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Prisoner Of War

Runwalker March


"Kuu, they're quite fast huh"

Madam Elise and I cast our magic at the two intruders that Madam Alene is taking on, but they're dodging them skillfully. It's because the tomgirl¹ at the back is applying Endowment Magic to the intruders huh. In addition to that, to think that he's supporting them with his magic.

Dorothea-san is going up against another one of the intruders. That intruder seems to be the strongest amongst them, but Dorothea-san isn't losing either.

"Ora! Hyahahaha!"

"Tsk, what a noisy brat!"

Madam Alene, she averts her body and dodges the buzz cut man's axe; the golden-haired intruder takes advantage of that opening and attacks her with his sword. Madam Alene averts his sword with her own shield. She then slashes at his wide-open body, but over there, the tomgirl releases his magic and obstructs her.

We cast our magic at the tomgirl too, but because he seems to possess a miniaturised magic barrier, our magic doesn't go through. It's really troublesome.

"Marin-chan, Alene will be in danger at this rate. I'll be casting a large one!"

Madam Elise says to me as I was thinking about that. Madam Alene is also looking and nodding over here. In that case

"Understood! Acid Web!"

"Thunder Storm!"

I activated a Water Magic that discharges a wave of acid, and Madam Elise activated a lightning tempest. Madam Alene too moves away from the men. It's not the kind of magic to cast on the rooftop, but it can't be helped. However

"Those fellows sure are dangerous"

"Oi, Kai! Aren't you slow at activating your magic!"

"I'm, I'm sorry!"

A large wall appeared over there, created in a way that it encloses them. It appears that the tomgirl created Earth Magic's Rock Wall huh. It's quite a sturdy one at that. A magic that's more powerful than the ones before is necessary to destroy it, but the town will end up with casualties if we cast that.

Just as we were thinking about what we should do


the mansion's wall crumbled down. And then what flew over was one of the men that intruded the mansion just now. Fiーchan chased after him but......his face is terribly swollen though.

Based on my deduction, if Fiーchan borrowed the power of the Spirit Ruler that's by her side, I think she can defeat him. But, will his face swell up so much from Fiーchan's attack, that's Magic-based? It's as though he was punched.

"Wha!? Tanaka!"

The men who were fighting Madam Alene ended up stopping from astonishment as well. Dorothea-san's side too. And then sounds of footsteps can be heard from the mansion. I wonder if it's Fiーchan? As I'm thinking and looking

"Eh? No wayy!?"

Madam Elise lets out a surprised voice. Not even that came out for me. I mean, it's because the one who appeared was, the young boy who actually shouldn't be here.


"......uoo! Everybody is looking"

Everybody who was fighting outside was looking at me when I emerged from the mansion. The excessively many pairs of eyes gave me a shock, you know.

But, haha! They're all nostalgic faces. I met Alene-sensei previously, but Elise is still as beautiful as ever even though she should already be in her late thirties. She's my mother whom I take pride in.

Marin-san is wearing her mantle's hood low, so I can't tell her expression, but judging from her atmosphere, she's probably surprised.

The men who were going up against Alene-sensei look over here with surprised expressions. ......I vaguely noticed it, but these fellows are Japanese huh. Their facial constructions don't exist in this world after all. Which means they're the summoned Heroes huh.

All that's left is......who are they? Furthermore, there's one person who's a Demon Race, isn't there. Besides, the man whom the other person is going up against is making a repulsive smile. Which one of them is on our side?

Well, I guess I'll leave that aside for now. For the time being, I have to end the battle here quickly.

"Lei! Why are you here!?"

When I go to Elise's side, Elise raises a surprised voice and asks me.

"Hahaue, it has been a long time, but let us leave that aside for now. We have to defeat the enemies before our eyes first"

"That, that's true. I got it. But I will make sure you tell me all about it afterwards!"

Elise sternly points her index finger at my face and says. It's as pressuring as the scene of a particular legal game when they have an objection. Well, she's going to be surprised if her son that's supposed to be in the Royal Capital is here huh. Therefore, I nod with a smile.

"Do you need an escort?"

Marin-san shows up by my side as well and says something like that. Her face that's visible within the hood is dyed slightly red. I wonder what's wrong?

"No, please leave those fellows to me"

But, well, those fellows probably won't be an issue even if it's just me alone. I endow my body with Body Reinforcement and Lightning Vortex. Alene-sensei ended up heading to where Elise and the others are while saying, 'I'm leaving it to you'. Well, it's because this person knows my capability.

"You shitty brat! Was it you that defeated Tanaka!?"

I'm tempted to say 'you're also a shitty brat, aren't you', but we won't make any progress if I say it now, so I shan't say it.

"Tanaka? Is it perhaps this man that was holding a spear, whom I sent flying just now?"

I already knew, but I deliberately act like I didn't in order to agitate the enemy. Exactly as he looks, the simple-minded-looking man snaps with just that.

"That, that's no good Madarame-kun! To, to be taken in by his provocation!"

Oh, it seems the tomgirl at the back noticed. Or rather, it's something that would normally be noticed though. However, perhaps the man called Madarame has blood rushing to his head because of his anger, he snaps at the tomgirl, and points his axe at me. The golden-haired man beside him also readies his sword.

"I'll fucking, kill you"

......haa〜. What's this fellow on about? I'm about to explode in anger, but let's go about it calmly here. It's easy to kill these fellows, but if I keep them alive and take them as hostages, it'll probably work the war hereafter to our advantage. That's why

"Don't screw with me. That's my line. Bloody devastating somebody's hometown like this. You're ready for what's to come, right?"

I act like I've snapped for them to see, making sure that the fact that I'm not doesn't get exposed. It's just that, the other side snapped at these words of mine. Aren't they too short-fused.

"I'll fucking kill you!"

Saying that, Madarame readies his axe horizontally and runs over. The golden-haired also readies his sword and runs over, following just slightly behind him. The tomgirl also casts his magic at me.

What arrived first was, as I thought, the tomgirl's magic. It's Earth Magic's Rock Bullet. He shoots numerous earth bullets at me, but I repel all of them without dodging and hit them back to Madarame and the golden-haired man, who are running over, instead.

Madarame and the golden-haired man hurriedly dodge, but I take advantage of that opening and close the distance. When I arrive at the distance that my spear can reach, I thrust my spear out at Madarame. Madarame repels it with his axe and slashes horizontally at me, but I jump and dodge it.

I then twist my body and spin the spear while turning in midair. I point the tip at Madarame while bending the spear and swing it down, so as to strike him hard. Madarame was unable to dodge it, and I dismembered him from his right shoulder onwards.


It looks like Madarame was surprised by what suddenly occurred, and he couldn't do anything but watch his own right arm as it flies off. The axe he was holding in his right hand also drops loudly onto the ground. And then

"GyaAAAA! My arm! My armmmm!"

He holds onto his right shoulder from his left hand, but the bleeding doesn't stop. Furthermore

"Shut up"

Irritated by his excessive shouting, I kick Madarame and send him flying with all my strength. It looks like Madarame lost his consciousness from the pain of his arm being sliced off and the pain of the kick.

I make sure that Madarame isn't waking up, and I move towards the golden-haired man. It looks like the golden-haired man is stunned by what happened to Madarame.

"You're next, you know? Bring it, will you?"

When I point the spear at him and says, the golden-haired man jumps. And then despite turning pale

"Sh, shittt!"

he comes at me. It's over if you lack composure, you know? I repel the sword that he swings overhead at me with the spear while thinking. We exchanged blows several times, but his sword ended up flying off somewhere with just that. Hold it properly man. I thought, but there's no need to say it either, so I kept quiet.

I then strike the golden-haired man's chin with the butt of the spear. The golden-haired man's eyes ended up rolling back and he ended up collapsing with just that. He's too weak to attacks, isn't he. All that's left is

"Hi, hiiiii! I'm, I'm sorry!"

only the tomgirl, but he cried and prostrated himself just from me looking at him. ......somehow, it's like I'm doing something terrible, isn't it. He looks like a girl, so it appears unnecessarily so.

For the time being, I grab him by the nape of his neck and activate Bolt in order to have him go unconscious. With just that, I can tell that his limbs have gone limp.

When I gather the four unconscious people in one spot

"Haa〜, how useless. It's a waste like this"

the last remaining man says. Which means this fellow is our enemy, and the Demon Race woman is our ally? But this fellow's capability is on a different league compared to the Heroes just now. Well, I don't intend to lose though.

"So what will you do? I'll spare your life if you surrender"

I talk to the man while pointing the tip of the spear at him. However

"Nope, I'll have you let me retreat here!"

the man takes out a somewhat scroll-like item from his bosom and unrolls it. And then the scroll started shining when he poured in his Magic Power. This is......

"See ya〜"

The man disappeared while saying. I'd heard about it from Shishou previously; it's the simplified teleportation circle that exists in the Empire huh. It seems it's scarce, and its distance is also short, but it's something that's adapted so that anybody can use it. Shit, he got away huh.

But, for the time being, this place is probably already fine. If I have to point out the only problem

"Lei!? What are you doing!'


it's just the fact that there's a Demon Race here. I silently point the spear at the Demon Race woman.


¹: I replaced 'otokonoko' with tomgirl, so that it's more straightforward.


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