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First of January Morning

Grutas・Nanor Principality

"We'll use this fellow then, yes?"

"Aah. We'll invade the Royal Capital with that! Kukuku! Just you wait, Raymond. I have preparations to make, so I'll excuse myself here. I'm counting on you, Meister!"

Grutas says and leaves the basement. I stay behind and head towards the man who was called 'Meister'.

"Is it alright though, Benjarl-sama; for us to be using the Black Dragon King-sama's Dragons?"

"What. It matters not. That fellow isn't the type to complain because of something of that extent. It took all I have to finish up this fellow since I just woke up as well, but it's quite well made. It made for some good practice"

Benjarl-sama says and laughs loudly while looking up. Benjarl-sama, the "Dead Spirit King", is able to use corpses to create undead and the likes. And the remains of a Nine-Headed Dragon, which entire span is probably no less than 50 meters, has been placed before my eyes. 

This is a Zombie Hydra that's created by killing a High-Grade Dragon amongst the Black Dragon King-sama's subordinates and making use of its fresh corpse. It possesses all kinds of abilities and boasts a remarkable strength.

"Now then, let's wake this fellow up, shall we. Awaken, my servant!"

And then when Benjarl-sama pours his enormous Magic Power in, the Hydra's eyes light up. Both of them are murky though.


And then the Zombie Hydra raises its head with all its strength and breaks through the ceiling. Well, that's going to happen huh. It fitted in the basement because it had been lying down until just now after all, and I had transported the corpse all the way here with Space Magic.

Just the length of its neck alone is probably 10 meters. If something like that raises its head, well.

"Kakaka! Lively, good, good! Now then, go, Zombie Hydra! ......alright. I guess I'll also go then. Abram......it's Eins now, was it? Can you transport me to where Grutas or whatever his name is?"

Oops. I was pointed out by Benjarl-sama as I was looking at the Zombie Hydra. I immediately activate my magic. And when we teleported, the figure of Grutas(idiot) looking up at the Zombie Hydra was there outside the mansion.

"Ooh! This is marvellous! As expected of Meister!"

"It's nothing. I'm glad it's of use to you. This fellow will listen to your orders. All that's left is for you to give your directions and it will start moving"

"Kukuku! If we have this fellow! Religas, we're going!"


Grutas then went to the Zombie Hydra and gave it the direction to attack the Royal Capital. Now then, how it'll turn out will be a sight to behold.


First of January Morning

Nanor Kingdom Royal Capital

"You people, move even faster! The enemy is already right before our eyes!"


Uwaa~. As I thought, it's feeling tense because we're right before the war. It's the morning after yesterday's party's attack, but it appears that the King didn't even catch a wink. He's giving directions to Gayn-san and the other Royal Guards. I recall yesterday night's events while I'm looking at such a spectacle.

After that, we didn't have anything particular to do, and we're only getting in the way, so we went home. Various things needed to be prepared for today, and I wanted to send Helen, Priscilla, Mei-chan, and the others, the girls who can't fight, home after all.

Alexia, Aerith, Caro, and I, are the ones who will participate in the war. I've asked Ferris be the bodyguard for Helen and the others.

Tigris was taken away by the soldiers after that. The King was saying that he won't mistreat him since he had his circumstances; nevertheless, he will imprison him in the jail since the fact that he committed treason doesn't change though.

When we rode on the carriage the King arranged for us and arrived home, Levine-san, who holds an alcohol bottle in one hand and drinks it in one gulp, was in the living room.

......what's this person doing? I ask about the situation, and it seems he chased after Eclat too much and got hated by her. It appears that he was also chided by Hilde-san for that, and he's drowning his sorrows in alcohol. What an idiot.

It seems Eclat, Hilde-san, and Crondine are already asleep. Well, it can't be helped since it's almost midnight.

I talked to Levine-san about what happened in the Royal Palace and

"I'm not interested in humans' disputes, so I don't care"

was what he told me. Well, I guess that's understandable too huh. It's probably one of the many wars in the eyes of the Dragon Race that lives for ages. I somehow understood where he's coming from.

Although there was something like that as well, we're exhausted, so we went to sleep to rest our bodies. I slept for roughly three hours, and after that, I hurriedly got ready, and came to the Royal Castle, accompanied by Alexia and the others. Everybody around is moving about flusteredly, so it's hard to find the right time to go in though.

It looks like they made the place where the party was held yesterday into the headquarters as it is. Quite the number of people is going in and out. We go inside as well and

"Here you are, Lei. Alexia and the others as well. You're a lifesaver"

"It is nothing. We want to protect this country as well after all. So what should we do?"

"Lei and the others, can you guys command the recruited soldiers. The Adventurers that live in this Royal Capital and the neighbouring villages have gathered. I want to have Lei, Alexia, and the others to be their representatives"

It seems there are a thousand people when I ask their numbers. Quite the number have gathered in that short time huh. I guess that's how much they want to protect this country. We don't have any particular reason to refuse either, so we agreed without a second thought.

And then, one soldier led the way, and over there were all stern adult men. There are also familiar faces here and there amongst them. ......ah!

"Dargris! Everybody too!"

Dargris, Rene, Cait, Shizuku, and the others were mixed in with the group that has nobody but stern adult men.

"Ooh! As I thought, Lei and the others came as well huh!"

"Well, yeah. Dargris and the others are around, which means, as I thought"

"Of course, we're participating as well. We want to protect as well"

Rene says and takes Dargris' hand. Don't flirt here. The gazes around are becoming intense after all. After talking to Dargris and the others for a bit after that, Alexia and the others and I stand at a position that's visible to everybody

"Ahー, ahー, everybody. Please look over here!"

I use Wind Magic to carry my voice through the entire room, and the stern adult men glare over at me. Hyaaー, perhaps it's because it's right before the war, they're releasing their killing intent abnormally.

"Everybody, I am Leivelt・Runwalker, the one who will be taking charge of this squad this time around. As everybody already knows, this here is Nanor Kingdom's First Princess, Alexia・Nanor. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you"

After we give our greetings, the Adventurers start making noise. A stern man came out from amongst them. That person is

"Isn't it the laddy Lei! It's been a while!"

"Hagen-san! It has been a while!"

Hagen-san, whom I previously met at the Adventurer's Guild, was there. Hagen-san's party is there behind him as well.

"It's a lifesaver that you're the squad leader. You people! This fellow is stronger than anybody here! After all, he's the Hero! If he's around, it's akin to already winning!"


......somehow he's putting me on a pedestal, but it looks like it wrapped up without any problem. In this case

"I'll help out too~!"

ZokuZokuZokuZoku! Thi, this voice that sends a chill down my spine is...... I look in the direction of the voice and

"It's been a while huhhhhh! Hero-chaan!"

......Madam Blossom was standing there wiggling. Sca, scary.

"Ara, is Madam Blossom participating as well?"

The one who speaks casually to the cross-dressing muscle meathead is Alexia. Everybody took a liking for Madam Blossom's clothes ever since the night Caro and I bought Haku and everybody's clothes, so they became regular customers. It seems they're close enough to have meals together occasionally. I was invited as well, but I refused all of them.

And then from behind

"Amazin'....... He looks like he's close to that Madam Blossom, you know?"

"As expected of the Hero"

"Maybe he swings that way as well?"

"In that case, shall I develop him?"

, I can hear unsettling words. I'm normal!

As I'm going through such a frightening experience

"Enemy troops have arrived!"

there's a yell and

"Wha, what's with that dragon!?"

I hear a voice that says that. Dragon? I wonder what's that about? While looking at each other's faces confusedly, we went to prepare for the war.