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Hello friends! Today I started working on the Appendix B updates! I've decided that the NPCs from Appendix B will be humans of both genders given humans are the most common NPCs you deal with in the game. If you need non-human versions of these you can look through the Adventurers Folders and you're bound to find good alternatives. 

Also, given I've made so many PCs and NPCs over the years it would be foolish to make a fresh model for every NPC when there are so many good models that can fulfill these rolls with some remixing. This won't happen for every model though. Anyway today I made:

  • Acolytes - These are fresh models given the original was rather dated. 
  • Archmages -  For these two I used two existing archmages from the books and gave them some generic attributes, such as Mordenkainen now holding a staff instead of his signature double blade, or Tasha without her cauldron and signature hat. 
  • Assassins - These two were originally rogues, but I had to make some changes to their weapon types, clothing, and also covered their faces. 

Public Link here 

Next up will be the bandits and pirates! Bandits can probably be generic remixes but I don't have any pirates so those will be a lot of fun to take on. And the captains will be fresh too, and lord knows there is a lot of inspiration out there for them. Stay tuned :D 




These are awesome! Would Red Wizards of Thay be considered Arch Mages?


Depends on which one. Most are just mages. I made a whole bunch of them in Tales from the Yawning Portal


Oh awesome! I didn’t know that!!! Cool thank you!


Nice to see one of the Circle of Eight in a new pose!


You are a *beast* my dude. Amazing work, and just before I go running a occult adventure too...