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A Certain Young Girl's Past (1)

Sherーtia, are you ready~?"

"Give me a minute! Geez! Why is my hair sticking out so much today of all day! It won't keep together at all!"

I look at the mirror while shoutingly answer Mama's voice. I comb my silver waist-length hair that reflects in the mirror. I try taking a look after combing it and, the hair sticks right out again. Geez! Even though today is an important day!

As I'm getting irritated at the hair that won't fix no matter how many times I comb it, a new silhouette reflects in the mirror.

"My my, it's sticking out huh, Shertia"


It was my saviour, Mama. While saying, 'My my', Mama wets her hand with magic and strokes my stuck out hair multiple times. My hair that's sticking out fixes like it's all a lie just now.

Looking at it closely, Mama's hand was producing a water ball with Water Magic, and after warming it up to warm water with Fire Magic, she wet her hand and fixed my stuck out hair.

My Mama is gentle, strong, beautiful, skilful, and capable of anything; the Mama that I'm proud of!

"Oh my? What's the matter, Shertia? You were fuming until just now, and yet, you're grinning happily now"

"Fufu, it's nothーing! More importantly, is it done?"

"Eeh, it's done. Let's hurry down and eat breakfast, shall we? Papa and Onii-chan are both waiting"

I followed after Mama, who said that and stood up. My name is Shertia・Fortuyn. I was born to a noble house that's in Glenburg Empire, where we reside.

Our House is called the Four Beasts Houses, 1 of the 5 Houses that were involved in the founding of this country.

In this country's plot of land, 4 monsters that were said to give rise to natural calamities just from existing had originally existed.

Just by flying in the sky, sparks will fall and scorch the earth; the Fire Bird. Just by being there, it brings forth a cloud that goes as far as to cover the sun, shed an unceasing rain, and cause a flood disaster; the Azure Dragon. Just by walking, it splits the earth, spreads poison, and kill the forest; the mountain-like Turtle. It brings forth a tornado and blows away houses and the likes regardless whenever it roars; the White Tiger.

All of them combined are called the Four Beasts, but the ancestor of this Empire, Alexander・Glenburg, took along companions whom he can trust with him and went to subjugate the Four Beasts.

I think the result is imaginable from the fact that the Empire has been established, but Alexander・Glenburg and company were able to safely subjugate the 4 Beasts. Afterwards, he built the country on this plot of land.

He gave the key figures, the 4 companions, a Magic Tool that's made from a piece that was harvested from the Four Beasts, and every one of them had existed until today, as the Four Beasts Houses that support the Emperor. 1 of them is the Fortuyn House that I was born in.

House Fortuyn was a House that was bestowed with the Azure Dragon's Magic Tool and had excelled in Water Magic for generations. Papa, the current head of the family, is in possession of the Magic Tool and I only got him to show it to me once. It seems that although its appearance is that of an ordinary pendant, it's amazing if he activates its power. He said it's dangerous so he wouldn't show me him using it.

"Oh, aren't you adorable, Shertia"

When Mama and I went downstairs and entered the room, Papa and Onii were already sitting in their seats. The maids are on standby alongside the wall, and when we take our seats, they serve the meal.

"Sorry, Papa, Onii. My hair wouldn't get fixed"

"It doesn't matter. Since today is Shertia's important day. You have to dress up properly as well. Right, Shelcieg"


Although Papa forgives me with a smile, Onii only responds emotionlessly. I'm bad at dealing with Onii. It's not that I hate him, but he's unsociable, or should I say, I don't know what's he's thinking about.

He also has a nasty look in his eyes so he's avoided by the girls. I've not heard any decent stories from my friends either.

"What are you looking at. Quickly eat. It's the day to settle your business, what are you going to do if you're late"

I was glared and scolded when I'm looking at such Onii. Geez, I think such parts of him are no good. Even though that's where he should say it with a smile and forgive me. I simply reply and have my meal. I don't know what he'll say to me if I were to look at him any more than this after all.

Well, he's right that today's a special day so I have to hurry up though. After all, today is the day I can receive the Oracle from the Goddess! How much I'd been waiting eagerly for this day.

What I want is to be a Magician like Mama. It's because it's my dream to become a Court Magician like Mama in the future. Papa's occupation is a Magic Swordsman, and Onii is a Magic Tool Specialist. Although it's better to have an occupation that has an advantage when it comes to using magic like a Magic Swordsman or Magician, if he's going to succeed Papa, he can use magic even if he doesn't possess those occupations, and if he's a Magic Tool Specialist, he can also use Magic Tool of a certain level.

Although Onii will be able to succeed Papa if he can also use the『Azure Dragon's Tear』that Papa possesses, he still hasn't used it before so I don't know if Onii will be the successor. It appears that he'll do it together with me after today's Oracle ends, so perhaps Onii might also be feeling nervous.

After that, I, who finished my preparations, head to the church with Mama. Papa remained at home for work and Onii is his helper.

I had the Oracle granted to me in the blink of an eye after arriving at the church. It's because Mama apparently reserved a non-crowded time for me and they let me pass immediately.

The Oracle's result was the Magician that I had hoped for. I was overjoyed and spontaneously hopped up and down then and there. When I report it to Mama, who's waiting for me in the carriage, she said, 'that's great', and stroked my head. Fufu, with this, I'll be able to help Papa out with Mama!

I, who's on cloud nine at this time, did not even imagine that after this, it would end up like that.


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