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Until He Swells

I hold swords of lightning in both hands and slash at Tigris. I slash at Tigris with the sword I hold in my right hand, and Tigris defends with the shield he holds in his left hand.

My sword was repelled because the shield's ability is ongoing, but I switched it up and slashed at him vertically with the sword in my left hand. However, because this was blocked by his sword, the sword was cut with almost no resistance.

However, I'm not one to give up with just this much. I call forth new weapons into my hands one after another and attack Tigris.


Tigris isn't just on the receiving end either. He attacks me with his sword that can cut anything. ......if he changes the way he says, 'A Sword That Can Cut Anything', it's somewhat like a product's catchphrase.

oops, that doesn't matter for now. However, all my weapons will be cut down if I defend with them, so it puts me in a tough spot where I have to dodge. I end up being one step behind no matter what.

I dodge Tigris' diagonal slash by moving backwards, but naturally, Tigris chases after me. He averts his body vertically to avoid my thrust and crouches to avoid my left sweep. Over there, he aims and shield-bashes at my face with his shield.

However, in order to make use of his shield's ability, I materialize swords in both of my hands and block the shield. I time and jump back at the moment when my sword is repelled by his shield's ability.

I strafed my weapons the instant I distanced myself from Tigris. The lightning weapons pour down towards where Tigris is.


Perhaps he can't cut down and deflect the number of weapons that reaches the tens as one would expect, Tigris resorts to dodging. He cuts them with his sword and blocks and deflects with his shield, but he probably can't make it in time.

It's pouring down from above currently, but I'll add on more to the sides as well. In all directions as well while I'm at it.


Tigris has only been letting out surprised voices since just now. The weapons of lightning appear, surrounding Tigris. I'm sorry, but I won't hold back.

It's amazing that he can cut anything with his sword, and I suppose it's outrageous that he can deflect all of his opponent's attacks. It's a simplistic concept, but in that case, what if it's an amount that he can't? No matter how sharp it is, how many attacks he tries to deflect, it's meaningless if he can't do it.

I guess I'll also attack the Demon Soldiers that are around while I'm at it. I materialize weapons of lightning inside the room. Its number is probably no less than a thousand. It's harsh on the Magic Power as one would expect though.


The moment I swing my hand down, the weapons that were hanging in the air pour down at their respective targets. There was roaring thunder and blinding lightning the moment they crashed into their targets.

For about several tens of seconds, the thunder reverberates, and the lightning shines. What appeared from within when the light subsided were, the corpses of Demon Soldiers that became charcoal from the lightning and hole-ridden from being pierced by the weapons, and the figure of Tigris who had been charred here and there and bleeding from his forehead.

I held back enough for Tigris alone to not die, but is he out of Magic Power? It looks like he created something and defended against it at the end.

However, perhaps he can't move his body, he collapses onto the ground and looks up at me. It looks like he doesn't have the strength to try and stand up.

"Wha! What have you done to my soldiers! Tigris, what are you doing! Quickly get up! Don't you care if your mother doesn't recover!?"

"Guuuu! Uoooo!"

Tigris, who wasn't able to stand up just now, pushes himself to stand up upon Grutas' words. ......is something going on with his mother? Grutas, he's making use of that to manipulate Tigris huh.

"Have your mother been captured, Tigris?"

"Haa, haa, it doesn't concern you"

Tigris says and points his sword at me. However, perhaps he can't gather any strength in his hand, the tip of his sword is shaking. He looks like he's about to topple at any time.

"Talk to me about the situation. I might be able to be of some help. His Majesty and the others will help as well"

I can see the King nodding when I say that. But

"It's already, too late. I betrayed the country. I knew that I would endanger the country if I lent my hand to Grutas, and still, I chose my mother. Don't pity such a me. Kill when it's the time to kill, Leivelt・Runwalker!"

Tigris readies his sword and runs over. However, he didn't have an ounce of the power he had just now. His body is probably at its limit. It's like he's moving it through his emotions.

His sword and shield's light have also vanished. If they lost their abilities, they're just ordinary sword and shield. I also cancel my Lightning Heavenly Garment. I probably don't need it anymore. I then look at the Tigris who runs over. It can't be helped. If he won't stop then I'll stop him.

I brush away his frail sword, that no longer contains any strength, with my left hand, and make a fist with my right hand. And then



I punch Tigris' left cheek with all my strength. If I punched his left cheek, I've got to punch his right cheek as well. I carry on to make a fist with my left hand,



and punch his right cheek as well. At this point, Tigris looks like he's having a hard time even standing, but for me, I have the grudge of being slashed. I shall have him let me punch him a bit more.

Right, left, right, left, right, right, a feint left followed by a right, left, a feint right followed by a body blow, an uppercut, right, left, right, and left.

I then finish him off with a one-two punch. Tigris' face is so swollen that he can't even say anything anymore. He wobbled and carried on to collapse backwards.

His face is so bulgingly swollen there's no semblance of his previous handsome face. Well, as one would expect, I can't quite leave him like this, so I cast High Healing on him. I have to listen to what he has to say as well after all.

"High Healing"

I cast High Healing on him. His bulgingly swollen face returns to his former handsome face. It slightly irritates me, but well, it can't be helped.

Wai, noble-san! Don't whisper things like, '......he's going to heal him and beat him up again huh'! As one would expect, I won't go that far and do such a horrible thing! The gazes around are slightly painful, so let's hurry up and heal him.

"Tsk! That useless Tigris. Don't you care what happens to your mother!"

Grutas shouts at Tigris, who's already unconscious and probably can't hear what he's saying.

"What is that about, Grutas?"

Over there, the King steps forward while being protected by Caro's barrier. Around him are Gayn-san, the Royal Guards that survived, as well as Alexia. It looks like Aerith and the others are beside the Queens.

"What, I merely cast a curse that only this man can dispel on Tigris' mother. I made him help me out in exchange for treating that mother of his"

Grutas says and points at one of the two men beside him. This fellow is the worst. Tigris is obeying Grutas because his mother is being taken hostage huh.

"But it ended up failing. I wanted to end it here though. Well, whatever. Religas, Eins, we're going back"



"Grutas! Do you think I'll let you escape!"

Over there, the King raises his voice. In response to that, the soldiers around also move to surround Grutas and the others.

"Me escaping? Humph. Think twice before you spout nonsense. I wouldn't have come here if I didn't have the chance of winning. A troop of 20 thousand is heading here now. I shall also bring out my trump card along with that. Half of the Royal Capital might be blown away when I bring out my trump card, but well, it can't be helped. Wait and tremble in fear here! Kuhahaha!"

Grutas was teleported somewhere by one of the man beside him with Space Magic while shouting that.

"......I suppose he probably returned to his territory. If there's somewhere where he can deceive my eyes and cause an uproar, that would be the only place"

It seems that that territory is at a location that's about ten kilometres away from here. If a troop of 20 thousand is to walk here from over there, it'll be dawn when they arrive.

"Gayn. Immediately gather the soldiers and prepare for war. I will go and activate the Magic Barrier as well"


"My apologies, everybody. It is the long-awaited party, but it will come to an end here"

The King says and orders Gayn and the others. It looks like the nobles around are confused as to what they should do.

"Lei, are your injuries alright?"

As I'm looking at the surroundings in such a manner, Alexia and the others approach my side. And then they touch and pat my body that was slashed. Wai, it's ticklish.

"It's, it's fine. Leaving that aside, what are you going to do from now on?"

"I will participate as the Royal Family. What about Lei and the others?"

"I'll also participate. I want to protect this country, and personally, there are things I want to ask that scoundrel"

Grutas gives off the vibe that he knows something about the war against Regalia. If he looks like he knows something, then I have to question him.