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Enveloped By Love

I was called by Mizuki-nee-sama and will be paying a visit to Gladiolus Kingdom's shrine today.

I'll pay a visit by myself since I'll just be teleporting to the shrine.


I arrived inside the shrine with Teleportation. The shrine maiden noticed me and showed me to the reception room right away.

Mizuki-nee-sama showed up shortly after. Nee-sama turned 19 years old. It's probably because she's busy working in the shrine. She stayed beautiful without putting on any unnecessary excess flesh.

"Onee-sama. It has been a long time"

"Onii-sama. I am sorry for making you come today. Have you been well?"

"Eeh, I have been well"

"Again, you have become significantly bigger and more beautiful huh"

"What does it even mean for a man to have become beautiful?"

"I mean, Onii-sama. You are more beautiful than the women around the corner, you know? Have you not had a look in the mirror?"

"I did look in the mirror. But I do not think I am beautiful though?"

"Do you not think Armeria-kaa-sama is beautiful then?"

"Eeh, I think Okaa-sama is the most beautiful in the world"

"Fufuu! In the world, you say? Onii-sama, Armeria-kaa-sama and Onii-sama have such similar faces that you can say you are cut from the same cloth, you know?"

"Eh? I-, is that so......"

"So what is the matter today?"

"Eeh, it has been a year since I got married as well, but I have yet to be blessed with a child. I was wondering if I have some kind of a problem......"

"Did somebody from House Javier say something to you?"

"No, it is not that my partner's family said anything to me. I am worried myself"

About a year and a half ago, Onee-sama married Duke Javier's eldest son whom she got acquainted at the matchmaking dance party.

House Duke Javier is the House of a territory that has a second different shrine from the Royal Capital's shrine.

The announcement that Tsukikage-nee-sama and Duke house's son got married became well-known around the world right away, and conversations on how it was because of the matchmaking dance party, and how that dance party is something Tsukuyomi planned, circulated, and the chief priest Onee-samas sprung up as the top candidates to make as brides.

Every country did the same and held matchmaking dance parties, and the chief priest Onee-samas and even Oba-sans were invited. The Onee-samas became very much sought after and were taken as brides. It seems a few of the Oba-sans got married as well.

There were those who continue their chief priest's job after getting married by commuting to the shrine, and there were those who enter the shrine as a son-in-law like Robelia-dono as well.

Since Mizuki-nee-sama married into the Duke territory's House where the shrine is located, it was decided that she would work as the chief priest by commuting because the shrine is close to the mansion. So Mizuki-nee-sama, the Royal Capital's shrine's chief priest, switched her delegated shrine with Gengetsu-oba-sama again.

Which means Mizuki-nee-sama and her spouse, did not get pregnant for more than a year this time around. Fundamentally, in a case where a healthy couple continues having sexual intercourse without contraceptives, it will be a suspected case of infertility if they do not get pregnant for more than a year. This is Earth's standard though.

"Onee-sama, I suppose that would be worrying. Let's try giving you an examination right away"

"Onii-sama, I am counting on you"

"You have been recording in the basal body temperature chart, right? Could you please show it to me?"

"Yes. Here it is"

Un. It looks like her menstruation has been coming periodically. Nn? It looks like she ovulated just the other day though.

"Well then, I will try having a look, alright. Please remain seated and open your legs slightly"


First, I looked at the inside of her womb. Nn? Is this a myoma? No. This is an embryo. Rather, it just implanted. It sure feels like she'll jump for joy if I carelessly inform her.

As I silently floated up, I went beside Onee-sama, wrapped my right arm all the way around to Onee-sama's right shoulder, and held Onee-sama's left hand with my left hand.

"O-, Onii-sama! What is the matter?"

"Onee-sama, please calm down and listen to me......okay. Onee-sama is currently, pregnant"

"Eh! Really?"

"Eeh, calm down. Make sure not to jump. It still just implanted"

"Ye-, yes. Understood"

"I will give you an examination again 5 weeks from today. If it is doing fine by then, please inform Ricardo-dono and his family about the pregnancy. Essentially, it is still at the stage where we don't know whether or not it will grow properly. You need to rest quietly from here on out"


"Tsukikage-nee-sama was fine as well, so it is okay even if you do the chief priest's job. However, in cases where you have to carry people up or hold heavy objects, please call the shrine maidens and get them to help without doing it yourself"

"Understood. Onii-sama, thank you"

"Well then, I will come again in 5 weeks"

"Yes. I will be counting on you"

I left the shrine and returned to my own room in Nemophila.


"Ara, Tsukuyomi. That was quick. What business did Mizuki have with you?"

"Yes. It looks like she got worried whether or not she is unwell somewhere since she did not get pregnant for the entire year after getting married"

"I see. So how was she?"

"Eeh, coincidentally, she just got pregnant"

"Ara! That is great huh"

"Eeh, but her fertilised egg really only just implanted. Since we still do not know whether it will carry on to grow, it was decided that I will give her an examination again in 5 weeks"

"I see. I am counting on you. Speaking of which, isn't it about time you can tell whether Mira got pregnant as well?"

"A-, aah, yeah. Now that you mention it, that's right"

"Do you not have to go and give her an examination?"

"Yeah. Well then, I will go next week or something"

"Layla. Please notify House Marquis Schultz that Tsukuyomi will go for Mira's examination in a week"


I'll meet Mira in a week huh. It sure feels ever so slightly heavy-hearted.

I used Teleportation to Mira's mansion's saloon a week later at the appointed time.


"Tsukuyomi-sama. We had been waiting. Thank you for coming"

"Hello. Schultz-sama, Emil-dono, Mira"

I was welcomed by the entire family.

"Tsukuyomi-sama. I will be counting on you"

"Un. Mira. Let's immediately perform the examination then, shall we"

I pretended to be calm and faced Mira with a straight face. I looked at Mira's belly without looking at her face, followed by using See-Through Vision inside. And then there was a foetus whose heart had already formed inside the womb.

"Mira. Congratulations. You are pregnant"

While making an adult woman's smile and staring straight into my eyes,

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Thank you. It is thanks to Tsukuyomi-sama that I was blessed with this child"

Mira said politely.

"Un. Congratulations. Please spend your time resting quietly for the 7 weeks from here on out"

"Yes. Thank you"

My eyes met with Mira's during my return. I had the feeling that there was something melancholic in her smile.

"Well then, everybody. See you!"


"Welcome back!"

"Tsukuyomi. Welcome back"

"I'm back. Okaa-sama, Nina, Layla, Stellaria"

"Mira had gotten pregnant"

"I see, that's great huh"

"Uwah, that's great!"

Matilda the Head Maid showed up over there.

"Tsukuyomi-sama. Tsukikage-sama was wondering if you could come to the shrine"

"Yes. Got it. I will go right away. Okaa-sama. I will be off"

"Eeh, got it"

Just as I was about to use Teleportation, my eyes met with Stellaria's. She had somewhat worried-looking eyes.


I used Teleportation to the corridor before the shrine's consultation room. Since Tsukikage-nee-sama got married, as expected, I can't teleport to Nee-sama's bedroom anymore.

"Onee-sama. What is the matter?"

"Ah! Onii-sama. Thank you for coming. It is about the patient over here......"

A young woman was lying on the examination table. Her complexion is bad. Rather, she has jaundice. A young man who I suppose is her husband was standing beside her with a worried-looking expression.

"What were her symptoms?"

"Ye-, yes. Serra occasionally said that her stomach was bloated or she had bad digestion, but she was doing well. But there were recently many instances where she ended up vomiting the things she ate, and her skin and eyes turned yellow"

"Nee-sama. When, did she come here?"

"Yesterday, she came here for the first time. Her consciousness was already foggy at that time, but she ended up losing her consciousness today"

"Aah, I see. Is that so......"

I used See-Through Vision and looked at her organs. 'It's likely going to be her liver', as I thought and tried having a look, cancer cells had already multiplied and enlarged her liver. This is putting pressure on her duodenum and small intestine, causing the stomach bloating and indigestion.

I look further, and the cancer has spread to her lymph nodes. Furthermore, it's not just a handful of places.

It's probably incurable even with Earth's modern medicine. Especially because it's out of my speciality, I can't do anything. Even if I do remove the cancer cells with my ability, those that spread to the lymph nodes are too fine, so I can't remove them completely. Besides, most importantly, her liver is already no good. There's nothing I can do.

"Onii-sama. How is it?"

At that moment, the figure of Stellaria was visible in the corridor. She was listening in over here with a worried-looking face. She probably got worried and came to have a look because I teleported off. It might be Okaa-san's orders though.

"Unfortunately......it is too late. It is liver cancer, but it is already at its final stage. She cannot survive if we remove her liver, and even if she stays like this, it is already"

It was too late by the time they came here. But the symptoms of liver cancer rarely show and are difficult to detect. If it's a commoner who stays somewhere far from the shrine like her, they probably won't think of coming to the shrine right away.

Besides, first of all, the chief priest can't cure it. She was unsavable whatever the case may be.

"N-, no way! Even though, we went through all the effort to come all the way here......why?......Serra! Please! Open your eyes!"

"Sorry. There are illnesses that even the shrine cannot cure"

Tsukikage-nee-sama says with a pained look.

"Aah, I only have Serra. Without Serra, I......"

That husband broke down on the spot crying.

Seeing the two of them, I ended up remembering Mai's final moments. I then overlapped myself with that husband's figure, and I had a feeling I was plunging into deep darkness.

My body was shaking and I was losing the sensations in my legs. I moved backwards with those legs, got caught on something, and went on to fall backwards.

The moment I thought I was going to fall to the ground, Stellaria ran over and supported me. After she hugged me as is and went out to the corridor, she went on her knees on the spot and hugged me tightly.


I used Teleportation to the evening seaside with Stellaria.

For an instant, Stellaria checked the vicinity, but she turned to me again right away and stayed with me while hugging me tightly. As I wrapped my arms around Stellaria's neck and hugged her like I was clinging to her, I quietly cried.

My tears travelled and fell down Stellaria's cheek.

Stellaria paid no mind to the tears and continued to gently accept me without saying anything.

I could hear just the sound of the waves repeatedly, and the occasional calls of the seagulls reverberated at the seaside that had nobody else.

We kept hugging each other and stayed there without even looking at the sunset. Before long, the sun set, and the two of us blended into the darkness.

I don't know how much time has passed since then. The two of us remained enveloped in darkness like the inside of my heart.

"Stellaria. Sorry"

"No, it is okay"

"Does Stellaria know about the story of my past?"

"Yes. I have heard about it from Armeria-sama"

"That person today. The fear and despair of losing his wife, engulfing him......that......ended up overlapping with my own memories......"


"Even though, it has already been more than 8 years......why, even though I was reborn......can I not run away from those memories?......is it because I killed myself. That I am receiving the punishment for that......"

"N-, no way. Something like that is......"

"Sorry. Even if I talk to Stellaria......about such things. You'll just be troubled huh......"

"But, Stellaria, how?......why, did you come to the shrine? Were you told by Okaa-sama?"

"No, I somehow had a bad feeling in my heart. It was saying that I have to go to Tsukuyomi-sama's side"

"I see......thanks. Stellaria"

Once again, I hugged Stellaria tightly. Stellaria also gently put in her strength and hugged me back tightly. 

Even though the night wind should be slightly cold, it wasn't cold because of the warmth of Stellaria who brought her cheek close to me.

It was close to midnight when the two of us returned to the room.


"Welcome back"

Okaa-san was wearing a gown, sitting on the sofa, and waiting for us.

"Stellaria. You supported him for me huh. Thanks"

"It is nothing, Armeria-sama"

"Okaa-sama, I am sorry for worrying you"

"I was not worried because I knew you were with Stellaria"

"Now then, let's enter the bath. Stellaria is also exhausted, right? Please have a rest"

"Stellaria. Sorry. Thanks for today"

"Yes. Tsukuyomi-sama. Good night"

"Good night. Stellaria"

I entered the bath with Okaa-san. Okaa-san hugged me tightly while warming up in the bathtub.

"I heard the story from Tsukikage. Tsukikage was also shaken. She was asking if Onii-sama was alright"

"Is that so. I ended up worrying everybody"

"It is alright. All of us, we understand Tsukuyomi after all. You are doing your best for the sake of the people in this world despite so. In comparison to how massive that is, us caring for you is something that is a given and tiny"

"Okaa-sama. Thank you"

"There is no need to thank me"

"I am happy just being able to hug you tightly like this"

I wrapped my arms around Okaa-san's neck and hugged her tightly like I did with Stellaria just now.

In the same manner, Okaa-san also hugged me gently and powerfully.


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