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Amy's Growth

I became a shut-in. I wonder if it has already been a year since that night.

Though I say 'shut-in', I properly wake up in the morning to feed Kohaku and Ar.

I've also been letting Ar and Kohaku run and even doing swordsmanship training with Stellaria. But I no longer go outside the castle.

However, I did go for Mizuki-nee-sama's examination. The child developed well, and a boy was born just the other day. And I did my part in Gekka-nee-sama's coming-of-age sent-off at least.

But, I didn't go to Mira's mansion. A thank you letter saying that she gave birth to a boy did come though.

I had Okaa-san convey the message that I can't accept medical examination requests from the shrines.

I've then been shutting in.

The lake where I encountered Kohaku and the hill with blooming Nemophila. The summer seaside and even the mountain with blooming Aleutian avens. I didn't go to any of them.

Every day, I just do a designated set of things, and apart from that, I stare at the moon from the balcony. I stare at the stars on nights without the moons. Even during winter, I did that the whole time covered in a blanket.

Okaa-san always snuggled up beside me. Sometimes holding my hand, sometimes hugging me tightly.

Okaa-san was always kind to the useless me. Saying, 'There's no need to force yourself'. Saying, 'You don't have to do anything if you don't want to. Until you feel like doing something'.

I think I likely wasn't focused during my swordsmanship training either. But without saying anything, Stellaria went through the basic training from start to finish and constantly stayed by my side.

On a certain day when summer was about to end, there was a thunderstorm since the afternoon. Initially, the thunder reverberated in the faraway mountains. Steadily, those thunder became louder. I can tell that the thunderclouds are moving at quite a high speed. I was feeling the summer coming to an end while listening to the thunder on the balcony.

At that moment, a servant who was contacted by Abelia rushed into our room.

"I have a report to make. It seems that just now, a horse was surprised by the thunder, went wild, and ran out from the stable"

Eh? From the stable? Is it Ar? Don't tell me it's Sonia?

"Do you know that horse's name?"

"I did not hear her name, but it seems to be Armeria-sama's horse. At the moment, Amy and Abelia are giving chase, but it appears that the direction she ran to is having a forest fire!"

"It's Sonia! To think that there's even a forest fire. I guess the cause is the lightning strike. But you're saying that Amy is also giving chase? When did Amy become capable of riding a horse?"

"Tsukuyomi. What should we do?"

"In any case, I will go and have a look right away!"


I first teleported in front of the stable. I could see smoke rising from afar when I looked around vicinity. I guess that's where the forest fire is. They were saying that they went in that direction.

I float up into the sky and increase my altitude. Before long, not just the smoke from the mountains, I could even see the flames.

Because the thunderclouds went by quickly and the rain ended in an instant, the trees remained in a dehydrated state from the summer heat. The flames spread in the blink of an eye, and the burning spread along the foot of the mountain. Clouds of smoke filled the place because of the rain's moisture.

A single horse was running over there, heading straight towards the sea of fire. Behind her is the horse ridden by Amy, and even further back is the horse ridden by Abelia giving chase.

They'll end up being surrounded by the sea of fire if they carry on running. I've got to stop them right away. After visually verifying Sonia again, I used Teleportation without hesitation. I then teleported onto Sonia's back.




But, Sonia, who was surprised by the impact, lost her balance and shook me off.

I got sent flying, tumbled, and slammed my flank hard into the trunk of a tree where I was headed.


I had a feeling that a sound that even I myself had never heard before came out of my mouth. And then an intense pain runs from my flank.

I didn't use my ability for a while, so I didn't even manage to escape with Levitation because it happened out of nowhere. This is bad; looking at this, I broke a few ribs......it'd be great if the broken ribs didn't pierce my lungs.

I noticed that I was thinking strangely calmly at a time like this and came to my senses.

No good! I've got to stop Sonia!

I shout at the Sonia who's trying to run off with Telepathy. That said, I shouted out loud as well.

"Sonia! Stop running. You can't go over there. Sonia! Stop!"

I could hear Amy's shouting voice right behind me when I did.

"Soniaー! Where are youー! Come bacーk!"

This won't do. Sonia isn't stopping. I can't have Amy coming over here either.

There's no choice! I used Telekinesis and carried Sonia up. Without knowing what was going on, Sonia continued running even in midair. Her legs are kicking the air. I went on to float into the sky and shouted towards Amy.

"Amy, stop! You can't come over here any further. Return with Abelia right away!"

"Ah! Tsukuyomi-sama! Sonia is! ......ah! Sonia! She's floating!"

"Un. I caught Sonia, so it's fine. More importantly, the fire is going to approach all the way over there soon! Return right away!"

"Yes. Tsukuyomi-sama"

Immediately after, Abelia appears, catching up to Amy.

"Aah, Abelia. As you can see, I caught Sonia, so return with Amy right away"

"Tsukuyomi-sama! You are safe and sound! Understood. Amy, over here!"


When the two of them changed their direction, about to return to the castle, smoke filled the front of their eyes.

"Kyaーh! I can't see the front! Gohoh gohoh!"

No good! The two of them are shrouded by the smoke. There's no time to muck about.

I, squeezed my ability out to its fullest extent and started gathering the rainclouds. In the blink of an eye, grey streaks appeared in the sky, became thicker while swirling, and rain started falling bit by bit. During that time, I put Sonia down beside me and calmed her down while patting her neck.

'Sonia. It's all okay. Calm down, alright'

'scared, no rumble?'

"It won't rumble anymore. The thunderclouds are already gone after all"

I thickened the clouds even further and made it rain heavily in the vicinity.


The massive amount of raindrops extinguished the fire before we knew it, and both the forest fire's flame and smoke were no longer visible. At the front, the horses Amy and Abelia were riding were standing still in a daze and being struck by the rain.

Abelia directed her face to the sky and rinsed off the smoot that stained her face with the rain.

"Is it Tsukuyomi-sama's power?"

"Eeh, Abelia. The smoke agitated your eyes, right?"

"Yes. But I am already fine since I rinsed it off"

"Did Tsukuyomi-sama extinguish the fire with the rain?"

"Amy. That's right. Amy, you sure did your best as well huh!"

"Yes. It is for the sake of protecting Armeria-sama's Sonia after all"

"Thanks. Nevertheless, you sure got good at horse-riding huh"


"Alright, Sonia is safe and sound, and the forest fire is extinguished as well. Let's go back together, shall we"


When the three of us started riding the horses, Stellaria and the others, the Royal Chivalric Order, ran over one after another from the castle's direction.


Stellaria noticed me and rushed over on her horse.

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Are you alright!"

"Un. The horse is safe and sound, and Amy and Abelia are also fine. I extinguished the forest fire as well"

"Yes. Since the rainclouds suddenly swirled and started raining heavily, I thought it must have been Tsukuyomi-sama. Thank you. Ah! Tsukuyomi-sama, are you hurting somewhere?"

"Aah, as I thought, I guess Stellaria can tell huh......"

"Did something happen?"

"Un, I was shaken off by the rampaging Sonia and slammed into a tree. I think I likely broke a few ribs"

"We have to give you medical treatment right away!"

Stellaria's face is turning pale. This is worse.

"It's fine. Stellaria. I'll go back to the room and treat it by myself"

"Ah! That's right huh"

"More importantly, I guess I'll be leaving Sonia in your hands"

'"Yes. Understood"

She called the other knights and had Sonia led to the stable right away.

"Amy, Abelia. Thanks. Get into the bath right away, alright"

"Yes, Tsukuyomi-sama. Thank you"

I returned to the room with Teleportation.


"Ah! Tsukuyomi. What's the matter! You're drenched!"

I got into the bath, washed the dirt off, and explained to Okaa-san while having my hair dried.

"Have you broken your bones? What should we do? To the shrine! No, shall we call Tsukikage?"

"Okaa-sama, please calm down. I can treat it by myself"

"Ah! That's right huh"

"But, since the broken bones will not join right away, I will have to rest quietly for a bit"

I tried looking at the state of my ribs by myself, but I couldn't see my flank by myself clearly. 'Could it be?', I thought and stood in front of a mirror, and when I tried to use See-Through Vision across the mirror.....I could see it!

There were cracks in three of them when I took a look at the ribs. But since they're not misaligned, it's a level where it could heal by itself naturally.

If it's me, it'll probably recover fully in less than 2 weeks if I use my Healing ability. I decided to cast the Healing power by myself through morning, noon, and night.

For the time being, I decided to get into bed and recuperate for a bit.

Since then, Stellaria brought food over and came to the room whenever she was free and checked on how I was doing. How do I put this; I wonder if, to Stellaria, as I thought, I'm treated as a child?

Resting quietly in the bed means I'm not doing anything. Of course, I can't do swordsmanship training either.

That's why I had the time to think things through slowly.

I recalled Amy. That Amy who was a foundling. The Amy who was so small and emaciated that she came off as around 3 years old despite being 5 years old at that time, is now already 9 years old. Her height is probably also about 135cm; she grew up and became capable of horse-riding as well.

She's properly doing the work she said she wanted to do. Her sense of responsibility also became powerful, and she could even act by herself with no regard for danger like this time.

In comparison to that Amy, what about me? On top of being born in God's household and possessing abilities, I have the knowledge of my previous life as well, so I might be capable of things beyond ordinary people ever since I was young.

But that, too, is always just me thinking only about what's there and then before my eyes and doing what I can do. It's not me doing the things I want to do out of my will.

And then whenever something touches on the wounds of my past, I end up being unable to do anything. How pathetic.

In other words, I probably didn't have the resolve to live in this world. I'm perpetually bogged down by my previous life, and I didn't try to live my own new life.

I still, haven't found what I want to do in this world, but I have to resolve myself to live on at least......

And then, my fifth autumn since I came to Nemophila Kingdom was here.

Yuzuki-nee-sama and Satsuki-nee-sama will come of age very soon. Since they'll be deployed to the shrines, I headed to the Moon Capital in order to send the two of them off.

It was decided that both of them will depart on the same day. First, I'll send Yuzuki-nee-sama. Yuzuki-nee-sama is Mari-kaa-sama's daughter, so, originally, she would be deployed to Nemophila Kingdom's shrine, but since there are already Tsukikage-nee-sama and Chizuki-oba-san in Nemophila Kingdom's two shrines, it seems she'll be deployed to another country.

That country Yuzuki-nee-sama will be going, is a country called Astilbe Kingdom. It's an island nation far in the east. I've gone there before just once when I went around all the countries to give my greetings.

Since there hasn't been a chief priest in that country's shrine, Yuzuki-nee-sama will be their first chief priest. It seems Otou-sama and Mari-kaa-sama will stay over together for at least a week and create the diagnosis and treatment operations system because of that.

It was decided that right after sending the three of them to Astilbe Kingdom's shrine, I'll go on to send Lucia-kaa-sama and Satsuki-nee-sama to Euphorbia Kingdom.

I used Teleportation to Astilbe Kingdom from the Moon Palace and appeared right above the Royal Castle. We send the ascension-descension device down, and the three of us disembark.

"Onii-sama. Thank you for sending us. Onii-sama, please make sure to come and play"

"Of course. Please call me whenever you like since I can teleport over immediately with Teleportation"

"Yuzuki. You must not really call him immediately even if Tsukuyomi-sama says that. It feels like you will really call him after all"

"My! Okaa-sama. I am not perpetually a child. I am sure I will find a good husband in this country and get married"

"My! It would be great if that is the case"

"Onee-sama, I will really teleport over at any time if you have woes about not conceiving a child"

"Onii-sama, thank you. I will be counting on you"

"Well then, take care!"

Previously, when I came to this country, I was thinking about going around efficiently in a short time, so I didn't have the leeway to look at the scenery. Now, when I look at it like this from the skies, it's a very beautiful country.

Maybe because it's an island nation, the Royal Capital is somewhere near the sea, and the town is spread across the coastline. The mountains' scenery is also beautiful. It might feel kinda close to Japan. Next time, I'd love to try coming here leisurely.

I then left Astilbe Kingdom, and in order to send Satsuki-nee-sama to Euphorbia Kingdom, I used Teleportation once again.

In Euphorbia Kingdom is the senior chief priest, Shizuki-oba-sama. It seems Satsuki-nee-sama will receive guidance from Shizuki-oba-sama, go on to become the Royal Capital's shrine's chief priest, and Shizuki-oba-sama will move to a shrine in a different territory within the country.

After asking about the shrine's situation recently and whether they're taking breaks at the shrine with Lucia-kaa-sama, Satsuki-nee-sama, and Shizuki-oba-sama, I decided to go back.

"Satsuki-nee-sama, please call me at any time if there is anything troubling you. I will come and play occasionally"

"Yes. Onii-sama. I will be looking forward to it"

I used Teleportation to the Moon Palace with the entire ship.


"I have returned"

"Welcome back. Tsukuyomi-sama"

"Uwahー! Onii-samaー!"

"Ahit's Onii-samaー!"

"Play with me!"

"He's playing with me!"

Uwahー, what a pickle. My seven younger brothers are filled with energy. Everybody is already, 4 years old.

Yuzuki-nee-sama and Satsuki-nee-sama are no longer around, and there are 6 Nee-samas left, so it feels like it will be quite a huge trouble to look after and play with them. The Okaa-samas also have a hinge of exhaustion.

I do play with them as well whenever I return to the Moon Palace, but now that they've turned 4 years old, they're brimming with energy. I went out to the garden and entertained them with brute force by hovering the seven of them, spinning them around, carrying them up and putting them down. It's pretty much a supernatural power amusement park.

And then I called the animals for the first time in a long while, fed them, and showed them to my younger brothers.

When I was going back, I was pressed to come back again soon. Today was a fulfilling day where I managed to bear witness to the new chapter of the two Onee-samas' life. It feels like I'll be able to sleep well tonight.

Like that, 10 years were soon about to pass since I was born in this world.


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