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Hello friends. I don't do posts like this often, but a sudden urge of inspiration came over me when a patron recommended I make this... and I just HAD to make this! I literally dropped what I was doing and was just like "NO. ART NOW!" 

So here is a Goblin Worg Rider now ready for your gaming needs :D .  Full files are in Monster Manual - G - Goblins. Ok I'm gonna go relax now lol. 




As long as you make a turducken by Thanksgiving, I'm cool with all these other cool builds.


I second this! Maybe have pilgrim gunslingers or something festive like that


I'm still holding out on Christmas Treants for this year lol


This is so cool, but they're usually depicted in groups so I wish there were a couple different poses!


Good news! Its rigged up so if you want to pose them differently the files are there :)


Love this one, sending it to my printer now! Any chance we could get one holding a bow or spear?