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Academic Life

Start Of The School Life

My spring as a 10-year-old was about here.

My height reached 160cm, and I grew to be about as tall as Nina.

After Sonia's escape incident, ever since my fractured ribs fully healed, I put tons of effort into swordsmanship training as well. I had the thought that, if I'm going to go somewhere like a 'school' where an uncertain number of people gather, I'll want to get in shape beforehand.

I talked to Stellaria about that and had her coach me seriously. Lastly, it's the 'activating Clairvoyance when I feel bloodlust directed towards myself and becoming capable of seeing the path of the opponent's sword' that Gyougetsu-oji-san was saying. In order to learn this, I duelled Stellaria, the Sword Saint, for real as well.

At the start, I did the training of discerning the path of the sword and parrying it.

If I become capable of catching all the strikes from Stellaria with my sword during this training, Stellaria can strike at me seriously, or in other words, strike at me with bloodlust.

In the course of repeating this, I became capable of intuitively sensing how Stellaria will swing her sword next.

But the real goal is not for me to discern her serious strike and catch it with my sword, it's to narrowly use Teleportation and avoid the sword. This is the training I wanted to do.

I ended up making contact with the sword initially, and there were even instances where a few strands of my hair or my knight outfit got sliced. When my skin got sliced and bled, Stellaria begged me to stop already, saying that she'd protect me with a teary look.

But I, too, insisted that 'it's for the sake of protecting my own life', repeated the training, shrank the time before discerning the sword's path, and quickened my reaction time before dodging with Teleportation.

And then, finally, I became capable of evading every kind of attack from Stellaria.

I received the stamp of approval from Stellaria and the Chivalric Order Captain. But the Chivalric Order Captain was making a sceptical expression.

"Tsukuyomi-sama. You managed to receive and evade all the Sword Saint's techniques. You have indeed been taught everything there is, and I think you can even be given the Sword Saint title, but are you not going to attack?"

"Chivalric Order Captain. I am not a knight. I have neither the intention to attack anybody nor win against anybody. It is fine if I can just protect myself if push comes to shove"

"Well then, are you not going to protect those close to you who stand by your side?"

"No, for the attacks on the people I am close to, I imagine that since there is a distance from my perspective in most cases, I can discern the attacks and hover the people I want to protect, or I can deal with it with my abilities by blowing the person that came attacking away or something. But I imagine surprise attacks directed at myself will have no distance, so I am doing the training this time around"

"I see......"

The Chivalric Order Captain, sure is still making a not-all-that-convinced look huh......

"Chivalric Order Captain. Let's actually give it a try. Supposing Stellaria and I are walking down the street, Chivalric Order Captain, please play the role of a ruffian and try slashing at Stellaria from behind"

"Un-, understood. I am going to be slashing at her seriously"

"Go ahead. Well then, Stellaria. Let's go......"

Stellaria and I started walking, and the Chivalric Order Captain, who erased his presence, quietly approached from behind and silently swung his sword down at Stellaria from above.



I detected the movement of that sword being raised overhead, grabbed Stellaria's left arm, and moved 3 meters into the sky in front with the both of us. The Chivalric Order Captain's sword slashed the air.

"This is what I meant. Well then, this time around, we will have the Chivalric Order Captain and also have 3 other knights join in, and please slash at us at the same time from the front with the 4 of you"

I, nominated 3 knights who were around watching from the right. I have the 4 of them line up and slash at Stellaria and me from the front.

"Well then, 3, 2, 1. Okay, go ahead"


The moment the four of them took a step out, I blew the four of them to the back altogether and went on to crucify them in the air. All four of them were making a blank look, not really understanding what had happened.

"It feels something like this. If I can see the opponent's movements, I am able to render them powerless plenty with this"

I released the four of them from the cruxification.

"Why. It was my loss. I shall bestow the Sword Saint title to Tsukuyomi-sama"

"Chivalric Order Captain. I do not need the Sword Saint title or whatnot since I am not a knight"

"I-, it is exactly as you say huh. Understood"

Forlan, who kept quiet during today's training and was looking the whole time, came to where I was and said.

"Tsukuyomi. I don't have the abilities like yours, so I'll use my sword and protect my companions and myself"

"Un. You're right. Is Forlan aiming to be a Sword Saint like Stellaria?"

"Un. I'll be a Sword Saint!"

"That's the spirit. Do your best, Forlan!"

And then before going to school, I had a discussion with Okaa-san.

"Okaa-sama, what kind of things do you learn in the school?"

"Yeah. It will probably just be language, mathematics, history, law, agriculture, etiquette, culture, and swordsmanship"

"It is a 5-year period, right?"

"Eeh, but you are able to graduate if you pass the exams even if you don't go for the 5 years"

"Eh? Is that so"

"If it is Tsukuyomi, you might be able to end up graduating in a year"

"In a year, is it? I suppose it would also depend on the difficulty of the exams"

"More important, there is something that you need to take note of"

"Yes. What would it be?"


"Women, is it? In the school?"

"Eeh, for the noble women in this world, whether they can clinch a marriage partner before they graduate is everything, you know"

"Aah, Louisa-nee-sama was desperate as well"

"That is what I meant. You are the object of yearning of every female student, you know"

"I see. Is it alright to bring Stellaria along to school?"

"Eeh, the companionship of a chamberlain or a bodyguard is recognised for high-ranking nobles"

"In that case, can I not just ask Stellaria to make it so that the female students don't get close to me?"

"Well, it is probably not unfeasible, but Stellaria will become quite hated if you do that, you know"

"Ah! I-, is that so. That would be undesirable......but, there will not be anything like the women suddenly coming and proposing to me face-to-face, right?"

"Not normally. But in your case, since Gyougetsu-sama had warned them to not make any official proposal until you come of age, I imagine there are many girls who will try to get close to you, and there will also be girls who were ordered by their parents and get close to you when you are in school"

"Uーn. That is troublesome huh....."

"But, it is not a problem if it is a girl that Tsukuyomi is really fine with getting married to, isn't it?"

"Married, is it......"

"That's why, you can just socialise with them normally without bothering too much about it. But in order to not get caught in a trap, it may be a good idea to pay attention not to be alone with a female student"

"A trap? is it!"

"Eeh, like saying that they have something to discuss with you, bringing you into a room somewhere, and making you touch their body or kissing you......it is over if you get kissed or something. They will say that you are the one who did it to them, that you forced it on them or something"

"Ki-, kiss! is it!"

Mira ended up surfacing in the back of my head. But ever since then, I've not heard from her though.

"You cannot be too careful. I will get Stellaria to pay attention around those parts as well"

"Eeh, that is probably a good idea"

"Also, the classrooms are divided into high-ranking nobles, low-ranking nobles, and commoners. You will enter the high-ranking noble's classroom"

"Is it one classroom respectively? Or are there multiple classrooms?"

"There is one classroom per school year and five school years, so there are a total of 15 classrooms"

"As expected, is there the rule that commoners are not allowed to enter the nobles' classrooms?"

"Eeh, that is correct. Only high-ranking nobles can enter the high-ranking nobles' classrooms. But because it has nothing to do with the school year, the upper-class students will probably come to your classroom and give their greetings"

"Huh? Roughly how many people are there in a class?"

"It differs according to that year after all, and it ends up reducing because people graduate ahead of time as they move up a grade, but there are probably about 30 year-one students. About 25 of them are girls amongst them, you know"

"Ah! I see. There are overwhelmingly more girls, right?"

"Eeh, so please assume that more than 100 of them, up to 5th-year students, are targeting you, alright"

"Tha-, that will be a hassle huh. Ah! But that goes the same for Forlan, right?"

"Of course. Forlan is the future King Nemophila after all"

"I wonder, won't all of them please go to Forlan?"

"Yeah. Forlan's future is bright as well, but you will probably be more popular by far based on your current appearances"

"Appearances huh. Forlan is still young after all......"

Forlan is still, about 150cm. He's one size smaller than me. Even so, he's bigger than those of his age though. It's my rate of growth that's too fast.

"Excuse me!"

Stellaria showed up.

"Ah! Stellaria. I was just talking about the school with Okaa-sama. Will Stellaria tag along and go to the school with me?"

"Yes. I have been instructed as such"

"You know, could you keep an eye out so I don't get caught in the girls' traps?"

"Ah! Aah, you are right. Well then, I will protect you as far as I can"

"Thanks! I will be counting on you. Stellaria"

And then, I came to commute to school with the 4th-year student Romy-nee-sama and Forlan.

That school, was a school called 'Nemphila Kingdom Royal Capital Royal Academy'. It was at the west end of the district where the Royal Capital's noble mansions were built in a row.

The school also has a dormitory; the local low-ranking nobles and wealthy merchants' children go in here. They'll live and study in school until graduation.

As for the high-ranking nobles' children, they commute there since most of them have mansions in the Royal Capital. The companionship of a maid or a bodyguard is allowed because of that.

I'm accompanied by Stellaria, Romy-nee-sama is accompanied by both her bodyguard Isabella and her chamberlain Ava, and Forlan is accompanied by both his bodyguard Zoe and chamberlain Kiara. The two of them are the Princess and the Prince, so they're special.

Romy-nee-sama and Forlan will go to school by the Royal Castle's small-sized ship, but I decided to commute to school by teleporting straight to the classroom with Stellaria with Teleportation. However, since it's the first day today, I'm going to school with Romy-nee-sama and Forlan, the 8 of us together.

"Onii-sama, Forlan. I can finally commute to school with the two of you from today onwards huh. I'm so happy"

"Nee-sama is already a 4th-year student huh"

"Eeh, I was able to commute with Anika-nee-sama for the first 2 years, but I was all by myself after Nee-sama graduated last year, so it was lonely, you know"

"You can commute with us for the 2 years from today onwards. Onee-sama, please teach me all kinds of things"

"Sure. Forlan. Please ask me anything"

Romy-nee-sama was being a tad proud. How adorable.

The school's guards handle the ship for us when the small-sized ship arrives at the school's entrance.

When we get down to the front entrance, a ton of teachers and students had already formed a long line towards the inside of the school building from the main entrance and waiting. As expected, it looks like they have to welcome the country's Princess and Prince.

A woman whom I imagine is the principal came out to the front and gave her greetings.

"Tsukuyomi-sama, Her Highness Princess Romy, His Highness Prince Forlan. Welcome to our Nemophila Kingdom Royal Academy! I am the principal, Melanie Thompson. It is a pleasure to meet you"

"Well then, come on in! I will lead you to your classrooms"

The school building is oblong from the front main entrance, and the floor with the entrance is the third floor. The third floor is the high-ranking nobles' classrooms, and it goes from 5th-year student, 4th-year student, and so on and so forth from the entrance.

The second floor is the low-ranking nobles, and the first floor is the commoner's classrooms. The classrooms are lined up to the right side when you make your way down the corridor from the front entrance, and a passageway connecting to another building is on the left side of the corridor in front of the 3rd-year-student classroom in the middle.

The building visible outside the corridor's left side is the commoner's dormitory on the first floor and the low-ranking noble's dormitory on the second floor, and it seems to be respectively furnished with a dining hall as well. The third floor is the high-ranking nobles' lunch-use dining hall.

There's a library beside the dining hall on the respective floors. It's exclusive to the respective social class. As I thought, the high-ranking nobles-use's library seems to have the biggest book collection. And then at the end of the corridor is followed by another different building, and it has the staffroom, the martial arts gym, and the sick bay and whatnot.

I suppose you can say that the school in this world is pretty loaded with facilities. I'll be learning things here from here on out.

I'm a little worried about getting involved with the female students, but I'm looking forward to learning about this world.


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