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The Falling Lightning

Runwalker March


Five people intruded the mansion. Every one of them possesses a considerable amount of magic power, but the man at the very front feels, especially dangerous. As I am feeling that

『Fiー. Get ready so that you can cast your magic right away』

, Farcy says that in a solemn voice that she does not typically use. I suppose that is how dangerous the opponents are.

"Filia. Please release my Restriction Collar. I'll deal with that man"

As I am getting ready so that I can cast my magic right away, Dorothea-oneesan says that. She is holding a shortsword in her right hand.

"I got it, Dorothea-oneesan. Please do not die, alright"

"Who are you saying that to. I'm the woman who was one of the Seven Demon Generals. As if I'll get done in that easily"

I touch the Restriction Collar that is on Dorothea-oneesan's neck, and release it. The collar that was released makes a clicking sound and falls to the ground. Otou-sama may have something to say about this, but I believe in Dorothea-oneesan.

It is because we spent these past few months together, so I know both the fact that Dorothea-oneesan likes the people of this town, and that she will protect us.

"Alright then, I'll be going"

All kinds of magic appear around Dorothea-oneesan the moment she said that. Am, amazing. She releases those magic towards the intruders.

"Uwaa! What's that!"

Although the strongest guy raises his voice in surprise, he dodges all of the magic. The other guys, it feels like they are just barely dodging them. Over there, Okaa-sama and I cast our magic as well. We can just fix the mansion again afterwards, so we did not hold back.

"Tsk! Kai! Bloody support us more!"

Amongst the guys on the opposition side, the axe-holding golden-haired guy yells at the girlish-looking guy at the very back. I wonder if that is the so-called『Otokonoko¹』that the Hero-san in the olden days was saying.

Immediately after, when that Otokonoko activates his magic, the guys' movements improved.


"Uwaa! Eh, why is there a Demon Race here!"

In the meantime, Dorothea-oneesan attacked the strongest guy with her shortsword. The guy, he receives it with his sword, but Dorothea-oneesan backs off right away, and attacks again.

Just as I thought she slashed at him with her shortsword, she releases a sharp kick with her slender and beautiful leg. It is bending like a whip.

"Tsk, this is unexpected huh"

When the guy mutters that, he signals to the other guys with his eyes. As for the guys, Alene-okaasama is dealing with the three of them, and Okaa-sama is supporting her, but the spear-holding buzz cut guy amongst them, runs towards the mansion......this is bad! Chloe, who is carrying Krissha, and Chrona are inside!

"I will go after him!"


Alene-okaasama looks like she is stopped by the other two and cannot move, and it will probably be rough without Okaa-sama's support. In that case, the only option here is for me to go!

I can hear Okaa-sama's voice from behind, but I start running into the mansion right away. Mirumi and the others are following behind me.

"Farcyー, do you know where Chrona and the others are!?"

『That black cat maid huh. That girl is together with the other maids, heading in the courtyard's direction』

Courtyard huh. Indeed, if they go through there, there is a basement that is used for shelter. They are probably heading there. We hurry up as well. Immediately after, 'Dogaan!', there is the sound of the wall collapsing. It is in the courtyard's direction!

We hurry up and head towards the courtyard, and over there

"Hehehe. Aren't you a cute Beastfolk. I'll reserve you as well. The maids here sure are high quality as well. I can have all kinds of fun!"

, the spear-holding guy makes a repulsive smile and says something like that. Chrona's neck is being grabbed in that guy's hand! Alongside the wall, there is the figure of the soldier that appears to have been struck and sent flying as well. The sound just now was probably that.

Chloe and Krissha are fine, and they are being surrounded by the other maids. Although I am relieved, I have to quickly help Chrona!

"Wind Cutter!"

I cast my magic at the guy. Perhaps the guy noticed that, he jumps from that spot and dodges it.

"Oops, don't move. Don't you care what happens to this woman?"

However, the guy points the spearhead at Chrona, whom he is grabbing in his hand, and threatens me. How despicable....... And then he stabs the spear into Chrona's arm

"Ah, aaaaah!"

Chrona screams in pain.

"Chrona! Please stop doing such terrible things!"

"In that case, tell the brats around you to drop their swords"

While saying that, the guy stabs the spear into Chrona. Chrona's painful scream reverberates. Perhaps frightened by that voice, Krissha starts crying as well.

"I, I got it. I got it already! Mirumi, drop your sword!"

I order Mirumi and the others and make them drop their swords. Albeit reluctantly, all three of them dropped their swords. All while glaring at the man though.

The guy too, moves the spear away from Chrona. However, the bleeding from her stabbed arm is not stopping.

"Hihihi. You're quite a good woman huh, you didn't cry even when I stabbed you that much"

The guy lick's Chrona's cheek while saying. I want to blast my magic into that repulsive face.

"Sto, stop it! Don't touch me!"

Chrona struggles, trying to escape, but the guy is getting amused by that instead.

"In that case, how about this?"

The guy, he said and started touching Chrona's body. Chrona's face that was glaring at him fiercely until just now is turning pale. I should think so. Being touched by a man that she does not even like.

"Ple, please stop it! Don, don't touch me!"

"Hihihi! That's the face I wanted to see! Show me more of your crying and screaming face!"

The man carries on to grab hold of  Chrona's maid outfit and violently tears it. Chrona, she is left with just her maid outfit that is pretty much no longer functional as clothes and her undergarments.

"Noo. Noooooo!"

Chrona finally started crying. Wha, what should I do.

"Farcyー, is there any way!"

『If Fiー has the confidence to avoid that maid and blast your magic at the man then there is a way. However, if it gets noticed, that maid will probably be hurt even more than she is currently』

No, no way. Is there nothing that I can do. Tears started overflowing from my eyes as well when I realised. I find the me who cannot do anything pathetic. Frustrating. It tastes of metal in my mouth.

"Hehehe! I feel bad for them, but I guess I'm gonna have some fun"

"Noo! Sto, stop! Noooo!!!"

When the man was about to remove Chrona's undergarments

『But well. It looks like there is no need to worry about it anymore though』

Farcy said something I do not quite understand. When I was about to ask about that

"Don't be laying your hands on somebody's fiancee!"

I heard a voice. A very nostalgic voice. An unmistakable voice. Along with that voice, a bolt of lightning falls beside that man from the sky. And then the man, who was grabbing Chrona, was blown towards the wall.

What appeared when the flash of lightning disappeared was, the figure of Onii-sama, that became manlier than four years ago, who carries Chrona in a princess carry and glares in the direction that the man flew.


¹: 男の娘(Otokonoko): A girlish guy, tomgirl, 'trap'.


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