's sake. Bye"

I aim at Demon Sword-kun and swing my sword down. I was thinking of stabbing him as it is. However, it didn't go that way. It's because the spear was repelled by something.

"Ple, please get away from, Ta, Takumi-kun!"

And then I hear a voice. ......did my ears become strange? Why the heck can I hear a voice that I shouldn't hear in this world. I timidly turn towards the voice.

I thought it was my imagination. I thought my ears were strange. I thought that because I heard it in my dream today, a similar voice sounded that way to me. That's what I had thought, but my wish to be wrong didn't come true.

"I'll blast you with Magic if you don't move away from everybody!"


My cousin, who rightfully shouldn't be in this world, was standing over there pointing her staff at me.


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