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Edited Chapter 51

karmic retribution → Karmic Payback

Post Town Langhir

It has been 4 days since we defeated the Sword Saint Gromond who became the 【Demon Lord's Horn】.

Although our schedule deviated more or less, we arrived at our first destination, post town Langhir.

......by the way, as for the state of the Hero's skills,

【Character Introduction】 【Absolute Counter】 【Otherworld Transportation Technique】

【Leveling】 【Mirror Magic】 【Karmic Curse】

【Holy Sword Of Rebellion】 【Self-Curse・Self-Destruct】

......these 8 stayed unlocked.

Princess Alicia, as I thought, closed off her heart when she regained her senses. What the hell.

Since only when she climaxes from penetration can you say that she's truly dedicating both her body and heart to me......isn't it erotic instead?

No, when having life-or-death battles, whether or not I can use 【Resurrection Magic】 is overly important, so it can't end with just that though.

Do this volley for the still unknown mass destruction skill-ish 10th skill.

Don't go locking the necessary 【Resurrection Magic】 skill.

......can the 【Demon Lord's Seals】 use 【Insta-kill Magic】? Judging from how Aira was wary of us, it didn't look like it though......

She'll come to be able to use 【Insta-kill Magic】 as she regains her power? I tried recreating it with Yuri once, but somehow, it seemed to require a massive amount of resources.

Is the securing of resources for the Magic Power drain the very crux of 【Insta-kill Magic】 or something? It'll probably take resources to recover as well after all, so being able to unlock the upper limit of the Magic Power capacity is proof of a Demon Lord or something.


Lucy-chan, she does have the motivation to return to how she was originally, right? She, did end up absorbing half of the 【Demon Lord's Horn】 though. Hmーm.


"It is quite, a lively-looking town huh"

It's not desolated at least.

By the way, because the appearance of 【Carriage of Hope】 , is not particularly flashy, there wasn't any ruckus of, 'here comes the Hero, here comes the Princess-sama'.

"Yeah. ......first, what should we do"

From the backseats of the carriage that slowed down, Alicia kicks it off as such.

I think the decision-making authority is with the Princess, but since the most reliable one in our party is Mayria, it'll probably be a discussion.

"If we lay our objectives out, this town is no more than a checkpoint. Assuming that we will not stay for too long, what we ought to do will......"

1. Subjugate monsters possessing the 【Demon Lord's Gene】 that are seemingly inhabiting the vicinity.

2. Search and punish humans possessing a fair bit of misdeeds if possible

......be that.

It's for the sake of 【Holy Sword of Rebellion】's strengthening for the most part.

I also have the feeling that the Karmic Payback towards those with misdeeds, can more or less be covered by the acts done on the 3 evil women.

"Well then, we will head to the Adventurers Guild for the time being?"

"Yes. .......using the light dots on the map as the foundation, let's gather the necessary information for the monster subjugation at the guild and act. As for Shinta-san, while observing the people we pass by with the skill, please search for those with a fair bit of misdeeds"


Well, it's probably not going to be that easy to find them though.

"......amidst the Demon Lord's impending revival? will there be phenomena around the world?"

Well, it seems the 【Demon Lord's Seals】 have been pulling the strings behind the scenes though.


"Like famine happening at the various places, or direct inconveniences happening to the citizens"

"I wonder....... We have no idea unless we investigate it. It is the Demon Lord's revival that is supposed to repeat every 100 years, so people who remember about the previous Demon Lord's incident, are probably mostly gone. However, they should be blaming the inconveniences on the people because of the Demon Lord on the Demon Country for the most part, so......"

There shouldn't be any change to the citizens' lifestyle? Well, it feels like the residents near the Demon Country will get frightened, and there will be actual casualties though.

"Nevertheless, I heard that the monsters' movements have been becoming active. Whether that is simply a rumour that is a manifestation of the people's uneasiness, or whether they are really becoming active"

Hmm hmm. I guess we have no other way than to confirm it directly, through our journey.

"Also, in order to take precaution against the 【Demon Lord's Seals】' forces, even if we are to take different actions, we shall split into the investigation squad and the standby in the Carriage of Hope squad. ......ah, but, can Shinta-san's skill make it so that we know the location of everybody in the middle of other actions?"

Nn. Like a GPS?

It's probably possible. The map marker for monsters is possible after all.

◇Hero Company's Proof

1. A brooche that can inform the 【Carriage of Hope】 the Hero party's current location

2. Rank C

A simple effect, without any in-depth designations.

After we reached and stopped the carriage at the parking lot of a Guild-ish building, I activated my skill.

I distribute the brooches to each of the members.

"......it is possible to move freely to a certain extent with this huh"

"Yeah. That said, only the Hero-sama can search for those with misdeeds"

There's no choice but for me to move personally for the original objective.

After that, it's just taking a breather by moving around freely normally. It's important to take a breather.

Since I can't imagine any of these three saying anything like, 'I want to have a date!' to me, it'll probably turn into us going our own ways normally and taking a breather.

I wonder what Lucy-chan wants to do?

"We ought to replenish the necessities as well, but it is still not to that extent huh. I guess we will just be stocking up on food supply"

Although we're able to substitute it with the skill, it's scary if it has an effect on our bodies if we consume it for an extended period of time.

It's necessary to be economical, but since it's not like the money is coming from my earnings either, I guess I'll leave it to the Princess and Mayria's discretion regarding the ingredients matter.

As expected, I'll interject if it turns into something like, 'Yuri can eat rotten food by herself', though.


Since I'm the only one who's registered with the guild, it's decided that I'll also be the one to do the paperwork.

Alicia and Yuri are hiding their faces with their robes, but Mayria is baring her face. It sure shows their personalities huh.

By the way, for the robe's colour, Alicia is white. Yuri is black. Mayria is light green, and I'm orange.

If it's like this, it's like Mayria and I, a couple, with our 2 servants?


Lucy-chan is looking around inside the guild above my shoulder. I wonder if it's her first time.

Erm, first, I guess I'll check the cliché guild board plastered with papers that have the request written.

"Whether or not there are monsters that match the location information huh"


If it has been verified at the guild, it feels like we can obtain useful data.

If we have the time to come up with a plan against the monsters, we can use the strategy of equipping every party member with specialised-attack equipment.

"Isn't this the one?"


Perhaps she's used to seeing it, Yuri pointed out the information recorded on a piece of paper.

【Langhir Two Horn's Subjugation Request】

Acceptance Criteria: Party of Rank B and above, or an individual Adventurer of Rank A and above.

Request Content:

『Subjugate the cow-type monster that settled down in Langhir's cave. To prove the subjugation, pluck its horn and bring it back』


"Is there a cave?"

"......on the map, eeh, there indeed is. It is quite close to the location with the light dot. We do not know whether this 'Langhir Two Horn' or whatnot, is the objective monster though"

If you talk about subjugating monsters in a cave, for me, a Japanese, it's gonna end up becoming something like, 'off to the dungeon, GO!'.

I wonder if there are treasure chests and whatnot inside the cave.

"Then, we'll accept this for the time being and check the guild's information. While checking other things as well, we will go and search for today's in-......are we searching for an inn?"

We can lay out the air mattress and sleep in the carriage though.

"Eeh, we will search for an inn"


There has been an interval since embracing the three of them on departure day.

Nobody really complained about being sexually unsatisfied, so it stayed that way......well, we're sleeping in the same bed when we sleep at night after all, and I've been properly fondling the ladies' bodies inside the carriage on the way here.

What about embracing Alicia every day?

It's a journey with all kinds of attentive care given to her after all, so I guess this much is fine.

Alicia has also, come to accept sex itself more easily......I think.


I accepted the request at the Adventurers Guild.

We found an inn in the Langhir Town and secured a 4-people room.

As you would expect of a post town, we managed to get an inn without much effort.

"As of now, there is no bad person who stands out huh"

"Is that so. ......it is a good thing though"

It looks like it's gonna be unexpectedly tumultuous, you know, the Holy Sword's strengthening.

"It'd be easier if we took on a bandit group subjugation request?"

It seems to be a country where it's easy to get the troublemaking outcasts with how their territorial management is after all.

"It's not that it's necessary to search for them in this town, right? We'll deal with them if we find them; isn't that fine?"

, Yuri says.

Come to think of it.

I, direct my eyes to Alicia.

"......what is it?"

"No, I was thinking, 'Yuri sure is speaking normally huh'"

"What, Shino"

"......she is completely free, is not something I will say, but I do not mind to a certain extent. Yuri-san is also, already one of the Hero-sama's comrades after all"

Oh, your position ranked up, Yuri.

"It seems she is targeted by the individual called 'Aira-san'? after all, and Yuri-san herself probably knows it well that it is better to yield to the Hero-sama than to run away"


Also, she's the insurance when the Princess gets transported to Japan. Now, for the Princess, Yuri is the messenger.

Though it's actually not the case at all.

"For the time being, as a checkpoint, we will swiftly complete the monster's subjugation without wasting too much time in this town. After that, we will proceed to the Holy Kingdom, or to the Dragon's Nest"

"Eeh, let's do that"

As for the baggage to bring into the inn, we have nothing in particular.

......there sure are a ton of holes security-wise huh.

I do have the feeling that we have nothing that will be troubling if it gets stolen as of now though....... As far as it goes, I'm able to lock the carriage's back and front door.

I wonder if there's anybody who will steal things from somebody's carriage in the middle of town.

It'll be okay because, public order-wise, this town appears to be on the better side?

"Shino, won't you stay behind at the carriage for a bit? Lucy as well"


"Nn? Sure"

'Is she inviting me?', I thought, but it's not that kind of vibe. Which means.

"Is it about Aira?"


Hmm. Does she have some secret to reveal or something?

I directed my eyes to Alicia and Mayria.

"......I do not mind. You can just go ahead and talk if it is something necessary"

"Well then, let's go to the room first, Alicia-sama"

Sending off the high-status group's pair, the commoner group stayed behind in the carriage.


"Is something the matter, Yuri?"

"Not with me"


"......when you're checking Aira's state, it's no good if the Princess is around, right?"


Aah, that's what it is?

"At the moment, where's that girl?"

"Yeah. I don't know exactly where. On top of flying in the sky, Aira was camouflaging herself, and it's not like I'm looking at her constantly either after all"


Based on such incomplete information.

"......she seems to have set up camp somewhere far from civilisation. It's somewhere people reside, but the bunch around are,"

Those who have Demonified beautifully are......unfortunately, seemingly few.

Honestly speaking, there are a lot of former・humans whose appearances have turned abominable......is that what they call 'dependent-transformation'?

Mayria's is worse in quality.

As you would expect of having the name 【Demon Lord's Wings】.


Yuri, hears the state around Aira that I can see with my eyes and makes a disgusted-sounding voice.

"Her personality was bad to begin with, but it sure has become quite off-putting huh"

"If Yuri gets caught, you're probably gonna join their ranks as well"


"......seeing how you can change a Demihuman to Lucy-chan's current form, maybe anything's possible. However, looking at this, Aira, she isn't somebody we can leave be"

She's literally the threat of the Demon Lord.

"It's just that, somehow......she's planning to stabilise them? is how it feels like"


"Aah. The treatment of the former・human-ish bunch who was transformed into her dependent? and whose physical appearance mutated are divided"

If I had to guess......what Aira herself wants, is not to Demonify humans as a prank, perhaps she just wants Demonfolks who function as her own subordinates?

There's also an individual whose treatment is obviously worse among those seemingly caught? by Aira.

If we assume that base, was originally a place that dealt slaves, someone Aira treats like that......would be the slaver?

"She's the 'have-to-defeat' type of enemy, but her capability is unknown after all"

The 【Demon Lord's Wings】 that doesn't know that we're able to observe her......I'd hate it if I ended up seeing things like with Tina-chan and company during the phase where we can't lay our hands on her.

"Can't you analyse the horn Lucy absorbed? Like finding out its power and such if the noblewoman and Shino work together"


【Demon Lord's Horn】 huh. I suppose it's likely that Aira is also similarly examining the use of the horn shard she absorbed.

I guess we can't be lagging behind in research.

"Even if we were to do it, it'd be in the room while discussing with Mayria"


If it goes well, Lucy-chan strengthens.

If it goes badly, Lucy-chan rampages.

......I wonder if, instead of using its energy on mutation, can we convert it into an external part-ish something?

Instead of Mutated Part・Demon Lord's Horn,

it's Magic Power Tank・Demon Lord's Horn

......kind of usage. Turning it into a weapon outside the body, or fiddle with it so that abnormality doesn't happen to Lucy-chan's actual body.

"......it's better for Shino's strengthening to be as quickly as possible, right?"

"Nn? Well"

There exists the concrete threat known as 'Aira'.

"In that case, as I thought, it's better to search for bad people even in this town. I want Shino to become stronger even if it's just a little after all"

Hmm. From Yuri's perspective, it's strengthening the battle power of her bodyguard.

"But, we probably won't find them easily"

"......we can either just go somewhere easy to find them, or we can just lure them out"

"Lure them out?"


"The Princess and the noblewoman, along with me. If we walk all around, we'll easily get targeted"

"......not the level of 'picking up', and more like abduction?"

"Well, it's all-encompassing though. .......we should head to the monster subjugation after acting in a way that will get us targeted at the town's back alley and places where it feels like bad people will take root. We'll prepare a timing that's easy for them to launch their attack, when we're at a disadvantage, and then"

......as such is the Female Bandit-sama's helpful lesson, on the Otherworld-style・easy to get assaulted by bad people pattern.

Tomorrow, we'll take down the bad people that we lured to the monster subjugation......I guess?

Then, tonight is gonna be Lucy-chan's strengthening measures and......Alicia's training in order to acquire the【Resurrection Magic】, huh!


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