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Good morning everyone, I hope you are well.


I want to welcome all new subscribers, for those who don't know the game is undergoing a complete refurbishment to become a sort of RPG.


For all the veterans however, time passes but I will never thank you enough for your constant contribution, you have no idea of the energy you give me, and I believe that the best way to repay you is to continue to use most of my energies to create something unique and innovative.


I also wanted to say a few words to those who are rightly wondering when everything will be ready, don't hate me if I'll ignore you, believe me, I'm the first one who can't wait to finish the code, and when I'm sure of a date I'll write it with giant fonts everywhere, it's an extremely delicate period for S&F and I can't be anxious or in a hurry.

Where I come from there is a saying that goes like this:

The hasty cat gave birth to blind kittens.

Work in progress:

These last 2 weeks have been quite challenging, but I'm still here to tell you about it.

-As you can see the backgrounds is acquiring more and more details, I love the evening atmosphere that is being created.

The colors are unmistakably cartoonish and will go perfectly with the color of the characters.


-Sexual escalation has undergone a further restructuring, on the other hand, the code is so complex and full of values that it is necessary to revise it every time I add things to recalibrate its order in order not to get confused me.

I added behavioral styles to the NPCs to allow them to have a goal during the escalation (Positive or negative for the PC values), and for the first time I had to collide with the cost/benefit logic, consequently, I structured the damage caused by words from PCs and NPCs to allow you to level up during the game itself.


-With the development of sexual escalation, some contradictions with the NPC behavior pattern appeared.

It took 5 days but I fixed everything, the dedicated combat and ambush loops needed to align with the new goals achieved in sexual escalation.

Now the code has become even more streamlined, understandable, and functional, and it is a pleasure to test its efficiency daily.


-Libido domination and libido submission:

During the work on escalation, the need arose to attribute a value to submission.

Up until a few days ago, the libido value was only about fucking (Domination) of PCs and NPCs, and it's unacceptable, in such a complex scheme it would have been a significant shortcoming.

I reflected on the fact that a large percentage of players love to play submissive, after all, S&F was born with a PC that was almost always submissive, consequently, it would have been a huge shortcoming not to give values and assets dedicated to submission.

The goal is to reward the submissive player with increased submissive stats that would ensure greater stamina, same thing for the dominant player.

The dynamics foreseen by this new addition are more and until I implement them I prefer not to tell you about them, but I guarantee you that it will be a different level up for the entire video game.


-I added a lot of sex-talking lines, it was fun, I got a lot of inspiration from the collection of hentai comics in my library, and I will add more over time.

Have a nice day.

