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A Certain Other World Individual 2

It has been a little over a year since we were summoned to this world. We, who were informed about the war by the Emperor 2 months ago, ended up splitting up and doing combat training in 3 groups. Although I say 'combat training', we're not killing people all of a sudden, we're going up against monsters.

At a location called, 'Demon's Land'. It seems this Demon's Land is a unique plot of land that's in Regalia Empire and the Nanor Kingdom, that we'll war against next time, and where monsters appear in large quantity.

Because roughly two-thirds of it is on the Nanor Kingdom's side, the Large March or whatnot doesn't occur on Regalia Empire's side, but it's a menace nevertheless. It seems they considered going through this land in the past, however, it seems the majority of the troops died in action without being able to get through it.

This time, we'll split up and train from the Demon's Land's entrance until the vicinity of the centre.

We split up in 3 teams and in the 1st team is Ijuuin the Hero, Endou-san the Magician, Shimizu the Archer, and several imperial soldiers; in the 2nd team is Satou, Tanaka's delinquent group, along with several imperial soldiers; and in the 3rd team is me, Kana-chan, Nikaidou-san, and Shidou along with the S Rank Adventurer, a golden-haired man in his early 30s called Gargante・Kelcios. It's because there are 2 Goddess' Blessing Holder in this team and it'll be troubling if we were to die.

In all honesty, I don't like this S Rank Adventurer, Gargante. It seems rumour has it that he's the worst kind of scum who repeatedly shags women and throws them away. And it seems the nickname of this worst kind of scum is,『Devil』. It seems it's a name that he was given because he tormented the opponents who went against him to death with a smile.

And the one he's currently targeting, is my sweetheart, Kana-chan. He's making advances on Kana-chan in various ways, but because he's being ignored for now, there hasn't been any problem, but who knows when there will be.

I can't oppose him at all with my current capability so I'm in the middle of thinking about how to protect her, but, shit, there isn't any good idea coming up at all. As I'm brooding over it in that manner

"What's wrong, Kaidou-kun?"

Kana-chan says and peeks in at me. Uoo! An angel's face is suddenly before my eyes!

"Er, err, I'm, I'm fine!"

Uuu~, pathetic. I had wanted to talk to her since we ended up in the same team, but when I see Kana-chan's face, I get nervous and can't speak properly.

"Fufufu, it's all good if you're fine"

Kana-chan who says and faces the front again. Aah, what an angel.

"Kana-chan. It's better to stay by my side than by the side of that sort of useless person. I'll protect you no matter what kind of monster comes"

Just as Kana-chan and I are talking happily, Gargante interjects and pours cold water on it. Bloody calling me useless huh.

I glare at Gargante, but Gargante fucking looks at such me and sneers! Shit! I want to whack that irksome face.

"......Gargante-san, you shouldn't put it like that, don't you think? Kaitou-kun is not useless. Even amongst us, he's the next strongest after Ijuuin-kun and Shidou-kun"

Kana-chan says and defends me. As I thought, she's an angel. Yup, I became fairly strong in this roughly 1 year. My title,『The One Who Endures』is more overpowered than I'd thought.

I understood during training that in regards to the, 'if they receive an opponent's attack and survive, they'll obtain the skill or experience points', that's in the『One Who Endures』's explanation, I don't particularly have to receive damage.

For example, during sword training, even if only the swords exchange blows, it counts as me having received the attacks. I tried out various weapons ever since I found out about that.

Furthermore, it appears that the higher the opponent's skill level is, the more the amount of experience points is, and after I had the Chivalric Order Captain and Ijuuin spar with me, my Swordsmanship increased by quite a bit and became the highest amongst my skills at Level 7. By the way, Ijuuin's Swordsmanship Level is 8. It stopped increasing completely around here. 

I can probably do the same with magic as well, but I don't have the confidence that I can fully sustain high-level magic so I didn't do it. I'm currently only either having Nikaidou-san cast low-level magic at me and receive it, or, training honestly.

"Kuku, not even that Kouki can win against me, you know? It'll just be dangerous even if you stay by the side of somebody who's even weaker than that"

However, Gargante turns a deaf ear and says even more. You bastard.

"Oi, Gargante. I've been silently listening, and you've been fucking saying whatever you want"

Over there, Shidou, who'd been silent until now, enters. Nikaidou-san is standing by Kana-chan's side.

"Nn? What is it, Ryuuga. You want to be beaten half to death like last time?"

In the instant that Gargante said that, killing intent begins overflowing from him. This fellow doesn't particularly belong to the Empire. He's merely an Adventurer who's hired with money. He probably doesn't particularly give a damn about us.

In regards to what Gargante is saying, it's about previously when Shidou saved a maid who's entangled with Gargante. I heard he provoked Gargante at that time and was beaten half to death. It seems it would've been dangerous if Kana-chan wasn't there. Well, he's all lovey-dovey with that maid after that so there are times that I thought, 'you bastard!'.

Gargante places his hand on the sword that hung on his waist. Shidou also raises both his hands that wore gauntlets, which are Magic Tools, and readies up. Shit, is there no other way around this? But over there


monsters came. Those are Ogres huh. If it'd been in the past, I would've been nervous, but now

"......You're lucky huh, Ryuuga. Now then, defeat them fast. I want to quickly go back and play with women"

Gargante who says and leans on a tree that's a slight distance away. Shit, he pisses me off. As I'm looking at Gargante

"For now, the monsters come first, Kaidou-kun"

and my angel(Kana-chan) smiles at me. Oh yeah, I'm pumped up!

It was one-sided after that. Well, there're only 5 Ogres after all. Kana-chan divides the Ogres with her Wall-type Magic and Shidou punches them. As they faltered from that, I decapitate them with my sword. Nikaidou-san restrains the Ogres, that were divided, with magic, making sure that they don't wrap around. This is our usual pattern.

We fought with various kinds of monsters like Ogres and Goblins afterwards as well. And then, it neared dusk so we decided to go back.

Our method of return is Teleportation Magic. In Regalia Empire, there's a craft that doesn't exist in the other countries, 'Teleportation Magic Circle'. Originally, one would need to have a human who can use Space Magic to transport them, but with this Magic Circle, anybody can use it by simply pouring magic power into it.

Its merit is that teleportation is possible with little magic power, and the demerit is that one can only go the designated location and only 5 people can go at a time. It may seem little, but with 1 person's magic power capacity, 1 time is roughly the limit.

This time around, we travel to a Magic Circle that's in a fortress that's there to defend against the monsters from the Demon's Land. We return to the room that has the Magic Circle and over there

"Thank you for your hard work, Heroes"

, the male Magician who's in charge of the Teleportation Magic Circle greets us. We casually greet him and go back to the Empire and

"Thank you for your hard work"

a beautiful woman who says and bows to us is there. It's the same, 'Thank you for your hard work', but the feeling is different. Her name is Luciana・Regalia. This Empire's Second Imperial Princess. She raises her head and her brown long hair silkily sways. Luciana greets everybody in sequence, starting from Shidou, and then she comes to my side

"Thanks for your hard work, Takumi"

she says and smiles at me. This woman will become my fiancee. Previously, after the Emperor talked about the war with the Nanor Kingdom, he summoned Ijuuin and me. At that time, he proposed that if we prevail against the Nanor Kingdom, he will betroth the First Imperial Princess, Katarina, to Ijuuin, and Luciana to me.

If I were to say why it's me and not Shidou, it's apparently because I have the Goddess' Blessing. This is something that I heard from Luciana though. It seems that because the Goddess' Blessing isn't something that anybody is born with, it's a valuable existence. He used Luciana in order to tie that individual down, Luciana herself says.

After that, Luciana and I, our relationship became one where we talk every day. We still haven't done this and that, but she supposedly isn't malicious towards me. Probably.

"I'm back, Luciana"

I say with a smile and she makes a slightly angry expression. Why?

"Geez, I said to please call me Lucy"

Aah, about that huh.

"Hahaha, I had gotten used to Luciana and forgotten. Sorry, Lucy"

She gives me a smile when I say that. My turbulent heart is being healed by this smile. As we're relaxing in that manner

"Yo, Lucy-chan. How about coming to my room tonight?"

Gargante entered the conversation again. What's with this fellow.

"......I am engaged to Takumi. There's no way that I'll go, don't you think"

"Kukuku, how cold. I can pleasure you better than that useless person over there, you know"

"Tha, that does not matter!"

This fellow really better cut it out.

"Well, I'll bear with it for now. Kuku"

Gargante who says and leaves. What's that last statement about? Lucy and I looked at each others' faces, but we didn't understand what it meant at all.