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Guys good morning.

I hope you had a good Easter.

3D backgrounds:

As you can see from the image, my sister is slowly approaching a style that is pleasant to see, the lawn satisfies me but it could be better, and perhaps I would widen the shot a little to give a greater perception of the dimensions of the places.

Sexual Escalation:

Sexual escalation is taking more and more shape and I would like to explain the progress to you in more detail so that you can better understand my efforts, the results achieved, and what is still missing.


Regardless of all this, I want to remind you once again that this programming phase remains as delicate as a brain operation.

And actually this analogy is not far from reality, because the NPCs will have to make autonomous decisions based on their character alignment, physical values, built ties, preferences, and communication habits.

So the risk of postponement of the release is still high.

This short video will show you the size of this code, and it's not done yet.

Code Video

Details Sexual Escalation:

-Number of values for each NPC:

To date, the number of values for each individual NPC is 56, and I do not exclude that it may increase.

Accomplished results:

I start by saying that I'm trying to limit my enthusiasm as a matter of superstition, but this escalation is becoming something really big.

NPCs talk during sex and decide what to say based on all the values I listed earlier.

Right now you can do these things:

(-) The NPC can speak and the PC can decide to answer

(-)PC can speak and NPC can decide to answer

(-) The PC and the NPC can decide to use verbal manipulation with the aim of reducing or increasing the other party's self-esteem

Example 1: A good and loving NPC will tend to use positive verbal manipulations with the aim of increasing the PC's self-esteem)

Example 2: A rude and hostile NPC will tend to use negative verbal manipulations in order to lower the PC's self-esteem)

Example 3: The PC (that is you) will be able to decide which types of manipulations to use, how to defend oneself or how not to defend oneself for the most self-injurious)

(-) The PC and the NPC can decide to flatter, humiliate or use silence with the other part

(-) PC and NPC can decide to show off to boost their self-confidence

(-) PC and NPC can use sex talk to regain the brain-stamina needed to use verbal manipulations

(-) PC can ask NPC to stop (And it's wonderful to see that some NPC won't let you)

(-) PC and NPC can use rhythm manipulation to increase or decrease sexual rhythm (And this will be one of the most useful strategies to make NPCs with proud alignment tired)

(-) The PC or NPC may not be able to speak because their mouth may be full ('O'C====8)

(-) PC or NPC will be able to decide whether to cum inside or outside.

All of this can be visually represented as a dance of values, which increase and decrease according to the strategy of the player and the NPC.

The achievements that I have just listed, are currently only functional in the part of the escalation with the dominant NPC.

But I trust that when I'll get to the dominant PC part it would be enough for me to do a simple copy and paste and change/replace some values.

Upcoming goals:

(-) Malus:

At the moment the maluses I'm considering are: (Domination, outrage, claim, bought, drunk, self-esteem_0, outburst, corruption_max)

Each of these malus will modify the behavior of the sexual escalation, and the words of the characters.

I have a lot of nice ideas about it but I'm waiting to tell you about them when he's able to implement them.

(-) Dominant PC:

As mentioned before at the end of the "Accomplished results" section.

(-) Decision making:

When the dominant character comes, the next sexual scene will have to be decided, and as always your decisions could be listened to or ignored depending on the strategy used during the sexual act.

(-) Sentence compilation:

This will be a very boring phase for me as I will have to write a lot of sentences and fill in the entire outline to provide variable verbal entertainment.


I am thrilled with these results, and I do not regret making the decision to revise the entire project.

And then every time I test this sexual escalation, something moves in my pants and I consider this one of the most important signs that I'm on the right track.

Have a nice week.




Bravo Dark

This system sounds interesting and also fun, keep up the good work👍

Dickgirl lover

Keep up the good work man👍 not to nag but.. do you have any idea when the next beta will be ready?


ASAP dude. We're almost there, but I'm not confident to give a date yet because I must first conclude the sexual escalation, fill in the system with phrases that the NPCs will use and other visual and audio details. The project is huge my friend.