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Runwalker March


Fuu〜. I made it in time one way or another. I think while looking at Chrona, who's in my arms. That bastard. Bloody laying his hands on somebody's fiancee. I'm not gonna let this slide that easily. As I'm thinking of that

"......is, is it Lei-sama?"

Chrona asks me. Oops, rather than that bastard, I have to take a look at Chrona. There's a gash on her left arm, and it's still bleeding. She had been stabbed quite deeply. An ordinary Heal probably won't heal it.

"Chrona, it'll sting a little, but bear with it. High Healing"

I place my hand on Chrona's wound and heal it with Healing Magic. In the blink of an eye, the wound closed up, and Chrona's beautiful skin returned.

I then lower Chrona down from the princess carry state. Chrona goes 「Ah」 and makes a slightly sad look, but without concerning myself with something like that, I hug Chrona tightly.

"Sorry, Chrona. I keep making Chrona go through painful experiences"

Now that I think about it, Chrona was also injured four years ago. I wasn't careful and made Chrona go through a painful experience at that time as well. This time too, although it worked out because I made it in time at the last moment, had I not make it in time, not just her body, it'll probably leave a deep wound in her heart as well.

"It is fine, Lei-sama. After all, even if harm befalls me, Lei-sama will definitely come and save me, just like this!"

Chrona says and looks up at me with a blooming smile. I found such a Chrona endearing and hugged her tightly with all my strength.

"Wa, waa! Lei-sama〜! It's painfull〜"

Chrona says, but she's rubbing her head against my chest. I pat such Chrona's head.

"Lei-sama. Thank you for saving Chrona"

Over there, Chloe brought the other maids and showed up. All the maids around are people that I've never seen before. Perhaps it's because nobody recognises my face, they're looking at me terribly much.

......nn. The baby that Chloe is carrying. It feels like she resembles someone. Facial features that will likely make a beautiful woman in the future along with silver hair.

"Chloe. That baby"

"Yes, this is......"

"She is Onii-sama and my younger sister"

Just as I asked Chloe, although I had a rough guess, I heard a voice say that from the side.

I look in the direction that I heard the voice, and Filia, whose height and hair have grown, and gives off a slightly more matured vibe than four years ago, was there.

"Filia. You've grown bigger"

When I pat and ruffle Filia's head

"O, Onii-sama! It, it is embarrassing in front of everybody!"

she blushes and protests to me. However, she took after Elise and became a beautiful woman huh. If she goes out into high society or whatnot, she will probably be popular. Immediately after

"Oi, you! Why are you casually touching Filia......sama!"

a boy behind Filia who's in a knight's outfit and who's about the same age as Filia says that to me. Speaking of which, there are people who don't know about me as well huh. Just as I was about to give my greetings because that's what I thought

"Dry. I will kill you, get it?"

, I heard an extremely cold voice from my chest. It was a very cold voice that I've never heard even once before, so I wondered who was it exactly that gave out such a voice, but before I say anything, Chrona separates from me and goes to where the young boy, Dry, who threatened me just now is. And then


Chrona punches Dry's face with a right straight, that she placed her entire body in, and sends him flying. Hasn't Chrona, gotten stronger? It was a right straight so beautiful that it made me think that. And then

"Bear in mind as well everybody! This person is Sir and Madam Elise's eldest son, Filia-sama and Krissha-sama's Onii-sama, and my, my fiance, Leivelt・Runwalker-sama!"

Chrona introduced me in a way that everybody can hear. It's just that perhaps she felt slightly embarrassed when it comes to the part where she says I'm her fiance, she ended up biting her tongue. That part of her is adorable as well though.

And then, the maids who heard that bow to me. No, it's troubling if you do that to me! And then

"You are, Filia-sama's Onii-sama huh! I have been entrusted the duty of Filia-sama's escort, my name is Mirumi! Nice to meet you!"

A girl behind Filia who's in knight's outfit greets me as such. These kids are Filia's escorts huh. Speaking of which, Filia did write it in the letter as well. I suppose the one who was punched and sent flying just now is Dry, the girl is Mirumi, and the last person is Gumin.

"Aah, nice to meet you. And also, thanks for always protecting Filia"

Mirumi looks happy when I say that and pat her head. Filia who was watching that

"Mumu. I am happy that Mirumi and the others are being praised, but it feels like the head-patting time is longer than mine!"

......what is she jealous about, good grief. I look around while laughing awkwardly. There's nobody else that's wounded. All of the soldiers have died. I didn't make it in time.

It looks like this place is already alright. It'll probably be fine even if I'm a little bit late since those people have gone to Sieg and the others.

"Chloe. Carry on to evacuate everybody. I'll go to where Hahaue and the others are"



"Filia and Chrona, don't make such sad looks. I'll come back after it's over"

When I pat their heads, the two of them, who were making sad looks, smile. As I thought, their smiles are the best. Just as I was about to separate from everybody and go to the front of the mansion

"Hue! I'll hucking hill hue!"

the bloodied-faced man showed up. Speaking of which, I did punch and send him flying huh. I totally forgot about it. I suppose his teeth broke with the impact of the punch. I can't quite catch what he's saying. That man readies his spear and heads towards me.

Filia and the others shout from behind, but I smile to them, telling them it's alright. They quiet down with just that.


The man thrusts his spear at me, but I turn to the left and dodge it. I carry on to grab the spear that was thrust and put strength into my left hand that grabbed it and thrust it the other way around.

The butt of the spear gouges the man's abdomen deeply from me thrusting back the spear that the man thrust out. The man who was taken by surprise kneels on the very spot and starts vomiting what was in his gut. 

However, I don't have time to wait for something like that. Besides, this fellow did something horrible to Chrona. There's no way I can go easy on him.

I strike upwards at the man's face with the butt of the spear that I stole from him. 「Guhyaa!」, the man lets out a bizarre voice, and it looks like his nose is broken; there's blood trickling down.

I grab the man's arm and force him to stand. The man is crying, and all he can do is groan at the pain on his face, but the me today can't see it.

I gather Magic Power in my left arm

"Blast off"

and punch the man's face with all my strength with my left hand and send him flying. The man is crying something, but I couldn't hear it, so I'll ignore it. He passes through the wall that was broken through just now, and I suppose he also broke through the wall at the front since there's a sound as well. I guess I'll go as well.

"Be careful everybody"

I look in everybody's direction once and say. It'll probably be fine since everybody nodded to me as well. Elize and Sieg may have something to say about it, but I shall have them let me participate as well in order to protect my hometown.

Ah, I shall have him let me use this spear in place of the broken Rolgar.


All we could do was see off Onii-sama's back view that goes in the direction of the mansion's main entrance. You, you are too cool, Onii-sama! Chrona's eyes have turned to hearts and bearing a hole through Onii-sama's back view after all.

"Fi, Filia-sama's Onii-sama sure is amazing huh. He finished off that intruder so easily"

Mirumi, who was standing beside me, also lets out a surprised voice. Fufun! Of course! It is my Onii-sama after all!


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