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The Story Of A Certain Adventurer Second (1)

"Oi, are you listening?"


"What do you think? I'm obviously talking about the Empire"

"Ah~, about the internal strife huh. There are probably fewer Adventurers who don't know about something like that. So, what about it?"

"Regarding that, they say that the newly enthroned Empress is recruiting soldiers. I hear she wants to replenish the soldiers that were lost in the internal strife. They say that she's even creating a squad that takes on monsters"

"Which means......"

"Aah, it looks like us Adventurers have a chance as well! How about it, wanna go?"

A bar that's established within the Adventurer's Guild. I heard such a voice as I was in there listening to the conversation of the Adventurers around.

"A government's employee in the Empire huh. It's nice to have a dream huh~"

A man in Priest's clothes who listens in on the conversation around and sits in front of me says something like that. The golden-haired man with an unshaven face in his thirties was looking at the talking Adventurers while holding an alcohol bottle in his right hand.

"What, Legins. Do you want to be a government's employee?"

"Haha, I might consider it if I can drink alcohol freely every day"

Legins, the Priest guy, responds to what I say while laughing. It's true that for Legins, who's fond of alcohol, it feels like he'll go if that condition is fulfilled. It's to the extent that he's driven out from the church because his fondness for alcohol is being condemned and is causing issues.

"Milt-kun isn't interested? A government's employee?"

"Me? It's my dream to make a name for myself as an Adventurer. I'm not that interested"

I grab the leaning spear. It's the spear that's a memento of my father. I will make a name for myself in place of my father who died midway as an Adventurer. That, is my dream.

Legins was looking at such me with gentle eyes. This part of him is Priest-like. As we're chatting idly in that manner

"Ah, again, Legins-san, you're drinking! Even though we're gathering information!"

A young Elf lady who carried a bow on her back, Sylphe, started scolding Legins upon returning. Although I say 'young lady', she's a young lady for an Elf's age; she's about 70 when converted to a human's age.

A lady who donned a robe held a staff in her hand and wore a hat, Eira, and a gigantic guy who carried a shield on his back, Regan, were standing behind her.

"Fufu, Legins-san, even though we'll be entering a dungeon from now on, I wonder what is this about?"

"Well, well, calm down, Eira. Legins-dono is also doing it to get motivat......"

Regan tries to pacify Eira, who's about to interrogate Legins, who drank a little bit, but his face is warping in the next instant. Looking at it closely, he's foot is being stepped on. By the way, the two of them are a married couple.

"Haha, I just drank a little bit to get into the mood before entering the dungeon. That's why, don't get that angry. I made sure to receive permission from the leader"

And then, Legins said something like that to escape from his wrongdoing and looked in my direction. Swept along by that, everybody looks over at me as well.

"......just a bit, got it? I just said that I don't mind if it's really just one cup. Our plan for today is to scout things out anyway"

Sylphe and Eira look fixedly at me, but they sigh 'Haa' when I say that. Legins, who saw that, also sighed.

"Geez, Milt is too soft! Legins-san, please restrain yourself from tomorrow onwards, alright!"

"Of course. I don't want to die either"

Sylphe and Eira look at Legins, who says and laughs, and become exasperated, but they give up and take a seat.

"Now then, can you tell us about the dungeon?"

"......I got it. This village......I guess it's a town now. It appears that only the dead spirit type shows up in the dungeon of this town. I hear that apparently, it was overwhelmed with the dead spirit type monsters because they killed a certain cursed child, and when they sealed it, the Magic Power that had nowhere to go created a dungeon. Amongst the researchers, it seems to be a historical event"

"Heh, well, the dungeons that exist now are mostly those that existed since several centuries ago, and nobody knows how dungeons are formed"

"Also, I heard something interesting; the village that became the foundation for this town, it's the birth town of the Holy Maiden-sama and Paladin-sama that are currently on a journey with the Hero-sama!"

That's a surprise. I heard about the Hero and the Holy Maiden from the rumours, but to think that her hometown is the village that became the foundation of this town.

However, I don't know whether if it's some destiny, but for the cursed child that's powerful enough to be able to create a dungeon, the Holy Maiden, and the Paladin, to actually be born of the same village. Something like that exists huh.

"Although it appears that they can't quite strip this dungeon because there is a lot of dead spirit type, it appears that the magic stone's purity is high. Additionally, it appears that they'll purchase the armour known as Living Armour or something at a high price"

"Armour huh. It's quite bulky, so I don't really want to choose it though......well, in any case, I guess we'll try entering the dungeon. Is there anything to watch out for?"

"Items that act as torches are necessary since it's dark inside the dungeon. Besides that, it looks like there are also venomous beings inside, so antidotes as well"

"Also, it seems you'll receive damage at places where the miasma is thick, so we'll need Legins to do his part. We need him to cast Light Magic on us"

"It is but an easy task"

It sounds like quite a difficult dungeon from what I hear, but it looks like we'll be able to advance a fair bit as long as we don't overdo it. If we don't go deep inside, the enemies that show up are also those that we can comfortably defeat.

"Well, as I said just now, today is to scout things out. Let's advance without overdoing it. Let's buy and assemble the necessary items in about an hour and head to the dungeon"

I wonder how much we can earn at this town that started flourishing because of this dungeon. I want to get our equipment in order and venture slightly deeper if possible.


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