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Edited Chapter Idle Talk 8: 

'he will make the First Imperial Princess, Katarina, the fiancee of Ijuuin, and Luciana the fiancee of me


 'he will betroth the First Imperial Princess, Katarina, to Ijuuin, and Luciana to me'

Return Trip

It's been a week since we parted with Caro and the others. Our carriage was able to cross the Arcadia Empire and Nanor Kingdom's border safely without anything happening.

If I have to say, the only problem would be that I was hounded on the kissing matter. Afterwards, I was told, 'you ought to do it to us as well', and I unintentionally nodded my head. I wonder what will happen if I didn't. I don't particularly mind kissing. I'm happy about it as well after all. It's just that, being watched by the dazzling eyes is kinda. Mei-chan also says,「I'll do it too!」 and Roy goes,「As expected of Aniki!」and praises me.

After that, I also understood the Goddess' Blessing that Light was talking about previously. It's a title called,『Bound Ones』,

Bound Ones: By establishing a contract with the one who possesses this title, those who established the contract will have additional experience points, and all of their statuses will also increase. The status of the one who possesses this title increases based on the number of people contracted. However, this contract only activates on those whom the one who possesses the title trusts from the bottom of the heart

is how it is. Anything works for the contract itself, but it seems it's restricted to the people whom I trust and also, in addition to that, the people who don't harbour any malice towards me. Furthermore, it seems if both parties accept, they can cancel the contract at any time. However, it seems there'll be a penalty though.

I talk about this matter at night, when everybody gathered, and everybody of the fiancee group completed the contract. I guess we're probably bound by the contract of『Engagement』.

I bound with Roy through a『Master Disciple』contract; Dargris, Rene, Elynor, Birdon, and even Shizuku through a『Retainer』contract. I asked if it's really alright, but everybody says it doesn't matter. With this, I'll have to hire them. Well, it's fine though.

I made a『Parent・Child』contract with Cait and Emma. Although both their families are indeed ranked lower than mine, I wonder if it's alright. Priscilla and Mei-chan say that they don't particularly desire for strength so it doesn't matter.

It seems an item that works as a medium is necessary for this contract, I made it the engagement rings for the fiancees and me, and matching bracelets for everybody else. It won't get in the way if it's these. Everybody is also happy that they're able to grow more than they are currently.

We were going back whilst such things were also happening. Mei-chan and Roy were frolicking in the beginning, but perhaps they got tired of the unchanging scenery, they've currently fallen asleep. Looking at the two of them like this, I recall the time when Filia and Chrona went to the Royal Capital for the first time. I wonder if the two of them are doing well. It'd be great if the ring has been delivered to Chrona though.

As I was thinking about such things


I hear earth-shaking rumbles. What is it?

"A, Alexia-sama! We, we have trouble! Ba, bandits are attacking us!"

"Did you say bandits!"

Alexia opens the window in astonishment, and over there, there were a lot of horse-riding men. It's about 20 people in total. This place is a path between the mountains. I wonder where they were lying in ambush. And as I was thinking if it's only from the back, about 30 horse-riding men are galloping over from the front as well. We're sandwiched huh.

"Alexia. We'll engage the enemies. I'll go out first and attack with magic, I'll count on you to direct Dargris and the others. Ferris and Aerith, protect Helen and the others!"

"Got it!"

Alexia replies to me and everybody else nods to me. Roy is trembling but he's holding a sword, trying to protect Mei-chan and the others. He's got a good resolve.

"Driver-san, stop the carriage!"

"Bu, but"

"Just do it!"

I say strongly, and the Driver reluctantly stops the carriage. And then, I promptly alight the carriage and cast magic.

"Wind Magic Wind Cyclone!"

The bandits were surprised by the tornado that suddenly appeared before their eyes. The horses were also surprised and came to a halt. In the meantime, I use Body Reinforcement and attack the bandits.

"Tsk! Guys, engage him!"

Even when I charge in attacking, they don't falter. They're quite trained. When the bandits hear the command, all of them ready their swords and axes. I can hear the sounds of armaments behind even. The other side also began huh.

"It's just one kid! Don't get frightened!"


The bandits who say and gallop their horses. You're gonna get hurt if you think I'm just some kid!

"Lightning Arrow"

I aim at the bandits and release arrows of lightning. Bandits, that the arrows I released pierced, get electrocuted and fall from their horses. I run while I release arrows over and over again, and keep the bandits in check.


"Shitt, my arm!"

"Don't get hit by the arrows! Dodge it!"

Bandits whom the arrow pierced fell from their horses and there were also those unlucky ones who were trampled by the horses and died, and because even when they blocked with their swords, they get electrocuted if they didn't clad their swords with magic power, some of them dropped their swords. I won't let that opening slip.

I repeatedly stab, sweep, strike and slash. I repeated that for a bit, but there's still close to half remaining, and now, they've disembarked from their horses and standing in a way that they encircle me.

"Shit! I let my guard down because there weren't any guards with the grandiose carriage. But, I'm gonna take the women and children!"

The bandit who says that, readies his sword, and runs over. His movements are slightly better than the others, but that's about it. I repel his sword with Rolgar, spin, and mow down with the butt of my spear as it is. I felt the sensation of bones breaking, but I follow through without bothering with it. The bandit flew away while letting out a weird voice.

Perhaps they realized that they can no longer win, they run away one after another. Like I'll let you run away!

"Wind Cutter"

I aim at the bandits and release blades of wind. The bandits' faces turn pale at blades of wind that approach from behind, but it's already too late. Simultaneously with the sound, 'Zashuu!', blood spurts out from the gashes and those who were alive until just now transformed into mere meat chunks.

After that, I return to everybody's side after checking if there are any survivors. Looks like everybody is also already done.

"Is everybody alright?"

When I ask everybody, everybody answers me that they're alright. The Driver-san was only slightly wounded and Alexia already treated it.


Mei-chan embraces me as I'm checking on everybody. Tears welling up in her eyes. It must've been pretty scary. When I stroke her head, Mei-chan rubs her face on me. There, there.

"So, Lei. What are we going to do?"

Alexia says and looks at the bandits' corpses. Since corpses will end up turning into undead if they're left as is. They have to be dealt with

"Let's tidy it up. Rene. Dig a large hole in the ground. Dargris, Cait, Birdon, Driver-san and I will put the corpses in, so everybody else, get some rest"

When I say that, the ladies make a sort of troubled and sort of happy expression. It's unnecessary to make the ladies tidy up the corpses after all.

Like that, we divide the labour, place the corpses into the hole that Rene opened and burn the corpses. My Fire Magic isn't that high but it'll do just fine if it's to the extent of burning corpses. And when it finishes burning, I have Rene fill up the hole. The area is being filled with the smell of burnt corpses so I blew it away with Wind Magic; it was an unpleasant smell.

We spent some time on the bandits' disposal so today, we decided to camp in a forest that's slightly apart from the place where we were attacked. It feels like they'll appear again if we're close to where we were attacked, but it's better than advancing in the night where nothing is visible. The horses are also exhausted after all.

Perhaps Mei-chan and Roy were mentally exhausted from the afternoon's attack, they already fell sleep. Priscilla is snuggling up beside them.

"Lei. What are we going to do about the watchkeeping"

Dargris asks me simultaneously when everybody finishes eating their meal. It's up to 10 more hours until sunrise. Come to think of it, it's the first time we're inadvertently camping. We'd somehow arrived at a town and rested in an inn until now.

"Let's make 5 teams. Let's go with Dargris and Rene first. Cait, Birdon, and Emma second. Aerith and me third; Shizuku and Ely fourth; Alexia and Helen fifth. Priscilla-san, please accompany Mei-chan and Roy"

Priscilla-san nods when I say that. We decided the order so everybody leaves Dargris and Rene behind and takes out their blankets. We'd bought it just in case and it came in handy.

I stealthily sneak away in that time. I'd actually let a few escape during the afternoon's attack. And then, I'd had Light erase his form and stealthily tail them, so I know the location of their hideout as well. It seems there are still about 200 people remaining inside. It's quite a number.

However, so that everybody can sleep soundly, I shall have those bandits disappear.