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Jumping Grades

It's our first time going to school, and we're finally entering the classroom.

We separate with Romy-nee-sama in front of the 4th-year students' classroom, and Forlan and I walk to the 1st-year students' classroom at the very back of the corridor.

During that time, the high-ranking noble students all lined up on both sides of the corridor, and the moment we passed by, they bowed and did a noble's greeting. Looking at their fluid movements, I absent-mindedly thought, 'I wonder if they practised for this?'.

Nevertheless, they're all girls. From the 5th-year students to the 1st-year students, they're all kids who are the same height or shorter than me. There are occasionally some tall ones as well, but they're not that many.

There's a boy or two mixed in with every 5 girls. There are also kids who are taller than me among the 5th-year students and 4th-year students, but it looks like most of them are shorter. As I thought, I'm gonna end up standing out like this.

It looks like they're making the high-ranking nobles' companions wait inside the classroom until their greetings for us are over since we didn't catch sight of them.

And when we entered the 1st-year students' classroom, at the back of the classroom, as though it was parents' day on Earth's elementary school, the accompanying bodyguards and maids were standing in a line.

"Tsukuyomi-sama, Forlan-sama, welcome to our school! I am the high-ranking noble 1st-year students' teacher-in-charge, Dorothy Sullivan"

"I am Tsukuyomi. Sullivan-sensei, it is nice to meet you"

"I am Forlan. Nice to meet you"

"Well then, your seats are over here. If I could just have your companions wait at the back of the classroom aside from break time"

Our seats were right in front of the teacher's platform¹. Stellaria and the others joined the line at the back. Sullivan-sensei stuck her head out to the corridor and called the students.

"Now then, everybody, please enter the classroom"

The 1st-year students entered the classroom. It seems it's just the explanation about the school and greetings between fellow students for today.

It seems we can take the advancement exams for the respective subjects at any time by asking the teacher from tomorrow onwards, after the lessons have started. You can take that lesson in a higher school year's classroom when you pass that exam.

Aside from that, the order of moving to the dining hall during lunch, the usage of the sick bay, and the basic rules were explained.

Lastly, it's the greetings between the fellow students, but for this as well, it turned into them giving their greetings to Forlan and me in sequence from the Duke house's people who are next in line, with Forlan and I at the top.

Sullivan-sensei left the classroom because we were done for today once the greetings were over.

Immediately after, Zoe and Stellaria stood beside Forlan and me right away, and the nobles greeted us in the sequence of whose status was higher.

The greetings of everybody, were all varied. There were some who looked fixedly at my face, there were some who were blushing beet red shyly, there were some who were overwhelmed by fear and gave their greetings while shaking, and there were some who spoke for too long and got cut off by Stellaria. Even so, the ones who managed to give their greetings as such were still the better ones.

What was troubling was that there were quite a number of female students who saw my face and fainted. It was probably at the ratio of 1 every 5 of them; the greetings got interrupted whenever it happened, and that female student's companion and the maids around carried and brought her to the infirmary.

It's my first time having people faint upon seeing my face after all, and furthermore, for them to collapse one after another like this; I don't quite know what I should do either.

The greetings finally finished, and we got to go back. Romy-nee-sama was waiting for us and we got onto the small-sized ship and went back together.

"Forlan. It was rough how many greetings there were huh"

"It really was! I, don't remember anybody. But there were no girls who saw me and fainted though"

"Isn't that a good thing!"

"I thought that would happen for Onii-sama. Nevertheless, Forlan. You will eventually become the king of this country. You will not live up to your responsibility if you are complaining with just this many greetings, you know!"


"Forlan. A king sure has it rough huh"

"Tsukuyomi, you do it"

"I respectfully decline"

Like that, Forlan and my first time going to school peacefully? came to a conclusion.

The day after we went to school for the first time; the lesson starts from today onwards.

I had Romy-nee-sama and Forlan go to school on the ship first. Since I'll go after taking care of Kohaku and Ar, I used Teleportation with Stellaria to the classroom at the very last minute.



Not just the students, the bodyguards and accompanying maids screamed simultaneously as well.

"Ah! Everybody, morning!"

They're gonna be surprised if they're seeing it for the first time huh. I mean, we suddenly appeared in the classroom in a state where Stellaria, whose height is already not much different, and I were hugging each other after all.

"Go-, good morning"

"Everybody, from here on out, I will commute to school with Teleportation like this. I will suddenly appear and disappear; I hope you can get used to seeing it. I will be in your care"

"Tsukuyomi-sama. How far can you go with Teleportation?"

The girl who sits right beside me asked me.

"I can teleport to anywhere in the world if it is a place that I have gone to once before"

"Anywhere in the world! Which country have you gone to before?"

"I went to every country in this world once"

"Eeh! In that case, you can teleport to any country in this world in an instant?"

"Yes. That is correct"

"That is amazing. Tsukuyomi-sama!"

That girl is clasping her hands before her chest with her eyes glistening. Uーn. I've got to get used to this kind of reaction as well.

Sulivan-sensei came in as we were chatting as such.

"Everybody. Good morning"

"Good morning!"

"Well then, it is your first ever lesson as 1st-year students. The first period will be language, the second period will be mathematics, the third period will be history, and after lunch, the fourth period will be law, and the fifth period will be swordsmanship"

I thought, 'let's keep quiet and listen for the first day at least', and tried taking the lessons as is for language, mathematics, and history.

In the end, the level was so low that there was no point.

It came time for lunch. Romy-nee-sama was waving her hand and waiting for us when we went to the dining hall.

"Romy-nee-sama, these seats are?"

"Here are the Royal Family's members' exclusive seats. The companions' seats are also prepared"

"Aah, I'm glad. I wanted to talk with just us"

"Onii-sama, is something the matter?"

"Why, the contents of the lessons are too easy. I was wondering what I should do"

"It is also too easy for me"

"Forlan thinks so too, right?"

"That is inevitable. The Royal Family receives education early after all"

"But Nee-sama, you are not going to advance grades early, right?"

"Forlan. Men and women are different. For men, many of them want to advance grades early and quickly head down the path of what they want to do, but finding a husband candidate is more important for the women, you know"

"Well then, there are not many women who advance grade early or graduate?"

"Eeh, there are pretty much none. They stay in school as long as possible and also eye the newly entered male underclassmen"

"A 'school', is that kind of a place huh......"

I guess this is also the negative effect of having few men......it sure is quite twisted huh.

"Well then, Forlan. How about we try steamrolling through the advancement exams?"

"Un. That might be a good idea. I want to do swordsmanship training if I have such time"

"Which subject's advancement exam will you be taking?"

"Yeah, I guess I can take language, mathematics, history, law, etiquette, and culture. But agriculture and husbandry might be tough without studying. All that's left is what to do with swordsmanship"

"I agree. I have no experience with agriculture and husbandry as well, so I don't know anything about it. I feel like graduating swordsmanship right from the start"

"Yeah. Even Stellaria the Sword Saint can't win against Tsukuyomi, so even if you take lessons, it's kinda"

"Well then, how about we ask Sullivan-sensei after lunch"

The lunch didn't pale compared to what we ate at the castle. It may be a school, but as expected of the noble society. I headed to the staffroom with Forlan, Stellaria, and the other companions during lunch break after lunch.

"Sullivan-sensei. I tried taking the lessons, but I think it is better for me to take the advancement exams"

"My, as expected of those of the Royal Family. Well then, which subjects will you be taking?"

"We will try taking all the subjects other than agriculture and husbandry. Also, I would like to be exempted from swordsmanship"

"My! A man who is going to be exempted from swordsmanship?"

"Stellaria, can I have you put in a word for me?"

"Sensei. Tsukuyomi-sama had joined the Royal Castle Chivalric Order's training since he was young, and in recent years, he had been receiving my guidance. I can already no longer win against Tsukuyomi-sama. Hence, I believe he has nothing to learn here"

"My! Is he stronger than Stellaria-sama the Sword Saint! In that case, if we do not exempt him, the teachers will end up getting hurt huh. Understood. We will be exempting Tsukuyomi-sama"

"Also, since Forlan-sama is also already as or more skilled than 5th-year students, please start him from the 5th-year student's training"

"Understood. Forlan-sama shall start swordsmanship lesson with the 5th-year students"

"Stellaria. Thanks"

"It is nothing, Tsukuyomi-sama"

"Well then, would it be alright for Tsukuyomi-sama to take the advancement exams during swordsmanship and Forlan-sama to take them after today's lessons are over?"

"Yes. Please do"

"I'm counting on you"

I tried taking the law lesson in the 4th period after lunch, but it's the basics of the basics of the content that we already studied in the castle. I was exempted from the swordsmanship lesson and took the advancement exams in the 5th period.

I looked at the 2nd-year student's questions, and since it was too easy, I had them show me the 3rd-year student's graduation questions. I thought, 'for the time being, I guess it'll be better to pass this and be a 4th-year student like Romy-nee-sama'.

And then, that was also simple, but since I didn't know Forlan's level, I thought that'd do and took the advancement exams to be a 4th-year student.

In the end, I passed all of them with full marks, and it was decided that I'll go to the same classroom as Romy-nee-sama from tomorrow onwards.

I informed Forlan of my exam results and invited him to let's start the same as 4th-year students if possible.

"Alright, got it. I'll also take the advancement exams to be a 4th-year student!"

In the end, Forlan also passed all the subjects.

Since we have to take only agriculture and husbandry starting from 1st-year now that it's come to this, it got me thinking a little. When I listen to the lesson's content, it seems to have quite a bit of practical techniques. In that case, it appears that just passing the advancement exam won't be enough.

Over there, I talked to Forlan, and we decided to take the advancement exams to 5th-year students for just language and mathematics, and after passing, Forlan and I would have them let us take agriculture and husbandry lessons during the 4th-year students' language and mathematics period. We then passed easily.

It does feel a little cramped, but I could see us being able to graduate school in 2 years with this.


¹:教壇(Kyoudan). Japan's classroom has a platform at the front of the classroom for a teacher to stand and teach.


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