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Hello friends! Today was a somewhat silly day. The first request that came in was nothing crazy. A dragonborn ranger on a pegasus. Pretty normal mini. Full files are in Adventurers - Rangers - Dragonborn Rangers. 

Then came in the next one. A garden gnome and his wizard mastiff buddy. Naturally I made a version without the garden gnome as who doesn't want a wizard puppy at some point in their campaign? Full files are in Adventurers - Wizards- Other Wizards. 

Given how tiny the garden gnome is he sadly won't show up fully in my FDM slicer though the most basic outline of the little fella is there. Should look good in resin though. 

Ok Appendix B models coming in tomorrow! Stay tuned :D




How and where do Patrons make requests? I've only been a patron for a month or so but I absolutely love kitbashing these models. Maybe I'm missing them, but I haven't seen any Tortles. That would be my request. A Tortle anything really... but something angry and about to crush someone's skull would be awesome!


The request board is here :) https://www.patreon.com/posts/23265492


You're awesome! Keep up the amazing work and thank you


Also, I believe there are several tortles in the Adventurers folder.


There are about 20 Tortles already there - if you go to the Mega drive for patrons and type "tortle stl" in the search bar you'll see them - most are scattered in the adventurers by class, eg "in Adventurers - Monk - Other Monks" you'll find six, including 5 "Teenage Mutant Ninja Tortles" -