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Dear friends, good evening.


The work of these last 2 weeks has been very fruitful, after various attempts I have found a way to make the libido_submission I was talking about in the previous post work and I have obtained important results regarding the decision-making of sexual escalation.

I don't want to bore you by listing the difficulties I had, you know the level of complexity of the code, however, if you are curious enough you can continue reading for more detailed information.

-Libido submission:

As I had already mentioned, libido_domination (that of the cock, to be clear) is the most important value that determines the duration of sexual escalation.

However, assuming that many of you like to see the protagonist of the game submissive, it was essential to create a libido_submission that had functional values.

Well, libido_submission has been created and successfully implemented in escalation.

To be clear, the more submissive sex you will have, the more it will be possible to resist the opponent's libido_domination, making it more difficult for him to corrupt you.

Conversely, the more dominant sex you have, the more powerful your libido_domination will be and the easier it will be for you to corrupt your opponent.

-Perfect balance between PC and NPC:

PC and NPC will have the exact same values, as well as the very same possibilities within the escalation.

Until recently, the possibility of bribing an NPC was not foreseen, but today I can tell you that if you'll are good enough and cultivate the right values, it will be possible to bribe even the toughest of ogres.

I don't want to make a game for submission lovers only, I also want to provide an opportunity to please the lovers of futa_on_futa or male_on_futa as well.

It was therefore necessary to insert a couple of more values that I will explain in the next point.

-Submissive preferences & Dominant preferences:

Imagine an NPC with a disrespectful alignment, in the first place it is easy to think that such an NPC has dominant preferences and continues to fuck you despite your attempts to escape.

However, a disrespectfully aligned NPC might also have submissive preferences and force you to be the dominant one.

I would like these preferences to be editable during the game, thus giving you the opportunity to transform an NPC's dominant or submissive preferences.

So you might find an NPC that defaults to dominant preferences, and if you manage to fuck her submissive enough times, you'll be able to change her preferences, the same thing for NPCs with default submissive preferences.

This will allow the player to shape the game according to their sexual preferences.

However, this model still has some critical issues to resolve, but I'm confident.


I'm not lying to you, it's the hardest thing I've ever worked on in my life, there are too many variables to consider and a single oversight is enough to nullify everything.

I'm happy to report that I've (Maybe) found the final schematic, and (Always maybe) hope to have it finished by next week.

Decision-making is the heart of escalation, the glue that holds all the available sex scenes together between the participating characters.

The decision-making will allow choosing who will be dominant and who will be submissive in the next sexual scene and will depend on these sets of values:

- NPC alignment

- NPC sympathy (The sympathy she feels towards you)

- Libido domination

- Libido submission

- Dominant preferences

- Submitted preferences


Guys, I sincerely hope that you understand the difficulty level of such a project and that you will help me by continuing to show patience.

I'm aware of the effects produced by hipe, but believe me, disturbing the driver while driving is never a wise choice.

We will arrive at our destination, I am sure of it.

Will it be a success? I hope so, but I have no idea.

The only thing I want is to reach the end of this journey and discover it with you.

In any case, it will still be a great victory for me.

A warm greeting from your Alek.




Best of luck. Looking forward to the end of the project :)


Onwards, brother, we'll push you ahead as much as you need