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The sketch 

Here's the sketch I'm basing this painting session on. You might Remember this sketch from the most recent Sketchbook Saturday video where I rambled about one thing or another. 

Alla Prima Painting

This painting session took a little bit longer because of all the drops or jewels or whatever they are on the face. I think 3 hours in total. 

I really am enjoying the challenge of finishing a full painting in one sitting. I think it's good for confidence and moral.

The color pallet I used (I think I spell pallet wrong but oh well) was Ultramarine blue, Alizarin Crimson, Raw Umber, Yellow Ochre, Titanium White.

My favorite thing about the original sketch was that color combination, so I was eager to see how those colors translated to acrylic. I think it looks alright!

It was hard to get a good picture without all that canvas texture in glare. It's weird how different a painting can look in person and in pictures. 

Automatic Drawing

As per the current art routine, I finished out the night with an automatic drawing. 

Obviously, you can use any pen you like for an automatic drawing. My favorite pens to do these with lately are fountain pens. 

I have a Pilot Metropolitan Fountain Pen which is my favorite (top in the picture) and I just bought this Extra Fine Nib Black Forrest by Asvine. The Asvine one doesn't seem to flow as smoothly as the Pilot but I like the finer nib.

I don't know much about these pens. But something feels special about pulling one of these bad boys out to finish the routine. I pretend like I'm signing off on paper work at the end of a work day. But the paperwork is scribbling surrealist/abstract art.

Then I cleaned my brushes and called it a night!

Goodnight Sweeties! Have Fun.



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