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Here's a time-lapse I did of the full nightly routine process from setting up to finishing the automatic drawing at the end. I filmed it in one shot on my phone which made the whole video about 30 seconds. The process was about 2 and half hours. Just for context, The very beginning where I'm putting out my paints, before I started painting anything took over 10 minutes and it's 2 seconds on the video.

Here's the painting

This was based on a variety of different sketches in my book. I wanted to make a blank face with my Scum Gaze logo kind of floating over it. 

I'm definitely going to develop this idea into something. I don't think I got what I was going for in it. But I still like the way it turned out.

I used that Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine, Yellow Ochre, Raw Umber palette I used in another recent study. I also added some Napthol light and carbon black to this one.

Here's the Automatic drawing that I did afterwards. 

I've been listening to Miles Davis' autobiography while I've been working on this. At this point he's playing with Charlie Parker and getting sick of how he's being treated and how Bird's drug use is getting in the way of the band. Miles Davis also has a more expansive view of where he wants to take his music and he's trying to figure out how to make that work.

 I might do an art life and lives on this book. I'm not really sure though.

***Also: Patreon now has a "collection" feature which will make it easier for you to just browse through my content. I'm going to start making some collections on there as soon as I get a chance.  But before they launched that I started creating YouTube playlists of some of my different types of videos. So both of those things are "scumming" soon, as we say here in the choir (I said it once.)

Alright Sweeties. Have Fun. Goodnight.


Timelapse- August 2023 Nightly Routine: Alla Prima and Automatic Drawing


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