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First Day Of Golden Week

First of May; the first day of Golden Week. I don't have anything planned for this day, so I decided to celebrate Yae getting 'A' for the physical examination two days ago. The person herself has requested roast beef, so I shall do my best.

Hence, I have to first go grocery shopping. I bought the vegetables and so forth for the sides at the supermarket in advance yesterday, so I will be purchasing the meat for the main dish today. I say that, but I am only going to collect it though.

"Kinuta-san. I came to collect the meat"

"Wel~come, Kazunari-kyun. I made sure to procure a good piece~"

The one who welcomed me when I entered the store was Kinuta-san. Although she is wearing a rather novelty outfit known as 'goth loli' with a muscular body and an unshaven face, she is a very amazing person.


"Here, the meat that you had ordered to use for roast beef; the top round~. Although it's not your first time, it has been a while, so I went for a popular cut~. It didn't come from somewhere famous, but I think it's plenty delicious since it's Wagyu~"

"Thank you. How much is it?"

"Nn~. Kazunari-kyun is a regular customer after all~2,500 yen is fine~"

"......isn't that cheap? I can afford to pay up to 5000 though"

I don't eat much, but Yae eats quite a bit, so I asked for more, but it was even cheaper than I thought. I thought that it would be exorbitantly expensive if it is Wagyu though......

"I got it from an acquaintance for cheap, so you don't have to worry about it~. Please order it again if it's delicious. Besides, it's a celebration for Yae-chan today, isn't it~"

"How did you!?"


Here it is. One of the things amazing about Kinuta-san is the information network she possesses. It is really extensive; she knows the fact that the neighbourhood cat gave birth to kittens all the way to world affairs. The person herself was saying she didn't do anything illegal, but I am doubtful whether I can trust what she said or not. I have to check whether or not there are wiretaps in the house once huh......

"Fufufu, I shall spill the beans since it looks like you have weird worries; that just now was a simple deduction~. Kazunari-kyun won't make a complicated dish like roast beef if it's not for a celebration, right~? And there's nobody for Kazunari-kyun to celebrate for other than Yae-chan, is the~re"

"I see......"

is what she says, but I am suspicious whether if it is the truth. The fact that I am living with Yae was also exposed the first time I met Kinuta-san after all. She really is an unimaginably frightening person huh.

"In any case, thank you for the meat"

"Fufu, thanks for your business~. If there's anything in the future, please feel free to request for it~"

"Okay. Well then"


I coincidentally caught sight of Yae on my way home from buying the meat from Kinuta-san, so I chased after her and called out to her.


"Ah, Kazu-kun. What's the matter?"

"I went to buy meat. To use for the roast beef"

"Nn, I'm looking forward to it"

"I will do my best"

The corners of Yae's mouth are slightly curling up. She's looking forward to it quite a bit huh. If she is so looking forward to it, I have the pressure of not being able to fail, but as I thought, it makes me happy.

"Is Yae going back from club activities?"

"Nn. It ended early because there's tomorrow"

"I see. By the way, do I have to wake you up tomorrow?"

"......please do"

Perhaps Yae is weak against mornings, I wake her up on days she needs to wake up early. It seems she also set an alarm clock, but she apparently ends up turning it off subconsciously. It is incomprehensible for me, who can wake up even without an alarm clock.

"I ended up calling out to you instinctively; let's go back while talking. It will take some time to make the roast beef after all"

"Nn. I can't wait to eat it"

"Let's go then"

I stick my hand out, and Yae takes it. Both of us held hands and walked slightly faster than usual and went home. Now then, I will do my best to make sure that I make a delicious roast beef!


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